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lang2initrd and fixdesk updates

Posted: Mon 29 Sep 2014, 17:28
by xmf-149
running Precise 5.7.1
so i was messing with want to change boot messages and it was too hard and the desktop icons got rearranged. the scripts that call lang2initrd can check the default PLANG and quicksetup does but lang2initrd itself should be more low level like this so it can be called directly to force translation

run fixdesk en responsible for translations of the desktop icons in PuppyPin and .jwmrc-tray and destroys both
the script made backups of the very first versions of the files in /var/local/sss and this copy is what it keeps getting reverted to for me whenever fixdesk is called from quicksetup and rc.update?
the default setup of puppy will affect the most users. i have the feeling that there won't be a next puppy release for a good 5 years -- so how will people have to change this themselves
looks like this is all BK's fault, thanks a lot BK
quicksetup is the only caller script that should really be modified to call fixdesk again, otherwise in some cases fixdesk will have to be called directly to complete translation. although momanager doesnt need to be changed caling fixdesk from it will no longer have an effect except maybe in, there is also a bug setting LANG to C in momanager.
use the diff command and say if you agree with what i changed

there is a separate bug in rc.update that destroyes PuppyPin which is not as bad because there is a back up file named /tmp/PuppyPinTmp that is valid except for duplicates of the some of the default icons if they were moved. it is called any time you use setup program to choose new SFS files for boot. this has been reported and i made a patch to improve it

Posted: Sat 25 Oct 2014, 09:33
by xanad
Hi xmf-149,
I tried fixdesk in slacko and precise and it work. You solved a problem that has existed since the beginning of puppy. I'll try lang2intrd and rc.update. Thanks.