Mounting proc in a chroot?

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Mounting proc in a chroot?

#1 Post by s243a »

In the (and also proc is mounted as follows:

Code: Select all

mount -t proc none $FAKEROOT/proc
on archwiki they give the alternative one-liner:

Code: Select all

mount -t proc /proc proc/

The first variant works on Buster (running from a save folder on the hard drive), in my tiny_puduan running from a save folder on a usb drive (PUPMODE=13?), the first command causes /proc to become unmounted. I'm guessing there might be things in my initrd scripts that I should fix but I have no clue where to start.

I'm also wondering if the second form given by archwiki might avoid this problem. However, I also wonder if the second form might cause problems when trying to unmount proc/.

Maybe, there is some kind of test I can do to see if the first form will work properly and if not do the second form.
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