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How to correctly install gtk2+ -for wxWidgets [Solved]

Posted: Tue 24 Apr 2012, 22:15
by darkcity
I'm trying to compile wxWidgets so I can compile Audacity ; -)

Code: Select all

*** Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why...
*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the
*** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK+ is incorrectly installed.
configure: error:
The development files for GTK+ were not found. For GTK+ 2, please
ensure that pkg-config is in the path and that gtk+-2.0.pc is
installed. For GTK+ 1.2 please check that gtk-config is in the path,
and that the version is 1.2.3 or above. Also check that the
libraries returned by 'pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs' or 'gtk-config
--libs' are in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or equivalent.
I'm using PolarPup which is a Lucid derivative. I've installed many things from the Ubuntu repository including-


But to know avail. How can I configure gtk2+ so wxWidgets with recognize it is present?

Is there a PET for GTK2+ including dev files?


Posted: Mon 14 May 2012, 12:05
by darkcity
i've now fixed this, but can't remember. possibly using a gtk2 pet.

If anyone has a similar problem give me a shout ; -)

Posted: Wed 16 May 2012, 07:22
by disciple
FWIW, if you had the devx you shouldn't have needed to install any extra gtk packages.

Posted: Wed 16 May 2012, 09:10
by darkcity
thanks for the reply, I was using Polarpup's devx. I may have messed something up to stop it working :twisted: