Fatdog64 Contributed Packages and SFS

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#321 Post by step »

rufwoof wrote:
step wrote:Thank you, rufwoof. If you want to find out how to make packages for fatdog, it's explained in the (markdown) FAQ entry "How to make packages for Fatdog64".
Oh I get that step, instead for example in the case of syncterm the mkdir /syncterm;make DESTDIR=/syncterm install;cd /syncterm;makepkg -c n -l n /tmp/syncterm-1.0-x86_64-1.tgz type make package process results in a .tgz with a /usr/local/share/applications location for the syncterm.desktop file (and other files) instead of /usr/share/applications that I'd more usually use - and that I believe fatdog actually uses.

My inclination is to just shift the /usr/local/share... over to /usr/share... but that could break things ???
Hi rufwoof. It is safer to make the makefile shift paths for you. With make based build usually it takes a combination of PREFIX and DESTDIR.
This set of commands compiled syncterm and installed it under /usr/bin /usr/share for me. The SRC_ROOT variable comes from reading file COMPILING.

Code: Select all

wget --xattr -c wget http://www.balcos.net/bbs/syncterm-1.0.tgz 
uextract syncterm-1.0.tgz 
cd syncterm-1.0.tgz.extracted/syncterm-1.0/src/syncterm/
mkdir syncterm-1.0-x86_64
make SRC_ROOT=`realpath ..` DESTDIR=syncterm-1.0-x86_64 PREFIX=/usr
make SRC_ROOT=`realpath ..` DESTDIR=syncterm-1.0-x86_64 PREFIX=/usr install
cd syncterm-1.0-x86_64/
mkdir install
slackdesc syncterm 1.0 "(BBS)" "Syncterm is a BBS terminal program."  "http://www.balcos.net/bbs"  | tee install/slack-desc
makepkg -c n -l n `pwd`.txz
installpkg ../syncterm-1.0-x86_64.txz 
man syncterm
less /usr/share/applications/syncterm.desktop

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#322 Post by rufwoof »

Thanks for that step, very helpful.

syncterm is nice. I did however discover a means to use xterm for better viewing of BBS's (I like to install the real xterm and I have quite a extensive .Xresources/.Xdefaults that sets its up quite nicely). Launch xterm using ...

xterm -k8 -fn vga

I did install some ansi fonts from https://techtinkering.com/downloads/ansifonts.tar.gz i.e. extracted that archive to the font directory using:
tar -xvzf ansifonts.tar.gz -C /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc
and made sure that X knows about those fonts:
mkfontdir /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/
xset fp rehash
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sue - Wordstar command style cli editor

#323 Post by rufwoof »

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tilda terminal

#324 Post by rufwoof »

The default tilda terminal in Fatdog requires ctrl left-mouse-click in order to follow hyperlinks (urls). The attached version is a modified version of that, where left mouse click alone follows links.

Changed ...

src/tilda_terminal.c line 753

/* Check if we can launch a web browser, and do so if possible */
/* Rufwoof if ((event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) && match != NULL) */
if ( match != NULL )
(172 KiB) Downloaded 458 times
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#325 Post by step »

When I enabled similar click-URL functionality for my custom urxvt build I initially settled for left click too, but then I changed it to middle click because too often I was inadvertently opening the browser while trying to select some text near a URL.

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#326 Post by don570 »

Release candidate for Blender 2.80 3d software...


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#327 Post by rufwoof »

step wrote:When I enabled similar click-URL functionality for my custom urxvt build I initially settled for left click too, but then I changed it to middle click because too often I was inadvertently opening the browser while trying to select some text near a URL.
In a tilda terminal as you hover over a url it underlines it so you can see when its 'selected'. Not really encountered problems with highlighting text and clicking a url in error myself, so left mouse click works fine for me.

I store all of my bookmarks in a text file and have that as one of my tilda drop down tabs (as I reboot a clean system every time, including a clean browser). F1 to drop down tilda terminal, more often where its already showing the url's tab that I store bookmarks in, click a url and that restores the browser - loaded with that url's web page content.
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Adding tmux, mc, ssh, scp, sftp, sshfs into initrd

#328 Post by rufwoof »

Fatdog 8.2 initrd.xz for the following available here -> initrd.xz

Fundamentally the same initrd as the default Fatdog supplied version, extended to cater for a 'baseshell' kernel boot parameter that when present boots into cli/tui with ssh, sshfs, mc, tmux, screen and fp IDE (not the full fp, just the front end that is intended to be used as a text editor only).

At 79MB its around 6MB larger than the standard initrd.


For reference, a script I use to pull out all libs used by a program - so you can drop them into initrd ...

Code: Select all


function mkchroot 
  [ $# -lt 2 ] && return 

  for i in "$@" 
    # Get an absolute path for the file 
    [ "${i:0:1}" == "/" ] || i=$(which $i) 
    # Skip files that already exist at target. 
    [ -f "$dest/$i" ] && continue 
    if [ -e "$i" ] 
      # Create destination path 
      d=`echo "$i" | grep -o '.*/'` && 
      mkdir -p "$dest/$d" && 
      # Copy file 
      cat "$i" > "$dest/$i" && 
      chmod +x "$dest/$i" 
      echo "Not found: $i" 
    # Recursively copy shared libraries' shared libraries. 
    mkchroot "$dest" $(ldd "$i" | egrep -o '/.* ') 

mkchroot "$@" 

exit 0 


use the above shell script to copy all the executables listed on the command line, 
and all the shared libraries they link to, into a new directory. Then you can chroot 
into that directory to make sure they run. 

The first argument is a new directory, and the rest of its arguments are 
executables to copy. You can try it out like so: 

  mkchroot subdir /bin/sh /bin/ls 
  sudo chroot subdir /bin/sh 
  ls -l 
(A variant of the original copied from Rob Landley https://landley.net/writing/).

For example creating a folder /FILES and running the above script with parameters of /FILES tmux localedef mc mcedit ssh scp sftp sshfs ... assuming they're already installed into your main Fatdog system will largely copy the required files/libs into /FILES. Some additional files do need to manually added to that set for instance ssh also requires

cp /etc/nsswitch.conf /FILES/lib64/.
cp /lib64/libnss* /FILES/lib64/.

(and a copy of your ~/.ssh folder (ssh keys). mc also is missing a range of files/folders for it to work as intended. For mc I manually added (copied) folders

For tmux I copied across my ~/.tmux.conf to /etc/tmux.conf.

For utf-8 I copied /usr/share/locale/en and en_GB, I also copied the folder /usr/share/i18n and terminfo and udhcpc. And a empty folder /usr/lib64/locale

Having a initrd that is quite functional by default (base fatdog), where you can wireless/hard-wired net connect and have ssh, tmux, mc etc. all to hand within that initrd is IMO considerably superior to the current base fatdog initrd. And whilst that does expand the initrd (without fd64.sfs up from around 72MB to 90MB, much of that additional content is relatively compressible. For instance gzip that initrd and it weighs in at around 80MB (just 8MB heavier). And that's before dropbear, that is included in the default initrd, is dropped (no longer required if replaced by the more comprehensive Openssh as above).

To accomodate entering the initrd shell I modified /sbin/system-init to add a baseshell boot parameter, so the modified section looks like ...

Code: Select all

# process keyfile - after load modules, before basesfs 

# baseshell 
grep -q baseshell /proc/cmdline && echo 'Starting baseshell. Type "exit" to continue or reboot -f to reboot' && setsid cttyhack /bin/sh 

# configure mdadm and lvm if requested, before basesfs and savefile 
To start tmux within initrd I created a script /root/runtmux.sh with content

Code: Select all


PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin export PATH
HOME=/root export HOME

# attempts to get tmux going (utf-8)

export TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/share/locale 
export TEXTDOMAIN=easyinitrd 
export LC_COLLATE=C 
export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 

cd /root
mkdir -p /usr/lib64/locale		# tmux (utf-8) failed without this folder

[ ! "$INIT_LANG" ] && INIT_LANG=C #precaution. 
#this should match console font loaded in quicksetup... 
case "${wkgLANG}" in 
 ar*|he*|iw*) #arabic, hebrew 
  loadfont < /lib/consolefonts/LatArCyrHeb-16.psfu 
 *) #all european languages... 
  loadfont < /lib/consolefonts/LatGrkCyr-8x16.psfu 

export wkgLANG 

#gzip -d /lib/boot/keymaps/uk.gz 
#loadkmap </lib/boot/keymaps/uk 

#170206 reintroducing aufs in the kernel: 
if grep -qw aufs /proc/filesystems; then 

localedef -f UTF-8 -i en_US en_US.UTF-8 

export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 
export LANGORG=en_US.UTF-8 

# tmux requires pseudo terminal 
mount -t devpts non /dev/pts -o ptmxmode=0666,newinstance 

# Setup/run tmux

#R=`ps -ef | grep tmux | wc -l`
#if [ $R -gt 1 ]; then
#	exit

# start a tmux session, detach 
# then send commands to that before reattaching to it 
# Note that C-m is carriage return (enter) 

# create a tmux session called work, and deattach so we can send keys to it 
# Create the first window and load our menu into that ... 
tmux new -s work -d 
tmux rename-window -t work Menu 
tmux send-keys -t work '/bin/sh -c /root/menu.sh' C-m 

# Add another tmux window 
tmux new-window -t work
tmux rename-window -t work top
tmux send-keys -t work "/bin/sh -c /bin/top" C-m

# Add another tmux window 
tmux new-window -t work
tmux rename-window -t work mc
tmux send-keys -t work "/bin/sh -c /usr/bin/mc" C-m

# Add another tmux window 
tmux new-window -t work
tmux rename-window -t work notes
tmux send-keys -t work "/bin/sh -c /usr/bin/mcedit /root/notes.txt" C-m

# and finally select which window to show first and attach to the tmux work session 
tmux select-window -t work:4 
tmux attach -t work
and created a /root/notes.txt file for that to read/load. Along with a /root/menu.sh file that acts as a menu (options printed out and read/case select/action script).

For a nicer (for my laptop screen) console font I modified /sbin/system-init to use a 32 bit font ter-i32b.psf.gz that I obtained from somewhere)

Code: Select all

				modprobe nls_cp850
				echo 850 > /etc/codepage
# Rufwoof - for uk we can use same as us				
#				setfont -C /dev/console $BOOT_FONTS/LatGrkCyr-8x16.psfu.gz
#				echo LatGrkCyr-8x16 > /etc/fontmap
				setfont -C /dev/console $BOOT_FONTS/ter-i32b.psf.gz
				echo ter-i32b > /etc/fontmap
... copying that font file into /lib/boot/consolefonts

With how I did it recorded (so I can repeat the process for later releases of Fatdog), attached is the initrd.xz for all of that. Using grub4dos to boot I'd suggest starting with a menu.lst entry of

Code: Select all

title NOMODESET VGA=ASK Fatdog baseshell
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz baseshell pkeys=uk savefile=none nomodeset vga=ask
initrd /initrd.gz
and typically press Enter when prompted for a video mode and select 0. Within that on the Menu window there are basic options to manually connect to eth0 or wlan0.

... and then perhaps progress onto something like

Code: Select all

title Fatdog baseshell with wlan0
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz baseshell net=wpa2:ssssssss:pppppppp:wlan0:dhcp pkeys=uk savefile=none
initrd /initrd.gz
... where ssssssss and pppppppp are your wireless ssid and password respectively. That then has you auto net connected to wlan0 on bootup and uses a better screen resolution.

After that, its down to you. Note that there's no fd64.sfs in any of this, so if you want to exit the above and continue conventional Fatdog booting, make sure you copy a fd64.sfs from somewhere to / before you exit the initrd shell. Or specify the basesfs and save file locations on the kernel boot line as you would normally.

Fundamentally the linked initrd.xz is the same as the standard fatdog initrd (but compressed to use .xz). But when the baseshell kernel boot parameter is included as above it drops to initrd cli and is set to run /root/run-tmux which loads up tmux that automatically starts on the /notes.txt page (that shows some help). Type a backtick character and the press 1 ... will take you to the menu window. Use the kill menu option to exit tmux and resume the standard bootup (or use the r (reboot) menu option to shutdown or p (power off) ...etc. Assuming its net connected OK then there are other options, reddit or a BBS for instance. Or press F11 to open a new window (cli) and ssh or sshfs mount ...etc. mc is also automatically loaded in another window, as is top (process viewer).

EDIT: extended to also include screen and fp ide (ide only - as a text editor/calculator). fp doesn't run well within tmux, however a workaround is to run 'screen' (another multiplexer) within tmux and then run fp within screen.

EDIT Jul 16 2019 : newer version uploaded that also includes ccrypt and pcrypt (pcrypt uses one time pad encryption, so a encrypted file takes up twice the amount of disk space, but where the .fck and .key files have to be together in order to reconstruct the clear text (non-encrypted) copy).

EDIT Jul 17 2019 : newer version that uses terminus 28 bold font. ter-i32b was a bit too large for my laptops 1366x768 i.e. 768 / 32 = perfect fit for 24 character lines height that most x-terms default to. However when using tmux to ssh into hashbang where tmux is also running on that, then that's two character lines of tmux panels (one at the top, one at the bottom for my setup). telnet into a BBS from that and as DOS type windows work best with 80x25 then for some activities such as Multi-BBS relay chat the chat window was too small (22 lines). Swapping to the i28b font = 768 / 28 = 27 (rounded down) character lines, which when there are two lines for tmux panels still leaves 25 lines within which BBS chat (and/or other DOS type 80x25 content) comfortably fits, whilst the general use font size (other things) is still large/comfortable enough to avoid having to go -_- at the screen.

For fun/pastime I added dosbox into initrd, installed win3.1 and telix into a folder on hdd and played retro-style for a while. This image was taken in actual fatdog as initrd doesn't include a screen snap.


Left window is Telix connecting to a BBS, right window is Win3.1 running paint, using two separate DOSBox sessions. Focus and Alt-Enter to full screen maximise .. nice. That's a quite heavily reduced Win 3.1, which as a sfs is around 7MB, but does open up a alternative to running a gui within initrd (mouse etc worked fine for me) i.e. boot to initrd cli, extract the win31 sfs and then within dosbox mount that mount point as the c:

unsquashfs -f -d /mnt/sda1/win31 win31.sfs

and in dosbox ...
mount c /mnt/sda1/win31

Edit 18 July 2019 : newer version that now includes dosbox and a mario (gui) game (in /games/mario). Read the mario.txt file for the keys to use. No sound as initrd hasn't any sound configured/installed. That has pushed initrd.gz up to 84MB in size.

boot with the bootshell kernel boot parameter and at the initrd command line read the /readme.txt file.
(69.28 KiB) Downloaded 711 times
Last edited by rufwoof on Thu 18 Jul 2019, 16:06, edited 9 times in total.
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WPS Office 2019 (that includes a web browser)

#329 Post by rufwoof »

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Blender 2.80 rc2 is now available

#330 Post by don570 »

Blender 2.80 rc2 is now available

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#331 Post by step »

Recently uploaded packages and SFS files: Info and download instructions: >main post.

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#332 Post by jake29 »

Description: Libva-utils is a collection of tests for VA-API (VIdeo Acceleration API), includes vainfo.

File-name: libva-utils-2.5.0-x86_64-802.txz
File-size: 406 kb
Download: libva-utils-2.5.0

Description: Libva is an implementation for VA-API (VIdeo Acceleration API).

File-name: libva-2.5.0-x86_64-802.txz
File-size: 134 kb
Download: libva-2.5.0

Description: VA-API user mode driver for Intel GEN Graphics family.

File-name: Libva-intel-driver-2.3.0-x86_64-802.txz
File-size: 860 kb
Download: Libva-intel-driver-2.3.0

Description: The Intel(R) Media Driver for VAAPI is a new VA-API (Video Acceleration API) user mode driver supporting hardware accelerated decoding, encoding, and video post processing for GEN based graphics hardware.

File-name: intel-media-va-driver-18.4.1-x86_64-802.txz
File-size: 18 mb
Download: intel-media-va-driver-18.4.1

Note: Add following to /etc/profile to enable:
  • export LIBVA_DRIVERS_PATH=/usr/lib64/dri/
Last edited by jake29 on Wed 31 Jul 2019, 01:12, edited 4 times in total.

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#333 Post by dr. Dan »

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#334 Post by dr. Dan »

xfe-1.43.2-x86_64-1 contains various bug fixes.

md5sum: 137b96c07ece476c454340de2c3d1e78

link: https://c.gmx.com/@563381498539939943/4 ... Gkn4ISfVUA

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#335 Post by Illutorium »

OBS - bugSpots: of PulseAudio at Every OBS in Turned on and Seamonkey doesn't works on Spot
URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10gmlHL ... p=drivesdk|UPDATE (2/9/2019): Newest version (PulseAudio update soon)

KDEnLive (Qt5+mlt will be depend for Turn on):
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N3grA0 ... p=drivesdk (KDEnLive 18.12.3) + https://drive.google.com/file/d/10q7JDJ ... p=drivesdk (MLT 6.14|VAAPI Support)

Wacom + Digimend :
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= ... eVDRZ5t-Ww
Commands for Compile:
1. ./configure $XORG_CONFIG --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --build=x86_64-fatdog-linux-gnu --with-udev-rules-dir=/lib64/udev/rules.d (xf86)
2. ./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --build=x86_64-fatdog-linux-gnu --disable-static --with-udev-rules-dir=no (libwacom)

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#336 Post by step »

Kodi 18.4 SFS available. Install it from SFS manager. (It could take up to 24 hours before ibiblio puts the file online). >Kodi SFS support thread>

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#337 Post by Gobbi »

I have tried Youtube in Kodi 18.4 ( for the 1st time ) and it works . Thank you @step and also @jake29 :!:

I made an sfs for audacious-3.10.1-x86_64-1.sfs SHA1 : 45dd3137c8579b3665178a8766deb16d34ba9a1f
Including plugins , wavpack-5.1.0 and libiconv-1.16 .

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#338 Post by chesterpeng »

downloaded audacious-3.10.1-x86_64-1.sfs and loaded into Fatdog64-802, running flawlessly.
Many thanks to Gobbi and all contributors who have made the fatdog even fatter! :D

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#339 Post by jake29 »

Gobbi wrote:I have tried Youtube in Kodi 18.4 ( for the 1st time ) and it works . Thank you @step and also @jake29 :!:
Youtube playback via Kodi is a lot less CPU intensive than via browser on any system I have tried.

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Mega cloud storage

#340 Post by chesterpeng »

I am trying to install megasync (a linux equivalent cloud drive of M$ onedrive) to Fatdog64-802. Mega website only provides a deb package and I convert it to txz.
The txz installation is successful but when I run megasync in a terminal, it says a file is minssing.

Code: Select all

# megasync
megasync: error while loading shared libraries: libmediainfo.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I am unable to find libmediainfo with gslapt, maybe it is only one of the files in a package with a different name.
Anyone knows which package I suppose to install or where I can find this single file. Thanks.

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