Advice to a Human Rights Reporter.

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Advice to a Human Rights Reporter.

#1 Post by purple379 »

Some individuals based on their experiences, perhaps not their choice, have experiences where they want others to know of Violations of Human Rights they have Witnessed.

My first advice is not to trust the internet to keep you identity secret. Staying safe might be the best revenge. However, if one was, say one of the Muslim population in some parts of China, one is only waiting until they come for you.

By Advice, I mean that the individual who wants to send his Witness to others, is not very computer knowledgeable, but has like (the future posters on this thread) are his knowledgeable best friend who knows Computers is telling him what to do, what never to do.

I keep in mind that encryption is broken in practice, not in theory. Although for myself, I often suspect that if, say, the NSA could break the public encryption, they would be crying that the encryption is not breakable, they need back doors, while in the back room of the NSA they are giggling into their coffee.

I think the advice I would see is more than, use _____ Linux OS. Also a check list of advice. Not just use encryption, but which encryption programs for today's world.

Here, on this forum we often write about possible security holes. Questionable practices. I am thinking of advice for a person who has limited computer experience, very little time/access to look things up. I see some advice of this type on some webpages, but that advice is quickly dated. Computer Security is always a moving target.

Sorry I am this is thread opening is not very well written. I am taking a wonderful pain drug this morning.

Anyone want to offer advice? Re-word this initial thread?

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Moose On The Loose
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#2 Post by Moose On The Loose »

Steganography is a good method to hide the fact that there is a file.
A series of photos of your dog could hide an encrypted file.
A document about some boring topic can hide a fair about of data in the constant change of font etc.
An Oasis format document (open office) can carry a fairly large payload in other clever ways.

There is a way to make a USB memory stick have some "bad sectors". This unfortunately won't fool an expert but it can make it so a casual look just sees a memory stick with a few pictures or something.

Getting involved with an online forum focusing on something like cooking etc that is considered politically safe is a good way to have some online traffic that nobody will get excited about.

Getting your self and family to safety so you can openly tell the story may be the very best option if you can do it. "Safety" can be a problem because the bad guys can still come after you in your new home.

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