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Next Puppy Development

Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2013, 23:26
by puponmanyoldlaptops
I'm gonna sound like a broken record, but, man I'd love to see a PowerPC based Puppy Linux.

I am slowly sneaking up on learning Linux, having just put Ubuntu on a Mac mini. There were problems and I fixed 'em. But more problems exist.

And since I've used and spread the word about Puppy for so many years, I vote for a Puppy for the Mac and other PowerPC machines.


Puppy on Tablets

Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 21:33
by kd7ura
Any body doing work with puppy for tablets and tv sticks,
ive purchase an Imoto MX1 tv stick and a Pipo U1 Pro tablet, both have the dual core Rock chip 3066 CPU@1.6MHZ with Quad core Mali 400 GPU.
ive read a bit on about getting ubuntu running on the Android tv sticks not much about puppy, or getting a tablet going with puppy
Im sad :( i need a new puppy for my tablet and tv stick now!
there are lots of tv sticks and tablets for cheap.
i paied 139 for the tablet and 54 for the stick.
picuntu runs there server from a tv stick, :cry:
ubuntu is in process of development for tablets and phones,
with 12.10, and have an alpha available for nexus 7.
can any body help?
im a newbee to linux but got puppy Slako 5.4 installed to a flash and it works great,
im reading a bit about linux and c+ to get something going, its very confusing trying to find a logical path to follow in what to learn and in which order so i can convert the os.