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I need a .pet of Gramps please

Posted: Wed 01 Jun 2011, 16:39
by zippytex
sorry, did not know that offering to re-emburse was wrong.

Help! The only reason I don't use puppy is because I have to use Gramps for a part-time job. I tried using wine and rootsmagic. It installed okay, but, it never put an executable icon on the desktop or in the menu. I could not locate the file anywhere. Help?

Posted: Wed 01 Jun 2011, 17:14
by 8-bit
Why do you need run it under wine?
There is a linux version available on the web.

Also, the program was released under GPL.

And for those that may be lost as to what the program is, it is a genealogy program.

Posted: Wed 01 Jun 2011, 17:31
by aarf
Ignoring the attempt to subvert the altruistic culture.( Try asking with a reason first. ) So pfind failed to find? Detail how you used pfind with screen shots because i never cant find. But i dont use wine or that other thing. They might use a covert hiding system.
Try to use 8-bits recommendation. If you have difficulties there, ask again. Family trees for work? Sounds like debt sleuthing. Hmmm... Yes you might need to offer payment

Posted: Wed 01 Jun 2011, 22:06
by DPUP5520
Compiled fine in 525, found out was missing some extra dependencies, found em and compiled , finally got around to installing to test it out and something wierd happened it turned all my files into executables/wheels/whatever u wanna call it, only by uninstalling the pet did it fix that, but I wonder what it was that caused that problem, will look into it.

Posted: Wed 01 Jun 2011, 22:30
by Sylvander
1. I built my family tree using precursor program to Rootsmagic = "Family Origins v4.0" got for free on a CD.
That was great little program; simple to use and very effective.

Updated to Rootsmagic, which is very similar, but MUCH more sophisticated and complex.
Does thing I don't even understand. :?
I have it installed on Win2000Pro.

Never tried it under WINE in any Puppy.

Haven't tried Gramps, but noticed its existence.

Posted: Wed 01 Jun 2011, 23:10
by p310don

If you get the linux version of your programs working, great, but to answer your question and find the wine files and where they installed, have a look in your home folder on the desktop top left corner. Wine is a hidden folder, so you need to click on the little icon at the top of the rox filer window that looks like binoculars, then you will find the folder .wine

If you open that, you will see a familiar windows type folder layout, with program files. You will probably find your installed programs there. Then it is just a matter of clicking on it and running it. Fingers crossed it works in wine!!

Hope that helps


Posted: Thu 02 Jun 2011, 02:09
by muggins
I've converted the latest debian release to a .pet. See here.

Posted: Fri 03 Jun 2011, 03:09
by davids45
G'day zippytex,

I have three genealogy programs installed with wine on my Pups - Legacy 6, Roots Magic 4.0 and PAF 5.0. I have a somewhere but I prefer Legacy, with Roots Magic my second choice.

Roots Magic 3 then 4 has worked since quite early wines so you should be OK with any recent wine in Puppy. If there is a problem, it will probably be in utilising a multimedia option - so backup often while you get going.

Here's a quick how-I'd-do-it:
Install the .pet or boot-load the sfs of one of green_dome's excellent wine packages and if needed, copy the wine-version-specific wine.gecko cab or msi file into the /usr/share/wine/gecko directory.

Install your Roots Magic from its setup .exe file.

Use Rox (click the 'eye' icon to reveal the hidden directories of which .wine is one) to navigate to the Roots Magic directory - mine are at /root/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Roots Magic 4/

You can drag the rootsmagic.exe file icon to the pinboard (desktop), and if you like, give it the RM tree icon (as a png image) just so it's prettier than the default .exe type-icon (this is one of the right-click options in Rox).

Left-clicking on the pinboard RootsMagic icon should start up your Roots Magic.

For convenience, I keep all my genealogical data files on another partition (my big data partition) so I can start up Roots Magic from any of my Puppies with the same rmg file - I mount the data partition via a script in /root/Startup in each Pup I play with.

Good luck,

David S.

Thanks to all of you who responded to my beginner question

Posted: Sun 05 Jun 2011, 14:17
by zippytex
My offer to pay was born out of desperation and I did not mean to offend anyone. This Linux community is quite different from the windows groups. I realize now that you are doing this just for the love of it and I do thank you.

I have learned that RootsMagic works under wine, pretty well. The orginal font did not display well, but after I changed it to thicker one it worked.

Through your help, I have learned:
to make .fonts directory and copy my favorite true type fonts to it.
use sts to install packages
use wine to install windows programs
I have learned that upper and lower case do matter.
Thank you Davids45

It is still confusing, but I am learning. I would have given up without this community.

Gramps for absolutely newbies

Posted: Mon 29 Aug 2016, 09:13
by Pelo
Oui provides a tutorial for Gramps in several languages and the adress to get the SFS from Smokey 01 packages stores (Gramps: genealogical research program) including short setting up Puppy for absolutely newbies
Zyppytex has gone before getting his answer. Late is better than never.
About PPM Slacko, Gramps can be downloaded, no dependancies Missing. Unfortunately Python2.7 is not found. I supose this damned python is at the wrong place.
Personaly i use the SFS that RSH kindly did to allow Lazy Puppy passengers not do deal with any Linux search. His SFS runs first try :!: Merci RSH !
click the blue to get Gramps !
I you prefer a pet click there !
A Tutorial, a pet, an SFS, i hope our beginners will enjoy to find births, marriages... That takes a long time !

Nothing good in Slaxen, our national Slacko 6.3.0.

Posted: Tue 10 Jan 2017, 19:12
by Pelo
Nothing good in Slaxen, our national Slacko 6.3.0.
python error by downloding via the PPM, nd no result with SFS and pets.
Someone could try please. Perhaps i am a silly boy.

for ubuntu Puppies. Use PPM

Posted: Sun 05 Feb 2017, 16:07
by Pelo