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#21 Post by Grogster »

I can't make this work. :(

Download PET.
Click it.
Puppy asks if I want to install it, I click YES.
Puppy thinks for a moment.
Puppy reports it was installed successfully, and it is in the NETWORK group.
AnyDesk Icon is indeed there.
Clicking that icon results in nothing at all - no gui comes up for AnyDesk, so there is no way I can configure it. :(

Basically, clicking it results in nothing. Nothing happens. No error message presents itself.

Can someone please help me work out why it won't work?

I'm running Slacko64 6.3.2

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#22 Post by Geek3579 »

Check if it is really installed: run "whereis anydesk" in the terminal (without quotes). "anydesk: /usr/bin/anydesk /usr/share/anydesk" should be produced.

If so, try running "anydesk" in the terminal and see what, if any error messages are produced.

As I recall, I I run the 64 bit .pet (mentioned in a previous post) in LXSC64_19.09 FYI.

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#23 Post by Grogster »

Thank you. :)

I will try this tomorrow.
The server(running Puppy) is out in the garage, and it is very cold tonight, so I will check on this tomorrow and post results. Thanks for the reply.

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#24 Post by Mike Walsh »

@ Grogster:-

We-e-ell, if you're running Slacko64 632, that could be the source of some of the problems.

From what I can figure out, it was one of Micko's early attempts at a 64-bit Puppy. I know other people have reported having 'issues' trying to get a whole range of stuff running under 64-bit 632, though some of it could just be down to being Slackware-based; Slackware are very conservative with what they supply by default, and it often needs dependencies, etc., installing which come OOTB with the 'buntu-based Pups. Some of this could also be down to the fact that the 64-bit Slackos use a separate 'lib64' directory, which in the 'buntu-based Pups is merely a sym-link to 'lib' itself.....

Follow the suggestion above. In fact, do this: enter

Code: Select all

ldd /usr/local/bin/anydesk
If that says 'Nothing found', try

Code: Select all

ldd /usr/bin/anydesk
....instead. It'll be in one of those two locations.....I'm just not sure whose package you're using. I've done some; ozsouth has done one or two; WiZard has done a couple. Some of us put the binary in one location, some.....the other.

This should give a complete readout of what AnyDesk needs to run. If anything is missing, it'll tell you. (I'm betting you're missing libpolkit-gobject, amongst others.)

Let us know how you get on, please.

Mike. :wink:
Last edited by Mike Walsh on Wed 27 May 2020, 13:00, edited 1 time in total.

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#25 Post by ozsouth »

@grogster - I had to install extra libs to make Anydesk work in ScPup64. After checking slacko64-6.3.2, it is missing (at least) the same libs. The attached .pet will install those & you MIGHT find it runs. If not, need to search for all needed libs via Mike Walsh's ldd command above. Install .pet by clicking on it in ROXFiler.
(108.01 KiB) Downloaded 138 times

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#26 Post by Grogster »

Hello. :)

@ Mike: Slacko64 632 is getting a bit old, some others in the know have told me, and I don't know if that build is even being maintained anymore, so you have a point. I do have a copy of Bionic64(the latest one), so I might set that up on another USB drive and see if I can get AnyDesk running on that any easier.

I am using the AnyDesk PET by WiZard, that I downloaded from a link further up this thread. I chose AnyDesk, as it seemed to be getting good feedback from the members over the alternatives.

@ ozsouth: Thank you - I have downloaded that, and I will install that and run it and see if that help.

@ everyone: I will post results. Even assuming I can get 632 to run AnyDesk, would it be the consensus of the members here, that I really should move up to Bionic64? I expect the answer might be yes?

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#27 Post by Grogster »


ldd to /usr/local/bin/anydesk spat back: "not a dynamic executable."
ldd /usr/local/bin/anydesk spat back the same.

Looking at the FS tree in filemanager, /user/local/bin/anydesk DOES NOT EXIST.
Neither does /usr/bin/anydesk.
Not as a file or folder at either of those locations.

I tried installing the library ozsouth posted here, and it ran and installed the library fine, but AnyDesk does not run.

Time to install Bionic64 and try again perhaps?

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#28 Post by Grogster »

Tried Bionic64 v8, but Windoze FLATLY refused to talk to it - can't even see it.
If I put back in the Slacko64 632 USB and boot that, Windoze talks to that right away.
I setup everything in Bionic64 the same as Slacko64, but it will not talk.

I have no idea why.
I suspect that Simple Samba Sharing is not quite right in Bionic64, or....more to the point....WINDOZE is just being a female procreation organ.....

I will boot up another Puppy or perhaps Mint box tomorrow, and see if I can see the Bionic64 shares.

I hate Windoze and SMB.
Is there a more native Linux file-sharing protocol I could use, with perhaps an app for Windoze so I can then talk to those boxes, and bypass the totally PITA Windoze networking nightmare?

Interestingly, my OpenElec mediaplayer also refused to talk to either the Slacko or Bionic boxes via SMB. The OE mediaplayer talks just fine to the NASLite2 server box(setup as SMB shares), but cannot see anything else on SMB in the same network. (Workgroup)

Again - I have no idea why that should be.

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#29 Post by ozsouth »

@grogster - you could try ScPup64 - ver 20.01+2 is recent & stable.
Is here: ... o/download

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#30 Post by Mike Walsh »

@ Grogster/all:-

I believe the issue here is quite simple. WiZard's .pet package from above is 32-bit.....indeed, all the packages linked-to are, since they were built for radky's DPup 'Stretch'.

Unless you have the 32-bit compatibility SFS package installed - and I'm not certain if Micko ever built these - I would expect to see a 'Wrong ELF class' error come up in the terminal, at the very least!


@ Grogster:-

Before trying again with Bionicpup64, give this package a go. It's the very newest 64-bit 5.5.6 package, which I upgraded to myself only yesterday:- ... sp=sharing

If you've got ozsouth's 'extra libs' installed, this stands a good chance of running. Note; we may need to deal with the 'sym-link' issue that's required in the 64-bit Slackos, though I'm not certain yet.

Uninstall WiZard's package, just to keep things 'tidy', install this one, then start it from the terminal:-

Code: Select all

.....and let us know what happens, please.


If all you want is to be able to share files, there is always Dukto. For just sharing files, I recommend this one because it's cross-platform.....available for Windoze, Mac and Linux. I think there may even be an Android port, but I'm not at all certain about that one.

Take a look at the Dukto thread I opened a couple of years ago:- ... 113738#top

I think, for you, the Tahr64 package would probably be closest. Tahr used a 2.19 glibc, Slacko64 632 uses a 2.17. You'll also need a Qt4 package; this one's been modified from the Tahr64 Qt 4.8.6 package, to allow for Slacko's use of 'lib64' instead:- ... sp=sharing

(This app is a 'pusher', unlike Samba, which is a 'puller'. With Samba, you 'pull' files from the other machine's client. With Dukto, you 'push' them across to the other machine, though you do need to have Dukto open on both for things to work.)

Let us know how you get on with these suggestions.

Mike. :wink:

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#31 Post by Grogster »

Hello all. :)

Thanks for your continued interest.

@ ozsouth - thanks, I will download that and have a play with it over the weekend. :)

OK, I tried Mike's latest AnyDesk PET, which installed fine.

Oh, BTW, before I did that, I used Puppy Package Manager to remove the old versions as suggested, and Puppy reported this was all completed without error. I left the 64-bit library that ozsouth linked me to installed.

AnyDesk in NETWORK menu, but again - simply won't run.

SOMETHING happened to /usr/bin, cos both those folders names were bold, which indicates that new files or something was changed in that path, so that was a good sign.

However, "ldd /usr/bin/anydesk" results in Puppy saying: "No such file or directory."

I will flick back onto Bionic64, and try installing the latest PET from there.

What I DID do differently today, was right-click/DISCONNECT the shares in Windoze before I started playing about. It would seem that Bill(Windoze) gets itself into a real tizzy, if you remove network shares WITHOUT disconnecting them from Windoze FIRST. That might have been why I was having so much trouble with Bionic64 last night, so THIS time, I have most defiently told Windoze to drop those shares before I start playing around.

There are MANY video and articles on the net, about how much of a PITA Windoze Ten networking is, and how difficult it is to get simple stuff like sharing up and running. I don't know who wrote their network stack etc, but they need to work on it more, cos I find that with Windoze Ten, the only networking that works really well, is the Internet connection. Any LAN stuff, you have to fight it so much, and I hate it. :evil:

....but I digress a little, sorry.

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#32 Post by Grogster »


OK, I am back in Bionic64, re-installed AnyDesk PET that Mike linked to at the bottom of the previous page, and it won't run.

BUT, this time it IS there in the FS tree, and LDD does give me some useful information: ... 9.png?dl=0

With the above info in mind, do I just sudo apt-get install those dependencies from the console?

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#33 Post by Mike Walsh »

Grogster wrote:UPDATE:

OK, I am back in Bionic64, re-installed AnyDesk PET that Mike linked to at the bottom of the previous page, and it won't run.

BUT, this time it IS there in the FS tree, and LDD does give me some useful information: ... 9.png?dl=0

With the above info in mind, do I just sudo apt-get install those dependencies from the console?; because Puppy doesn't use "sudo", "apt-get", and all the rest of that crap. Just install them via the PPM.

In fact, here you go. This will add 'em for you.....attached below.

Mike. :wink:
Extra libs for Anydesk running in Bionicpup64.....
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#34 Post by Grogster »

Hello. :)

Installed the extra PET you linked me to, and AnyDesk GUI is now up and running fine on Bionic64! 8)

Thank you!

I have no addresses, cos that is the only machine with AnyDesk installed at the moment, so I will install AnyDesk on my Windoze machine, and I think that will then generate the address I need to talk to the Puppy box from the Windoze one.

The experimenting continues....

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#35 Post by Mike Walsh »

Grogster wrote:Hello. :)

Installed the extra PET you linked me to, and AnyDesk GUI is now up and running fine on Bionic64! 8)

Thank you!

I have no addresses, cos that is the only machine with AnyDesk installed at the moment, so I will install AnyDesk on my Windoze machine, and I think that will then generate the address I need to talk to the Puppy box from the Windoze one.

The experimenting continues....
Ah, glad to hear that 'fixed it'. Nice one! Image

Mike. :wink:

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#36 Post by Grogster »

OK, I have AnyDesk running on my Windoze machine, and also on Bionic64, and both boxes have been assigned addresses by AnyDesk.

I did have a little head-scratching moment when I could not talk to it, as I have setup Puppy with a static IP address, but had forgotten to enter in the gateway and DNS IP addresses. Once I did that.....

I can talk to Puppy from Windoze in AnyDesk, BUT how do I make the unattended password work?

In Puppy, "Setup unattended access", tick "Enable unattended access", and setup a password for unattended access, but after I do that, the check box is unticked when you return to the settings. If I then tick that again, I just keep getting asked to enter the password - so I do, and come out, and the box is unticked again, so I tick it, and get asked to set the password......

That just goes around in circles and never works. :(
If I ignore putting a tick in the box after setting the password on the Puppy box and then try to talk to it from Windoze, it says it is waiting for the other end to allow the connection, which is not what I need.

I need the unattended access feature to work, as this box will live in the garage outside which is physically separate from the house, so I can't be going out there to accept the connection every time I want to talk to the server from inside the house. ;)

Have any of you seen this issue and do you have any way to fix it?

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#37 Post by foxpup »

On a non american keyboard, maybe you give the wrong password.
I tried rdp some time ago, and I remember there was something with the keyboard.
You have to fake you are on an american keyboard if you are not.

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#38 Post by Grogster »

I am. ;)

Our KB standard is US, and that is what I selected when setting up Puppy.

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#39 Post by nilsonmorales »

Something in yad or gtkdialog would be really nice
From the web:
Free for 100 devices
No port forwarding

Here's how you'd set it up:

Host person creates a account and creates a Network there (Check the IPv4 Auto-Assign box)
Host person gives the Network ID to everyone else
Everyone installs ZeroTierOne
Everyone tells ZeroTierOne to join Network ID
Host person clicks Auth on everyone's device at
Now everyone is on the same LAN :)
In Puppy just start the service in terminal like this

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

zerotier-cli join NETWORK-ID
check with ipconfig command
zt0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr EE:72:31:98:71:49
inet addr:10.147.*.* Bcast:10.*.*.255 Mask:
RX packets:12902 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:18678 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:915216 (893.7 KiB) TX bytes:35932655 (34.2 MiB)
then add the new user in my network in the zerotier website
install the app in android and add to my network too
start x11vnc server in desktop pc
and some vnc viewer in the cel
theres clients for linux cli, windows and mac
Still dont test pc 2 pc
here the pet for 32 bits tested only in xtahr
ldd /usr/sbin/zerotier-one => (0xb77cc000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb751d000) => /lib/ (0xb74d6000) => /lib/ (0xb74b9000) => /lib/ (0xb749d000) => /lib/ (0xb72ee000)
/lib/ (0x800fc000) ... WqEbzsjmmk
[b][url=]My blog |[/url][/b][b][url=]| Github[/url][/b]

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#40 Post by hippieelmo »

Looking for a good VNC client that will work on Tahr 32 bit. I have downloaded a few but the programs don't load. Hard drive flashes a few times and nothing else.


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