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SoftMaker Suite is best

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2011, 00:16
by zaivala
I'm glad you included TextMaker 2002 in Puppy (MacPup 520 did anyhow)... but there are free versions of SoftMaker Suite 2008 (and pay versions of 2010) available. I also don't see PlanMaker, the spreadsheet program, anywhere in my Applications menu.

SoftMaker is the most MSOffice-compatible office I've found. Even though there are some interesting menu choices (like PlanMaker putting Insert Rows/Columns under Tables), the resulting files are much more Office-compatible than files written under Open/Libre Office or Gnome Office (Abiword, Gnumeric). I worked 3 years as Administrative Editor and Senior Editor at an epublishing company, and you wouldn't believe how much hair-tearing and screaming we got when someone sent a file in which was edited using OOo.

No disclaimer -- I am NOT paid by this company in any way.

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2011, 07:35
by Dewbie
Puppy used to have PlanMaker, several versions ago.
If I recall correctly, when PlanMaker shifted to pay-only versions, it was replaced with Gnumeric.

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2011, 07:58
by Lobster
The free planmaker was also limited (I seem to remember it was 256 lines). This was something we were unaware of initially, Softmaker did not volunteer that info. Not sure if that has changed with the new free versions. Softmaker products are worth the money. 8)

I prefer LibreOffice, as the price and lack of limitations is more to my liking. :)
Libroffice is available as an 'SFS get' in Slickpet (development of Quickpet)
under Slacko (Puppy 5.3)

Puppy Linux
Free as in Priceless

Textmaker Limitation

Posted: Sat 27 Aug 2011, 21:16
by davec51
I like Softmaker software and have used it from time to time with pleasure. I opt for LibreOffice at present, however, because Textmaker can't read .wpd files, of which I have many from the days when I used Word Perfect.

Posted: Sun 28 Aug 2011, 00:24
by Dewbie
From Barry:
SoftMaker Office 2008 PET

OK, pet for Precise?

Posted: Sat 23 Nov 2013, 18:35
by zaivala
I just came back to Puppy (due to a crappy new UEFI notebook). LuPu would not run on it, but PrePu is working great. Now I need to find .pets for my best software. And SoftMaker is tops on my list -- I have a downloaded copy of either 2008 or 2010 or both for Linux. Anyone want to help refresh my memory or lend a hand?

softmaker 2012 sfs

Posted: Sat 23 Nov 2013, 22:52
by raffy
Try here for sfs English version. For a build with other languages, look here.

Posted: Sun 24 Nov 2013, 00:16
by zaivala
OK, I downloaded it... and it's not opening but I still have another something to try. Aren't SFS files supposed to invoke the installer automatically?

Edit: OK, I exited the browser, found the file, and it ran successfully.

Edit: Except I can't find the programs... damn I hate feeling stupid.

Posted: Sun 24 Nov 2013, 07:42
by Dewbie
Convert .sfs to .pet with this. :)


Posted: Sun 24 Nov 2013, 10:04
by raffy
Loading sfs often requires a reboot for you to find the program.

In the English version, it should be in /root (the default directory of the file manager).

Posted: Sun 24 Nov 2013, 17:12
by zaivala
I have confirmed that it is installed (using a visual directory)... and it is not on my menus. So how do I get it there?

Posted: Sun 24 Nov 2013, 18:34
by vicmz
What version of Puppy are you currently using? Most recent Puppies have Shinobar's SFS_Load utility, you just have to right click the SFS then select "sfs_load", and the utility will install it. If your Puppy doesn't have SFS Load, you can get it from here:
Once installed you can do as said above, or find the program at Menu > Setup > SFS Load on the fly. Make sure you save/move the SFS file to the same partition where your session file (pupsave) is located (open ROX-Filer and go to /mnt/home).
Forum thread:
Depending on your window manager or desktop environment, you may have to type in console fixmenus and wait until the command has finished.

Posted: Mon 25 Nov 2013, 05:14
by zaivala
Running Precise Puppy 5.7.1.

I just went and checked SFS_Load and it says FreeOffice 2012 is installed... still not on the menus.

I also just installed the DEB file for SoftMaker Office 2008, and it says it installed but made a point of notifying me that it did not have a menu listing. Perhaps I could get some help with that?

Posted: Mon 25 Nov 2013, 06:27
by Dewbie
zaivala wrote:
I just went and checked SFS_Load and it says FreeOffice 2012 is installed... still not on the menus.

Try this.

Posted: Mon 25 Nov 2013, 17:21
by zaivala
Thanks for the tip. Seems to have worked both for FreeOffice and my paid 2008 copy YAY.

Posted: Thu 30 Jan 2014, 03:25
by zaivala
I have my computer back from getting it restored in Milpitas, CA by ASUS... just installed SoftMaker Office 2008, and again it told me there was no menu entry. I entered the PUP to pointed me at for FreeOffice 2012... and once again, both products show up on my menus.

Whatever it is in the FreeOffice which makes the one show up grabs the other and brings it along for the ride.

Softmaker in Slackeee 5.7

Posted: Thu 03 Dec 2015, 02:21
by Pelo
Softmaker in Slackeee 5.7
"The free planmaker was also limited (I seem to remember it was 256 lines). This was something we were unaware of initially, Softmaker did not volunteer that info. Not sure if that has changed with the new free versions. Softmaker products are worth the money. Cool"

Has more than 256 rows !

SoftMaker FreeOffice

Posted: Fri 08 Jan 2016, 05:30
by vicmz
To anyone interested:

SoftMaker's "Load and Help" campaign is actually over. However, the official site says:
Even after this charity campaign, the following packages stay free to download and use:
  • SoftMaker FreeOffice for Windows
    SoftMaker FreeOffice for Linux
    SoftMaker Office Mobile for Android smartphones
    SoftMaker Office HD Basic for Android tablets

Basically, it means you just have to select what you wish and have the download links and free serial number sent to your email, then you can use the latest FreeOffice for free, for unlimited time.

and updates are provided free

Posted: Wed 03 Feb 2016, 12:07
by Pelo
and updates are provided free, you receive a lot of messages in your mail box.
A lot means three or four a month, it's not a drama.
Softmaker is my prefered office suite, when i need one (?), only because i don't like OOo (ugly), Libre office is ok,
That is only esthetic opinion.all that is very personal.
Abiword 2.8.6 and gnumeric are enough for me, most of time. I am not a professional type-writer, excepted on the web, on this forum too.

on my side I have Excel available in the cloud one Drive

Posted: Thu 07 Apr 2016, 18:04
by Pelo
the suites are big. and slow. available everywhere when needed, and free of charge. i load SFS when need. But a lot of Puppies are still released with a suite office included.
on my side I have Excel available in the cloud with one Drive.
Sofmaker in Hard disk Windows
Ooo too, for Windows.
Cloud Excel : download to your computer as ods (gnumeric, Softmaker, LibreOffice, Koffice, Open Office, ....and so on will recognise the extension)