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Can I install Keepass v2 on Slacko?

Posted: Mon 08 Oct 2012, 18:56
by MrAnybody
As a first-timer I got completely lost looking for the most appropriate place to post, so please excuse if I'm posting in the wrong branch. Man, there's no end of good-stuff in all these branches, but still I couldn't find what I need.

My plan is to use Slacko Puppy on a USB for my online banking. Which, by itself, is simple enough. However, I've been a Keepass (v2) user for a number of years so I'd really like to keep that in place.

I'm aware that KeepassX can be used on Linux for Keepass v1, but going down that route will exclude some of the Keepass functions I use, and so my aim is to hopefully keep with Keepass v2. In that way I can also manually sync any changes from my Win7 to the USB.

But, that leaves me in unknown territory trying to find a suitable package of Mono in order to use the Keepass installation how-to here.

Is installation of Mono on Slacko Puppy doable, and if so, which package of Mono should I use?

Are the System.Windows.Forms, System.Runtime, xsel and xdotool packages mentioned on the Keepass installation guide included?

I'd much appreciate some advice on my plan.

Many thanks.