barbarians in the south china sea

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barbarians in the south china sea

#1 Post by aarf »

any thoughts or indicators canvassed?

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#2 Post by disciple »

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#3 Post by aarf »

disciple wrote:WT?? the regional press has been littered with this stuff for a few months now. the aussies don't know what side their bread is buttered on.

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Karl Godt
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#4 Post by Karl Godt »

find "bar" in ff gave me two hits : "Barack" and "bar" . Who's the bavarians you're mentioning ?

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#5 Post by Flash »

That's barbarians, Karl, not Bavarians. :lol: Though I must say the idea of Bavarians in the South China Sea is an interesting one. Have you ever seen The Adventures of Baron Münchhausen? I'm thinking of the scene toward the end where they're swallowed by a giant sea creature.

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#6 Post by Sylvander »

Were "Barbarians" named after the Berbers?

See where it says:
"A history by a Roman consul in Africa made the first reference of the term "barbarian" to describe Numidia."

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#7 Post by Karl Godt »

Maybe the concrete chalk stone mortar buildings of big cities lead to hair loss, in some cases the main hair for thinking and in some cases the mouth hair for speaking ..

And yes Muenchhausen is a common word here describing fantasy or lie ..

I must confess i am living far north of the bavarians and prussian historically lived in the east .

I don't know why people here wanted to leave Denmark to join Prussia in the mid 1800's .

We have a story of that time resembling the "Trojan Horse" of the ancient greeks :
google-translate wrote: On the morning after the proclamation of a provisional government of Schleswig-Holstein went on 24 March 1848 a special train with soldiers from Kiel to Rendsburg. By the ringing of the fire bell, the garrison was taken by surprise by the Danish uniforms dressed in insurgency. Rendsburg was the center of the civil war against Denmark. On 5 April preferred a Prussian troops.


Re: barbarians in the south china sea

#8 Post by postfs1 »

aarf wrote:barbarians in the south china sea
Hercules against the barbarians


#9 Post by aarf »

[quote] The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
( simplified Chinese : 中国共产党第
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#10 Post by starhawk »

@Sylvander: "barbarian" and "barber" have a lot in common. It seems the Romans believed that only the clean-shaven could be civilized.

Source: my mother, who studied classical languages in high school, and more in college -- and wanted to be an anthropologist but wound up many other things instead. That said, known vocabulary --no matter how ancient-- is something that is trivial to check in these modern times. Etymology, the study of language and its history (particularly the history and evolution of words themselves) is your friend here ;)

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#11 Post by Sylvander »

I use my Etymology [well thumbed] more than my Dictionary. :D


#12 Post by aarf »

Fatality after Philippine boat rammed near shoal

Agencies in Manila
Jun 25, 2012

The Philippines said yesterday a Chinese vessel accidentally rammed a fishing boat north of a disputed South China Sea shoal, killing one and leaving four others missing....
this isn't occuring in worlld isolation.

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#13 Post by mmmrr »

The word barbarian was used originally by the Greeks to refer to any non-Greek-speaking person. The ancient Greek word βά


#14 Post by aarf »

Chinese patrol ships reach Nansha Islands 2012-07-04 11:30:28
BEIJING, July 4 (Xinhuanet) -- A team of four China Marine Surveillance ships has arrived at the
Nansha Islands to conduct closer observations. It’s all part of their patrol mission in the South China
Sea. CCTV’s Fintan Monaghan has more on how the team is protecting China’s territory and marine
Patrolling and conducting surveys in the South China sea, the four China Marine Surveillance ships are
here to highlight China’s sovereignty and jurisdiction.
The team recently had an unexpeceted encounter. A Vietnamese ship was trying to pass through
Chinese territory at high speed.
Huang Yong, China Marine Surveillance, said, "Vietnamese vessel. This is China Marine Surveillance
Ship Number 83. Under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the laws of China, this area of
water belongs to China. Do not interfere with our operations. "
The command ship faced down the intruding vessel, issuing the warning repeatedly in Chinese,
English and Vietnamese. The other three Chinese ships supported it by changing formation. Ten
minutes later, the Vietnamese ship dropped its speed and turned around.
It’s just one example of the patrol team’s efforts to protect China’s sovereignty in South China sea.
Since setting-off from South China’s coastal city of Sanya, Hainan Province on June 26th, the team
has sailed more than 2,000 nautical miles. Their aim is to enforce law and order within China’s
territorial waters and prevent harm to the marine environment.
The regular patrol is an important part of the country’s a series of efforts to safeguard its interests in
the South China sea. Recently, the government has established a prefecture-level city of Sansha to
govern the islands and their surrounding waters. Meanwhile, China is also planning to build an
offshore supervision platform, to help with the protection of cultural relics around the nearby Xisha
nansha islands are not quite as far from china as the falklands are from britian, or the Northern Mariana Islands are from the barbarian states
but the nansha islands are MUCH closer to palwan philipines than to china
but not as extreme as the ratio of the distances between the barbarian states to northern marianas then to the philipines.
google earth it.


#15 Post by aarf »

Asean talks fail over China territorial dispute

Writer: AFP News agency Position: Agence France-Presse

Foreign ministers from 10 countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations attend the 19th ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) on July 12, 2012 in Phnom Penh. Days of heated diplomacy ended in failure Friday as splits over territorial disputes with China prevented Southeast Asian nations from issuing their customary joint statement at a summit.

Days of heated diplomacy at Southeast Asian talks ended in failure Friday as deep splits over China prevented the Asean grouping from issuing its customary joint statement for the first time.

Foreign ministers from the 10-member bloc have been wrangling since Monday to hammer out a diplomatic communique, which has held up progress on a separate code of conduct aimed at soothing tension in the flashpoint South China Sea.

China claims sovereignty over nearly all of the resource-rich sea, which is home to vital shipping lanes, but Asean members the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei have competing claims in the area.

The long-stalled code of conduct, strongly supported by the United States, is seen as a way of reducing the chances of a spat over fishing, shipping rights or oil and gas exploration tipping into an armed conflict.

The Philippines lambasted the failure at the end of the talks on Friday, saying "it deplores the non-issuance of a joint communique... which was unprecedented in Asean's 45-year existence".

It had insisted Asean refer to an armed stand-off with China last month over a rocky outcrop known as the Scarborough Shoal, but Cambodia -- a Beijing ally and chair of the meeting -- resisted.

Taking "strong exception" to Cambodia, the Philippine statement said divisions undercut Asean's goal of tackling disputes as a bloc "and not in a bilateral fashion -- the approach which its northern neighbour (China) has been insisting on".

The Philippines and the United States called this week for a unified Asean that could use its collective clout to negotiate with China, while Beijing prefers to deal with its smaller neighbours individually.

Diplomatic sources, speaking anonymously to AFP, referred to angry exchanges during behind-the-scenes talks, with an emergency meeting called for early Friday morning also failing to break the deadlock.

"I think it would be fair to say that tempers in some of the private meetings have run hot. There have been some very tense back and forths," one US official said.

China is a key bankroller of the much-criticised host Cambodia and some diplomats said Beijing had twisted arms in Phnom Penh to prevent any reference to the South China Sea disputes in the communique.

Cambodian Foreign Minister Hor Namhong expressed regret at the discord within Asean, but said he could "not accept that the joint communique has become the hostage of the bilateral issue (between the Philippines and China)".

Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa, who played a key role trying to broker a compromise, expressed "deep, profound disappointment" at the lack of consensus within the bloc.

"There is still a common view that we must, if anything, reinforce our efforts to work on the COC (code of conduct), to begin our talks with the Chinese on the COC," he added.

Foreign ministers said Sunday they had agreed "key elements" of a draft code to be presented to China, but these were not released to the media.

China was also cool on the idea of starting negotiations, almost 10 years since the idea of creating a code was first agreed, saying it would only negotiate "when conditions are ripe".

Analysts said the friction could "contaminate" future negotiations between Asean and China.

"Cambodia is showing itself as China's stalking horse. This will make negotiating a final code of conduct with China more difficult," said Southeast Asia expert Carl Thayer.

"I find it difficult to believe that Asean foreign ministers cannot come up with some formulation that satisfies all parties."


#16 Post by aarf »

from xinhua the chinese view of the same event as above
During the China-ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting held in Phnom Penh of Cambodia on Wednesday, China and ASEAN countries had discussions and reached consensus on the South China Sea issue

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#17 Post by metastasis69 »

Just seen this posts here. And China just showed their massive military power. Showing how powerful they are as opposed to all other countries in the region. They are a real superpowers.,

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