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pet packages

Posted: Sun 16 Oct 2011, 16:21
by yr1945
i downloaded gnumeric. when i click on gnumeric, it asks what do i want to do with it? of course, i want to install it. how do i install it? if i learn to install gnumeric, can i install any pet package for Next Puppy in the same manner... or, do i need a different script for each one? thanks for your support.

Posted: Sun 16 Oct 2011, 17:25
by Dewbie
When you click on the .pet, you should see "OK" and "Cancel" options.
Click on "OK" to install.

Posted: Sun 16 Oct 2011, 20:46
by yr1945
For "Next Puppy"... the choices are 1)add 2)view 3)open 4)close.

Add doesn't seem to do anything... and, "Open" looks like a script is required.

Anyway, thanks for responding.

Posted: Sun 16 Oct 2011, 21:04
by pacer106
To install .pets use open with & then type in petget or read below.

This is a little walk through for how to add installing .pets with a double click in emelfm2 file manager.

There are 2 pictures to reference if my instructions are not clear enough.

In image 1 you will see the right click menu for emelfm2 & the option for editing filetypes. click on that & you will see image 2.

As you can see in image 2 I have already added the pet option.

To do what I have done is pretty simple.

Step 1 is to scroll to the bottom of the Catergories column and click on the bottom item which should be object files so it is hi-lited in blue.

Step 2 is to click on the +Add button at the bottom of the screen as seen in image 2. You should now see a new item named new & it should be hi-lited in blue. Click on the word new & you should be able to edit the word from new to pet. After you enter pet press enter key so it sticks.

Step 3 is to click on the column named Extensions then click the +Add button at the bottom. You should now have a blue hi-lited item in the Extensions column. Click on that item & enter in pet then press enter to commit the item.

Step 3 is to click on the column named Labels & Commands. click in the blank area anyplace under Labels & Commands once it is showing a blue hi-lited item click on the +Add button at the bottom. Now click on the blue hi-lited item under the Label part & enter in then press enter to commit it. Next you will want to click the blue hi-lited area under command enter petget then press enter to commit.

Step 4 (final step) is to click on Apply then Commit at the bottom. (I am not sure if both Apply & Commit need to be clicked on. I did it just to be sure.)

If all went correctly a double click on any .pet should install the .pet.

Feedback is always welcome. I am no writer (far from it). I probably have grammer & punctuation errors in this. I am sorry if it bothers some people.



This is the normal thread for Next Puppy:

Posted: Sun 16 Oct 2011, 22:35
by yr1945
pacer106... i followed your instructions. after i double clicked on the pet package, i get this message

>petget "" (7015)
cat: /root/.packages/Packages-puppy-*: No such file or directory
/usr/local/petget/ line 38: /etc/xdg/menus/hierarchy: No such file or directory

anyway, i have my gnumeric pet in mnt/home. looking at the above error message perhaps i should place the gnumeric pet into another folder? not sure how to find /root/.packages/Packages-puppy

any more suggestions for me? thanks