FONTS-4-PUPPY -- The Fonts Pool For Puppy

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FONTS-4-PUPPY -- The Fonts Pool For Puppy

#1 Post by maik.murks »

Posting 1: What Is This This Thread Intended To (this posting) ------------------> [Last significant edit/update: 09.06.2011]
:::::::::::::::: ... 042#526042
Posting 2: Post 4 Admin -----------------------------------------------------------------------------> [Last significant edit/update: None so far]
:::::::::::::::: ... 043#526043
Posting 3: Some Simple Rules To Follow -----------------------------------------------------> [Last significant edit/update: 18.06.2011]
:::::::::::::::: ... 044#526044
Posting 4: Some Simple Tools If Needed -----------------------------------------------------> [Last significant edit/update: 10.06.2011]
:::::::::::::::: ... 045#526045
Posting 5 to whatever (except some special posts): Fonts, fonts, fonts -----> [Last significant edit/update: Try to find it out by yourself] :wink:

Posting 61 (5/1): The 'magic sentence' and other ones -----------------------------> [Last significant edit/update: 20.06.2011]
:::::::::::::::: ... 542#532542
Posting 62 (5/2): Something about licenses -----------------------------------------------> [Last significant edit/update: 21.06.2011]
:::::::::::::::: ... 543#532543
Posting 63 (5/3): Some more informations if they are comming ------------------> [Last significant edit/update: 08.07.2011]
:::::::::::::::: ... 544#532544
Posting 64 (5/4): Links of fonts collections posted here in this thread -------> [Last significant edit/update: 18.06.2011]
:::::::::::::::: ... 545#532545
Posting 65 (5/5): Links of fonts packs posted here in this thread ---------------> [Last significant edit/update: None so far]
:::::::::::::::: ... 547#532547
Posting 66 (5/6): Something like a pinboard or a bulletin board -----------------> [Last significant edit/update: 22.07.2011]
:::::::::::::::: ... 548#532548

Posting 136 (10/1): Placeholder (space left free for further use) ----------------> [Last significant edit/update: not existing so far]
:::::::::::::::: ... 207#546207
Posting 137 (10/2): Placeholder (space left free for further use) ----------------> [Last significant edit/update: not existing so far]
:::::::::::::::: ... 208#546208
Posting 138 (10/3): Placeholder (space left free for further use) ----------------> [Last significant edit/update: not existing so far]
:::::::::::::::: ... 209#546209

What Is This This Thread Intended To

Hi all together outside there and inside here.

This is a brand new thread - and it‘s about fonts - of course.

In this thread about fonts for using in your puppy, I like you to share your best and coolest fonts you have, or even those fonts of your collection that you like very much, with the puppy community in a special kind. But if you have a very special kind of font, nobody knows about except you, then this special font should be also a candidate for beeing published in this thread. However, it‘s always up to you, what fonts do you like to share here with the puppy community - but do the sharing of fonts.

So, if you have made a positive decision for sharing a font of your collection or a font you have seen and downloaded it from somewhere out of the deepest places of the internet, then please be so kind and follow some simple rules for publishing a font here within this thread.

You can find these simple rules, I beg you to follow, in the third posting of this thread (post #3 -- some simple rules to follow).

In the fourth posting, you can find some ‚tools‘ and ‚methods‘, which could help you to manage your fonts and to follow the rules (post #4 -- some simple tools if needed).

The intension is to get this thread a little bit clearer and a litte bit more standardized from the start on - only for publishing a font, of course.

Asking for the reasons of these rules?

The answer is pretty simple.

If these simple rules are being followed, it will be very much more easy for someone and everyone to find the right font, he or she is searching for.

I don‘t know, if this concept does work or not - but hopefully it will.

So, come here, all of you, and take part on this thread as soon as possible.

Let‘s build a simple base for fonts with a high usability for all puppies living there.

Let‘s build a big pool of fonts for your puppy, where if you come here for searching for a special font you need at the moment, you‘ll find this font or an alternative to that font, even a better one perhaps.

Let‘s make it very simple, so that everyone can take part without having a special technical knowledge.

And let‘s do it now.

See you soon - hopefully

Cheers :wink:


{ f4p2jumpoff f4p2info4v }
Last edited by maik.murks on Sat 23 Jul 2011, 08:50, edited 35 times in total.

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#2 Post by maik.murks »

Post 4 Admin

Hi Flash.

Since you are an administrator of these forums, this posting is dedicated to you.

Well, just before I have had the idea for this thread, I was looking around within the forums, if there is already existing a thread like this, but I had not found anyone.

So, I decided to start an own thread. But when I want to start this thread, I had some problems to decide, where this thread should belong to.

Should this thread belong to the document section, as the fonts posted here could be used for writing documents?

Or should this thread belong to the eye candy section, as the fonts posted here should looking very well, or cool, or whatever, of course?

Or should this thread belong to the graphics section, as the fonts posted here could be used in graphic editors for example?

Or should this thread better belong to the utilities section, as the fonts posted here could be appropirate and/or adequate to your problem what you are trying to solve, as these fonts could help you to get your ideas working and/or running?

Or should this thread simply belong to the projects section, as the this thread will growing up, it could give something to the puppy community like a simple database of fonts, where every one should be successfull in finding and getting the right font for the right thing, for any given idea?

Or should this thread better belong to a quite differend section?

Questions over questions - and I don‘t have really a good idea, where in the end this thread should belong to.

So, would you please be so kind and help me a little bit - by diciding of what should be the right place of this thread - and by moving this thread to its right place.

And there is still another litte thing. If this thread gets bigger in a manner, that it makes sense for the whole puppy community, then perhaps it would be a good idea to make this thread sticky. So that everyone who need a dedicated font don‘t have to search for this thread. What do you think about that?

Thank you very much.

Cheers :wink:


{ f4p2info4a }
Last edited by maik.murks on Tue 05 Jul 2011, 10:07, edited 8 times in total.

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#3 Post by maik.murks »

Some Simple Rules To Follow

The first intension of these rules is for a much better finding of a special font that fit the actual needs - this means that the intended purpose is not to have a better way of searching, but to have a very much better way of finding.

So, here are the simple rules, I beg you to follow.

1. Only one (in numerals: 1) font in each posting
2. In such a posting, there should be at least some words left about the characteristics of the puplished font - at the very least: The name of the font
3. It‘s mandantory for such a posting to have some files attached
4. The first attachment should be the font itself packed into a zip - i.e. contains the one and only font file with the name coolfont.ttf
5. This second attachment is a picture of some examples of the font with the help of a magic sentence - no pdf, no rtf, no whatever - pure png or jpg only
6. The width of the picture with the font examples shouldn‘t be greater than 600 pixels - never ever
7. The magic sentence is: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
8. The 1st part of the font example is the name of the font written with the font itself
9. The 2nd part of the font example is: the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
10. The 3rd part of the font example is: THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG
11. The 4th part of the font example is: The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog
12. The 5th part of the font example is: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
13. The 6th part of the font example is: 1234567890
14. If a font isn‘t be able to show the whole characters form the given examples, it‘s mandantory to show a second font with the whole examples as a reference
15. If I have an idea for another rule that makes sense, this set of rules will be enhanced

Fifteen simple rules - that‘s ok so far, I think.

And I hope, I haven‘t forgotten anything important.

So, that‘s it for now.

Addendum A [K0618]
Well, the next one rule is rather an opportunity, a chance or a possibility than a real rule. Its intension is to enhance this thread, to get this thread a little bit more usable for members (and guests of course), living in other countries and therefore usually using mostly another language than English for writing respectively talking. However, here comes the rule number 16.

16. Please feel free to enhance the usual view to the fonts posted here by downloading the fonttest-template posted here (Topic --> How to make the fonttest attachments, published with the font archives) and by changeing the magic sentence (as described above in rule 7) to another magic sentence of other languages posted here. If you post a fonttest.jpg of an already existing font in this thread, I‘ll append this fonttest.jpg to the posting with the according font. If you like to post a new inclusiv one or more different fonttest.jpg - well, this would be a good idea - a very good idea.

The rule 16 seems to be a little bit longer than the other ones - but well, what should I say... I hope it is a good one.

That‘s it for now.

Cheers :wink:


{ f4p2info4v }
Last edited by maik.murks on Tue 05 Jul 2011, 10:08, edited 7 times in total.

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#4 Post by maik.murks »

Some Simple Tools If Needed

Here in this place, you should find some simple ‚tools‘ and/or ‚methods‘ that could help you not only for publishing a font by following the simple rules from the posting before.

How to make the fonttest attachments, published with the font archives
Step 1: Download the fonttest template attached to this posting.
Step 2: Open Abiword with the fonttest.rtf document.
Step 3: Change the font in the upper half of the fonttest document with that one you like to use for sharing here.
Step 4: Save the changed document if you like and print the document as ‚coolfont-fonttest.svg‘ if the name of your used font is coolfont.ttf for example, with the ‚print to file‘ function within Abiword.
Step 5: Open coolfont-fonttest.svg with your favorite graphic editor, i.e. gimp, and set the width of the document to 600 pixel.
Step 6: Change the mode of the fonttest document from RGB to grayscale and save it as coolfont-fonttest.jpg.

Now, you should have a coolfont-fonttest.jpg which makes sense to be used for publishing/sharing a font, i.e. coolfont in this thread.
The only thing left to do, is to archive your coolfont.ttf used with the fonttest as a zip archive, i.e.

And now: Happy sharing your coolfont.

How to install Truetype fonts into your Puppy
There is typically no need of an specific installation application to put fonts into your Puppy. The only action really needed in most cases for installing fonts into a Puppy is copying or moving the .ttf files into a certain directory or folder. The path of this directory is ‚/usr/share/fonts/default/TTF‘. This way is the recommended one.

Another way to put some fonts into your Puppy is to create a hidden directory in /root named .fonts and copy or move the fonts into that directory. But unfortunately this way doesn't work in all cases. It seems to be that in all Puppies the 'main central system directory' for TTF fonts is /usr/share/fonts/default/TTF. So, in the case you like to have a system-wide availability for your fonts take the first way. And in the case that you don't like stress with some applications which don't want to recognize some fonts so far - take the first way, too.

The third way is not really a new way but a variant of going the first way or the second one. There is no really need to really put (means copy or move) the fonts into the fonts directory. It is enough to put a link of the font into the font directory. This method has the charm that you can organize your fonts where you want and how you want it. Moreover, this method makes some sense too, if you like to have still an overview of your fonts even if you have a little bit more than some fonts installed - or very much more than some fonts installed. This method in conjunction with the first way is recommended, too.

Recommended by whom? - Recommended by me.

Hope, this helps.

How to get a simple overview of the fonts installed in your Puppy
The answer is pretty simple. Just download the file '' attached to this posting and follow 7 simple steps as described below.

Step 1: Extract
Step 2: Copy or move the file 'fontslist' to $HOME/my-applications/bin
Step 3: Open a terminal
Step 4: Start fontslist by typing fontslist
Step 5: Your defaultbrowser should start and should show you a list of fonts
Step 6: Take a closer look to the fonts installed in your Puppy
Step 7: Enjoy

How does it work? Fontslist is a small script with only 2 lines. The first line, the more important one, generates a file named fontslist.html. The second line starts your default browser 'defaultbrowser' with the generated file of the first line and shows you the contents of fontslist.html. And this should be the actual list of fonts installed in your Puppy formatted as a list of font names in their respective styles.

Since the generated fontslist.html won't be deleted automaticly, it's up to you to convert it perhaps into a fontslist.pdf for example - just if you like.

Hope this helps.

Cheers :wink:


{ f4p2info4v f4p2thingy }
Small utility for a simple overview of the fonts installed in your Puppy
(239 Bytes) Downloaded 1314 times
zip archive with rtf example file for the fonttest used here in this thead
(1.4 KiB) Downloaded 947 times
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#5 Post by maik.murks »


After all these words, the first font in this thread.

I‘ve found it while I was searching the internet for some goodies for something quite different. But in the end it was this font, which makes me to start this thread.

The name of this font: AEZ Puppy Dog Font.
Character set: Not really.

This font is far far away to have a complete character set.

But it‘s cool, isn‘t it?

At least its name

Cheers :wink:

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#6 Post by maik.murks »

Hi all.

Here is another candidate for the fonts pool.

The name of this font: Anton
Character set: At least a full featured latin characterset - as far as I know

Cheers :wink:

(28.98 KiB) Downloaded 1440 times
Anton fonttest.jpg
(34.26 KiB) Downloaded 10818 times
Last edited by maik.murks on Mon 23 May 2011, 12:13, edited 3 times in total.

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#7 Post by maik.murks »

Hi all. 

Here is another candidate for the fonts pool. 

The name of this font: Bevan 
Character set: At least a full featured latin characterset - as far as I know 

Cheers  :wink:

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Last edited by maik.murks on Wed 20 Jul 2011, 18:41, edited 2 times in total.

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#8 Post by maik.murks »

Hi all. 

Here is another candidate for the fonts pool. 

The name of this font: ComingSoon 
Character set: At least a full featured latin characterset - as far as I know 

Cheers :wink:

(34.47 KiB) Downloaded 1407 times
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#9 Post by maik.murks »

Hi all. 

Here is another candidate for the fonts pool. 

The name of this font: FrancoisOne 
Character set: At least a full featured latin characterset - as far as I know 

Cheers  :wink:

(32.5 KiB) Downloaded 1451 times
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#10 Post by maik.murks »

Hi all. 

Here is another candidate for the fonts pool. 

The name of this font: Inconsolata 
Character set: At least a full featured latin characterset - as far as I know 

Cheers  :wink:

(52.48 KiB) Downloaded 1532 times
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#11 Post by maik.murks »

Hi all. 

Here is another candidate for the fonts pool. 

The name of this font: Kranky 
Character set: At least a full featured latin characterset - as far as I know 

Cheers  :wink:

(96.74 KiB) Downloaded 1429 times
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#12 Post by maik.murks »

Hi all. 

Here is another candidate for the fonts pool. 

The name of this font: IrishGrover 
Character set: At least a full featured latin characterset - as far as I know 

Cheers  :wink:

(28.98 KiB) Downloaded 1428 times
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#13 Post by maik.murks »

Hi all. 

Here is another candidate for the fonts pool. 

The name of this font: Chewy 
Character set: At least a full featured latin characterset - as far as I know 

Cheers  :wink:

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#14 Post by maik.murks »

Hi all. 

Here is another candidate for the fonts pool. 

The name of this font: Bangers 
Character set: At least a full featured latin characterset - as far as I know 

Cheers  :wink:

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#15 Post by maik.murks »

Hi all. 

Here is another candidate for the fonts pool. 

The name of this font: AnnieUseYourTelescope 
Character set: At least a full featured latin characterset - as far as I know 

Cheers  :wink:

(39.3 KiB) Downloaded 1405 times
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#16 Post by maik.murks »

Hi all. 

Here is another candidate for the fonts pool. 

The name of this font: Aclonica 
Character set: At least a full featured latin characterset - as far as I know 

Cheers  :wink:

(34.92 KiB) Downloaded 1191 times
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#17 Post by maik.murks »

Hi all. 

Here is another candidate for the fonts pool. 

The name of this font: BigshotOne 
Character set: At least a full featured latin characterset - as far as I know 

Cheers  :wink:

(19.08 KiB) Downloaded 1151 times
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#18 Post by maik.murks »

Hi all. 

Here is another candidate for the fonts pool. 

The name of this font: CherryCreamSoda 
Character set: At least a full featured latin characterset - as far as I know 

Cheers  :wink:

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Last edited by maik.murks on Wed 20 Jul 2011, 18:12, edited 1 time in total.

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#19 Post by maik.murks »

Hi all. 

Here is another candidate for the fonts pool. 

The name of this font: Geo 
Character set: At least a full featured latin characterset - as far as I know 

Cheers  :wink:

(16.27 KiB) Downloaded 1114 times
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Last edited by maik.murks on Wed 20 Jul 2011, 18:13, edited 1 time in total.

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#20 Post by maik.murks »

Hi all. 

Here is another candidate for the fonts pool. 

The name of this font: FontdinerSwanky 
Character set: At least a full featured latin characterset - as far as I know 

Cheers  :wink:

(24.55 KiB) Downloaded 1107 times
(36.11 KiB) Downloaded 10701 times
Last edited by maik.murks on Wed 20 Jul 2011, 18:14, edited 1 time in total.

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