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Puppy Linux Home Page

Posted: Wed 09 Jul 2014, 09:56
by mavrothal
After BK's retirement and the proliferation of all kind of puppies looks like there is a problem with the "puppylinux" web pages. Not this forum but what someone sees in and
So following a recent forum discussion, I just generated a woof-CE branch to serve as a Puppylinux web entry point.
Currently is just a stub, but assuming people will contribute and populate this branch, it can become (or get redirections from other puppylinux sites). If not this branch can be just deleted ...

Posted: Wed 09 Jul 2014, 16:10
by darkcity
Great idea.

I've added a link on the wiki-

Posted: Wed 09 Jul 2014, 18:18
by bigpup
Do we really need another Puppy Linux web site or just need to have more people help with the ones we have?

Keeping information up to date seems to be the biggest issue.

I agree, there needs to be one main Puppy Linux web site and everyone needs to support and contribute to it.

The problem is which one?

The ones that have been around for years seem to be the ones that need the support.
They have the easy names to remember and the ones that people would guess at to look for.

The push should be to get people to support them.

There are a few common norms with the Internet that people expect.

Distribution web site will be - (name of distribution) .com or .org

Where to find help and ask questions - the distributions forum.

Posted: Wed 09 Jul 2014, 18:28
by bigpup
Even Google likes those already established web sites.

The first three entries on the first page of a Google search.

Posted: Wed 09 Jul 2014, 18:53
by mavrothal
bigpup wrote: Keeping information up to date seems to be the biggest issue.

I agree, there needs to be one main Puppy Linux web site and everyone needs to support and contribute to it.

The problem is which one?

The ones that have been around for years seem to be the ones that need the support.
They have the easy names to remember and the ones that people would guess at to look for.
I would agree but is BK's site I do not know if anyone else has access to it. is desperately trying to keep up with the forum, but is not clear which way is going or how to keep up.
Above all I do not know how you get people to contribute.
Git is (almost) working in puppy building, so I thought to give it a try. But if it is easy to create a branch is even easier to delete it...

Posted: Wed 09 Jul 2014, 20:47
by zigbert
The git-page is a great idea. and can be redirected to the git-page when stuff is in place. I find it hard to believe that Barry or Raffy will be working against this solution.

Posted: Thu 10 Jul 2014, 02:50
by starhawk
zigbert wrote:The git-page is a great idea. and can be redirected to the git-page when stuff is in place. I find it hard to believe that Barry or Raffy will be working against this solution.
I strongly disagree with this idea. GitHub is not newb-friendly at all. Its interface is obtuse at best. I've certainly never figured out how to work it! (...and yes, I tried.)

By the way, an offer that might help this situation --

What if, once a week, I downloaded and checked out a Puplet or two, and wrote up a review? I've got the time for sure, and that's one way I'd be able to contribute to Puppy fairly easily without involving another go-round with sc0ttman's Woofy tool (no offense, dude, I'm just not knowledgeable enough to be doing the dev thing yet). I've got a number of systems I could use to test Pups with (three laptops, two desktops, and a netbook).

Would that be helpful in any way, or just clutter?

Posted: Thu 10 Jul 2014, 05:02
by mavrothal
starhawk wrote:GitHub is not newb-friendly at all.
As opposed to a forum post or some other collaborative program?

Posted: Thu 10 Jul 2014, 06:52
by bigpup is desperately trying to keep up with the forum, but is not clear which way is going or how to keep up.
Above all I do not know how you get people to contribute.
Use the info at the bottom of this web page to contact Raffym on how you can help with the web site.

Posted: Thu 10 Jul 2014, 06:54
by bigpup

You could post reviews here:

Posted: Thu 10 Jul 2014, 07:54
by mavrothal
bigpup wrote: is desperately trying to keep up with the forum, but is not clear which way is going or how to keep up.
Above all I do not know how you get people to contribute.
Use the info at the bottom of this web page to contact Raffym on how you can help with the web site.
I'm sure that Raffy can use all the help he can get. The site is not really updated for a year or more. Slacko 5.5 and 5.6 are still recommended in some top links and after slacko 5.7 you find Lucid 5.2.8 in another!

But what I do not know is
a) how can you convince someone to contribute and
b) Assuming we agree that currently is not missing only updating and bigger buttons, if a complete redesign of the site is a goal.

If (b) is an option then the github page may be the way to go.
You just drop the current site tree under "Archived links" and you start afresh.
Then again if someone wants to take the current site and redesign/update it. I'm all for it.


Posted: Thu 10 Jul 2014, 13:16
by raffy
Yes, the link given by bigpup is where users can write contributed articles. Once made authors, the contributors can even update the pages.

The other community-updated site is the wiki, which Distrowatch links to.

Anyway, I will be happy to point the community or news links to where you pool contributed content.

BTW, both and are Barry's domains. If they expire, that will be the end of those sites, so this initiative is good.

Maybe contributors should now go to wikipedia?

Posted: Fri 11 Jul 2014, 22:55
by 8-bit
I have noticed that Barry's blog/news page has not changed for quite a while now and hit logged in visits to the forum seem to have disappeared also.
Does anyone think he is keeping track of the progress of Puppy Linux after supplying the tools to make new Puppy versions?
With new Puppy versions such as Blue and the versions of Puppy being continually developed ans improved for the handicapped as well as versions based on other distros, progress is being made.
But if one tried to make a Puppy version based on Red Hat, would the repository be available? Or is that an area one should stay away from?

Posted: Mon 14 Jul 2014, 06:49
by scsijon
8-bit wrote:But if one tried to make a Puppy version based on Red Hat, would the repository be available? Or is that an area one should stay away from?
Personally, I prefer to keep clear of anything linux that mentions Subscription on just about every page of the website.

Posted: Mon 14 Jul 2014, 13:17
by Burn_IT
Why not have ONE well maintained page here - and all the others are just pretty links to it??

Posted: Tue 05 Aug 2014, 05:35
by wanderer

Long Term Support Puppy

Posted: Thu 14 Aug 2014, 08:46
by Chrispy
Hello all,

I happen to be new to puppy linux and am just wondering if anyone could tell me how long it will be safe to continue using Long Term Support Precise Puppy (5.7.1). To tell you the truth, I don't really even know what "Long Term Support" really means... I just know that I was able to revive two of my Windows XP machines, and a Windows Vista machine using Puppy Linux, and would really like to continue using Puppy! However, I read that Barry Kauler has sort of stepped down, and noticed that the website is no longer being updated regularly. So, I'm not quite sure what that means for me. Can I just keep using Precise Puppy 5.7.1 until my machines die?

- Chris P

Re: Long Term Support Puppy

Posted: Thu 14 Aug 2014, 11:05
by tlchost
Chrispy wrote:HCan I just keep using Precise Puppy 5.7.1 until my machines die?
Or you do, which ever occurs first. (Note: your heirs would still be able to use your machines and precise. The Linux community does not bury their computers with the departed geeks.)

Re: Long Term Support Puppy

Posted: Thu 14 Aug 2014, 15:36
by mavrothal
Chrispy wrote: However, I read that Barry Kauler has sort of stepped down, and noticed that the website is no longer being updated regularly. So, I'm not quite sure what that means for me. Can I just keep using Precise Puppy 5.7.1 until my machines die?
Puppylinux is still going on though its official websites are not doing so well (hence this thread)
The last official Puppy is Slacko 5.7, while Slacko 6 and Tahr Puppy are in beta stage.
So I do not think that your hardware will run out of puppies.

Posted: Thu 21 Aug 2014, 20:17
by wanderer