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datacrow Universal Collections Manager customized for Puppy

Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2013, 04:33
by musher0
Hello, all.

I've made available a customization for Puppy of the datacrow Universal Collections Manager here:

Details about the customization can be found at :

General info about datacrow, screenshots, etc., can be found here :



P.S. A fresh copy of java is recommended. The simplest way is probably to download the latest java*.tar.gz from (or from java [your own locale]).
Untar and open the resulting directory. Then link everything inside the "bin" directory to ~/my-applications/bin. You should now be ready to start datacrow.

Puppy Plays, and gives amusement (and culture) at home

Posted: Fri 18 Jul 2014, 07:10
by Pelo
Pim Pam Poum on version 3.9.21
Pim Pam Poum wanted surfing a little bit on Facebook and watch videos on You Tube.
Captain will install some stuff from ASRI repository to allows kids some fun. And homebank too, for the home accounting.
Musher0, how do you import a datacrow file to merge it with another one ?
Don't answer at once if you like. Some questions will get added (... perhaps no). Will check the answers together, as usual.
Accept our thanks for trying to get the Puppy user's shop renewed. :!:
Citizens from English speaking countries, data crow has an english version, just load the EN or US language package
Deux (2) minutes sur Youtube
Album covers : not available...
4.0.16 version collapse CD and Album de musique (CD category disappear°)
Mettre un lanceur version 4.1 dans opt

How to merge data (movies) ?

Posted: Tue 25 Aug 2015, 01:56
by Pelo
My question remains unanswered. I run Datacrow both with Windows 7 and Puppy Slacko 5.5. How to merge data (movies) ?
GCstars can share there files, it's sure, but how to do ?

Posted: Tue 25 Aug 2015, 02:22
by musher0
Hi, pelo.

Answer: I don't know. (Sorry for the long delay in answering.)

Isn't there something about merging data files in the docs?



Importer à la queue leu-leu

Posted: Tue 25 Aug 2015, 09:44
by Pelo
Musher0, en français sera mieux ici
We shall resume our works in this english spoken topic :
The question : how to merge archives made at different times, or at different places.
"how to import files" video here could have been of some help ... but it does'nt.

I am a poor lonesome user.

Posted: Wed 21 Oct 2015, 07:01
by Pelo
I am a poor lonesome user.
Datacrow can manage Sports, Software, what you like... German seems to be the nationality of this crow.
4.0.16 would be less efficient to retrieve our Johnny , rocker now 73 years old; He is not Dead.
3.9.21 is the version made available in ASRI edu repositories, to allow pupils to find quickly books about a subject

Re: I am a poor lonesome user.

Posted: Wed 21 Oct 2015, 13:15
by musher0
Pelo wrote:I am a poor lonesome user.
Me too!

Mais c'est notre Ran-tan-plan !

Posted: Mon 29 Feb 2016, 09:17
by Pelo
Mais c'est notre Ran-tan-plan ! Il cherche affection auprès des Dalton qui le rejette à coups de savates.
Ran-tan-plan pourrait-il être hebergé sur ce forum. Je lance Datacrow pour retrouver les albums de notre Lucky-luke national.
But it is our Ran-tan-plan! He(it) looks for affection with the Dalton which rejects him(it) with old shoes(kickboxings).
Ran-tan-plan could be accommodated on this forum. I throw(launch) Datacrow to find the albums of our national Lucky-luke.

As translating english to french when playing Puppy Linux is something destroying the oldman' brain, i choose the version from ASRI repository, our French colleague who release Puppy for educational purposes.
DataCrow shall facilitate a lot searches for school programs. DataCrow fit puppy's speed, finding a lots of results in less than 30 seconds.

Ran-Tan-Plan was forbidden to enter the United States.

Posted: Mon 29 Feb 2016, 10:03
by Pelo
Us Army had Rin-Tin-Tin for the young soldiers, Lucky Luke has Ran-Tan-Plan allways behind him in the snow of canadian forests.
Ran-Tan-Plan was forbidden to enter the United States.
Teachers can choose the language, german is available :
"Der einsame Cowboy Lucky Luke zieht durch den Wilden Westen, nur in Begleitung seines treuen Pferdes Jolly Jumper. Wo immer es Probleme gibt ist er zur Stelle und bringt so manchen Verbrecher hinter Gitter - denn Lucky Luke schießt schneller als sein eigener Schatten und ist seinen Gegnern immer einen Schritt voraus. Neben diversen anderen Desperados muss er immer wieder den gefürchteten Dalton-Brüdern die Stirn bieten, kein Gefängnis scheint sicher genug zu für die vier Erzfeinde des kettenkauenden Cowboys..."
Music-brainz provides the play-lists of CDs (no picture)
Sorry Musher0, but Google is the most efficient in any category where it appears as choice. I give you the best, that does not mean other choices fail.

Data Crow installed in /usr/local/
Processus for Linux :
I clicked to make it executable, is that correct ?
The crow flies in Precise OB , a nice Puppy, light weight but well featured. Obviously JRE was loaded on the fly (jre- 47 M)
Not sure that Datacrow could be used in french schools by pupils, still allocated with old 256MBs computers. (In France, Pupils are not authorized to use their personal smartphones at school, neither the teacher's one))

Posted: Mon 29 Feb 2016, 15:29
by musher0
No, pelo. No. Absolutely not. :D

The official report from our Mounties ;) says that they kicked Lucky Luke and
Ran-Tan-Plan (you French guys really need to find better names for your dogs, sheesh)
out of the Canadian BadLands straight back to the Nevada desert in the US -- where
they belong. :lol:

Our Mounties would have sent them back to Camargues, the land of the French
Cowboys, had they known it existed. ;)

Bye for now.

Datacrow will fly Precise Puppies

Posted: Mon 30 May 2016, 11:10
by Pelo
Datacrow will fly Precise Puppies, no more interested in sirens without mplayer as Tahrpup & Sons... no Music, no videos, what our DataCrow would enjoy with them.. Precise Fluxbox seems to make less trouble to users fond of some cultural software..
:evil: bad point, for movies, the best results are found by german web site .
I speak english not so bad, but German not at all !
OUi , With a little help from my german colleagues, i should understand what about is the Movie.

datacrow-4.1.0_all_160605.sfs: 57 M fails to Mount.

Posted: Thu 09 Jun 2016, 17:20
by Pelo
Sfs just provided by Argolance (and improved for french speaking people) fails to Mount. Pls who could take a glance at this Crow
Is it wrong at your end too ?
Link for loading SFS via our francophon forum

Nobody else had trouble with Argolance SFS

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2016, 07:49
by Pelo
Nobody else had trouble with Argolance SFS, Datacrow seems to fly fluently.

for videos prefer griffith, available in PPM Ubuntu

Posted: Sun 17 Jul 2016, 07:43
by Pelo
video you tube
for videos prefer griffith, available in PPM Ubuntu

Francophones, votre avis sur applis Java

Posted: Wed 08 Feb 2017, 16:51
by Pelo
Francophones, jump here pour commenter en français.

yesterday Music Brainz did not provide any cover for my CDs

Posted: Fri 24 Mar 2017, 01:02
by Pelo
yesterday Music Brainz did not provide any cover for my CDs !

tutorial for getting the most of Datacrow

Posted: Sun 03 Sep 2017, 06:59
by Pelo
tutorial for getting the most of Datacrow only for fluent English spoken some difficulties for translation for French.