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Remasterx - Live CD remastering tool

Posted: Sat 31 May 2014, 03:13
by shinobar
Intend to replace the remasterpup2, Puppy Live CD Remastering tool.
(2016-11-12) UPDATE:

See also Mkdist utility:


Older version, remasterx-0.7: ... 13&start=6

Posted: Mon 02 Jun 2014, 12:13
by charlie6
Hi shinobar :D !
hope you'r doing well !
Thanks a lot for this new remaster tool !
I have got a try on it and ... it's great ! very handy to use !

UNlike for other earlier used remastering tools, this one could well remaster my puppy with all installed pets included :)
One major point: the specific-to-my-video /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is present on the ISO ... very handy especically for «tricky» graphic systems (like the mine ...i.e. :twisted: 82845G Brookdale video chip ... ); as also the locale (through the «locale» checkbox).

Cheers, Charlie

Posted: Mon 07 Jul 2014, 13:50
by gcmartin
Just tried V.08. I had one problem to bring to attention.

Objective: I wanted to remake a running TahrPUP and to use the "QuickSET" bootable subsystem.
Problem: RemasterX issues with QuickSET ISO.

Attachment: Console log for RemasterX operation.

  • Should something else have occurred? (Yes/No)

Remasterx / on test / pets added

Posted: Tue 29 Jul 2014, 09:16
by Pelo
Remasterx / on test / pets added
I come back for information how things have done.
485MB ! Something is wrong....
2nd try.... :P
Ah 199MB mejor. Habia iconos de cursors hidden en root.
But it still too much. I aim to scratch this damned version of Abiword (beta 2.9.4) which makes me loose my time. (Pupjibaro LXDE 1.0.3)
Hunspell is for the commonwealth team, withdrawn, added xvidcap, avidemux gtk,
It works. I make a try puppy pfix=ram (i allways Puppy on usb, so i have just renamed my pupjibaro sfs by security before trying the new one
To Puppy is a new english word ! puppying in french would be nice ! :)

Posted: Wed 30 Jul 2014, 22:08
by oldyeller
This sounds very interesting will have to give it a try on one of my puppies!!


Posted: Thu 31 Jul 2014, 00:07
by shinobar
#v0.9 20140731 zdrv, adrv and ydrv

Note: zdrv, adrv and ydrv, if loaded, are merged in the new main sfs in the remastered. The remasterx cannot separately make zdrv, adrv or ydrv.

Posted: Sat 28 Mar 2015, 18:54
by der-schutzhund
Hi shinobar,

can i use the Remasterx to remaster Tahr602?



Posted: Sat 12 Nov 2016, 13:58
by shinobar

Supports recent puppies, tahrpup and later.

Posted: Sat 12 Nov 2016, 16:33
by musher0
Many thanks.

Posted: Sat 12 Nov 2016, 20:35
by Pelo
shinobar :?: Merci. I will try it as soon as to-morrow.
Goal : trim the useless fat of Puppies, as done by Mistfire with X-Slacko Slim.

Posted: Fri 16 Dec 2016, 19:13
by musher0
Hello all.

This post to get this thread out of limbo, so that more Puppyists know of
this excellent remastering tool.


Posted: Sat 17 Dec 2016, 00:44
by Flash
Will it work for any Puppy, 32- or 64-bit?

Posted: Sat 17 Dec 2016, 05:44
by musher0
Hi, Flash.

For 32-bits, it will certainly do the job; for 64-bits, I don't know, sorry...


Will Remasterx work on iso-hybrid bios/uefi puppys?

Posted: Wed 31 May 2017, 17:17
by Lassar
I have been trying out woof-ce.

Remasterpup2 doesn't work on iso-hybrid bios/uefi puppys?

Does Remasterx work on iso-hybrid bios/uefi puppys?

/tmp/etc is strategic.

Posted: Tue 17 Oct 2017, 18:44
by hamoudoudou
Magoo-pup ( Concept Puppy par ETP) remasterized to night.. easily
Dont hurry, step /tmp/etc is strategic.
Then just wait..
I just dit my try without asking to much. My goal is to take the best in several Precise Puppies to approach the ideal Pupplet. At home of course.
I Did It in the past with Slacko 55.
Why Precise ? It's a good generation.
Screenshot to help Robert123

Posted: Wed 18 Oct 2017, 03:45
by Robert123
So hamoudoudou /Pelo why hide behind another name? what are you up to?

Posted: Wed 18 Oct 2017, 04:24
by ally
no member listed as pelo/Pelo

maybe he got banned?


Posted: Sun 01 Apr 2018, 17:30
by bigpup
So this pet does not get lost.

Posted: Tue 03 Apr 2018, 19:00
by musher0
This utility is so handy, its thread should get bumped every 2-3 days!

Adding UEFI

Posted: Wed 04 Apr 2018, 03:19
by mikeslr
Hi musher0 & All,

I'd volunteer to bump it every couple of days, except that I'm likely to forget. I've heard it said: "Out of sight, out of mind". Not sure if I should take that personally. :? :)

By the way, 666philb's original Tahrpup 6.0.6 included an UEFI signature. RemasterX, created by shinobar before UEFI came on the scene, did not provide for its inclusion and the remastered version of Tahrpup 6.0.6 I made did not have it. So what I did was mount the remastered ISO, copy its files to a folder, add the UEFI files found in the original ISO, then dir2iso the folder.

As I don't have a computer which employs UEFI, I don't know if that 'doctoring' was successful. And I don't know if there might be a better way to manage it.
