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Woof-gui Questions

Posted: Sun 16 Jan 2011, 11:45
by scsijon
Will add all the url's I've found so far and add with more as I find more or others add to it with their own findings

Maybe a mod will sticky this if it works for future referance for anyone thinking of using the gui.

A "*" is personal notes & comments against a url.


Barry's own Woof & Bones Blogs:-
*continually check during a build, especially woof as updates and fixes (between updates) are continually ocurring and may need to be added in.

Bones Version Control Doc:-
*important to read and understand this one before you begin.
*please notice in pic and accompanying doc it mentions woof-bones and a couple of other directories, these are at the same level as your woof-tree directory.
* make sure your actually in the woof-tree directory when typing "bones setup" else a confusing mess is created

Woof the Puppy Builder Doc.:-
*good general doc to explain woof, little on the gui steps, but these are quite adeqately found elsewhere.

Iguleders build doc:-
*Absolutely magnificent teaching thread, hopefully when he is on leave and has time he might consider updating & expanding it a little.

If your of a french language persuasion I have been told this is good:-

The wika page:-

A few relevant and very informative comments within another thread:- ... 981#450981

*playdayz thread (just found and quick scanned only):-
*wish I had seen this earlier, with Iguleders would have answered a lot of questions and less heartache created.


**Personally I created a 16gig partition specifically to build in as it means you should be able to work from any running puppy partition.

Reason for the topic is that I've just built my first trial run to iso/dev and i've got a "three whole pages" of questions and problem comments to sort out and deal with before I proceed. After a whole day of it i'm tired and just want to sleep now as my brain is both in a spin and wanting to turn off at the same time.

Hopefully those that have built a version of puppy already will be able to help to deal with them.



Initial problems are dissapearing, quite a few went when I created a fresh frugal puppy, added the appropriate dev and worked from there rather than my normal build parn, which is a Full Install.. Woof must have a problem when working from a full Install, so just don't.

Posted: Sun 16 Jan 2011, 12:50
by 01micko
Probably the second worst woofing instructions on the planet

Probably not much help.. but a start.. maybe :lol:


Posted: Mon 17 Jan 2011, 04:23
by scsijon
not really mick, filled in a knowledge spot of two. Thank you.

I'm really enjoying building with woof, not as hard as thought it would be (so far).

Anyway: to my notes and questions relating to my first build.

-Downloaded totally fresh bones and followed "Bones Version control" doc to middle of page 3 (end of getting started), rest seems to relate to uploading and not relevant (i think) at this time.
-went to my woof-tree directory and read the readme (*IMPORTANT), moved (copied) from support mentioned files where needed to go,
-started woof-gui, which came up.
-used the Lucid Puppy Profile only changing: lupi to lupt (for test); minor revision number to 90 (?where is this suppose to appear, couldn't find it in the final "product" anywhere?)
- Download dbs had nothing in the right pannel of compat-distro pkg local databases so pushed "update local dbs files" and waited while it did it's thing
-choose pkgs ammendment doesn't seem to work yet so manually changed package (listed at bottom of gui screen) - see note below
-download packages takes timeeeeeee, don't do it in your "peak allowance" unless you have a lot of it plus plenty of link speed.
-kernal options: picking which kernal is a problem, researched what had been used by others before chosing one that I thought would do. -see note below on thoughts for this.
- build went well, and iso installed ok.

Build Questions:
1/ Didn't have any control of menu format, would have liked the old one rather than new two level (as it is) for now, Eventually will want to set up what is in first and second levels differently. Q-Where are the control files for defaults and order of control?

2/ Want to set up autoload of .sts's if their of the right version and in right directory if I can. Q-Where is the relevant bootmanager files please?

Build Comments
1/Unless close reading in Bones version control, there is nothing mentioned about the extra directories associated with woof AND that you shouldn't play with them (I believe).

2/ We need some help file with the various Kernals to assist in understanding the differances and which one to pick for what, took me two hours of searching and considering which to use. Alternately maybe it should "auto-pick" what was used with the tab1 profile choice and a popup say something like "this was what was last used for that build", still allowing you to pick another if you wish though.

3/ the Choose pkgs tab shows two windows, separating pets and non pets, but nothing mentioning their still using the same file for both, just separating the two lots, definately needs a little further explanation until the on/off buttons at the bottom work. And if you manually change anything, don't forget to put a comment line in at each entry so you can backout one later without starting it all again. You ARE creating a clean backup before you start of course!

4/ could we have an "about" as a choice under menu's help to tell basic info, like build, version and subversions and date and time of build? It would make working out where you are a little easier.

General Problems Found

1/ in build had a line saying:
Line 173: /root/Startup/network_trau: No such file or directory.

2/ Another was:
Warning: Devx.sfs not loaded, cannot install BaCon Basic Compiler.
-but it is installed as I was running from a Full Install not frugal.

3/ noted in the PPM against puppy-lucid-official, nothing listed or in the PPM Configure. (think I found note in url above on this) may need to be added into the woof tree.

Other Problem

Found in the Widgets package after installed, only the clockface seems to be movable by the mouse after install, the rest are fixed positions, can only be on or off in order as listed.


Next project in the steps, is to add some pets that arn't listed by default and also update the list for the flashplayer pet. Question is where do I put them (hopefully packages-pet is the right answer).

ok, over too the community until I add more after my next build (pm wednesday I hope)

damn typos, again

Adding Pets?

Posted: Mon 17 Jan 2011, 08:35
by scsijon
Ok, first problem, how do I manually add pets correctly?

What I did was:

1/ Opened "DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS-ubunto-lucid" in Geaney and added the extra pets I wanted.

2/ Into the "packages-pet" directory I copied and set permissions as 644 to match what was already there.

3/ Started woof-gui and checked under the "Choose Packages" tab that my added pets were listed in the top box. (yes they were)

4/ Tab "Build Pkgs", top box picked the first of my new pets, Clicked "Create Packages" button

The popup "Creating Packages" window gives:

Preprocessing ubuntu lucid pkgs database...

Checking syntax of PKGS_SPECS_TABLE....
Processing bluefish-2.0.0-i486

ERROR: 'bluefish-2.0.0-i486' PET package does not exist in packages-pet.
You will need to find a matching PET package and place it in packages-pet.
Do it later, then rerun this script and chose to build bluefish-2.0.0-i486.

Press ENTER to continue:


? it's there, in the correct format (I believe as the pet installs ok in my previous iso construct), permissions are there?

Thought I followed what I was told to do to add an extra pet!

Directions please, as i've about 20 to add after removing those I don't want at this stage (not many).

thanks in advance

Posted: Mon 17 Jan 2011, 09:32
by 01micko

Is that exact petname in any of the Pet-packages-<whatever>-official files? It must be an exact match. The dodge-a-round is to create your own pretend "repo" similar to BK's Pet-packages-4xx-official (these repos don't exist on the web, they are for local files so woof can cross check). The way BK expresses the error message is a bit ambiguous to my way of think, but I do have a pretty simple mind!

Just create a file with all you pets in it with the correct syntax and naming convention ..which is Pet-packages-whatever-whatevereslse
(note that I highlighted the hyphens, there can only be 3 and the first 2 words must be Pet-packages-)

Now the syntax

genericname-versionNUM|genericname|versionNUM||Category|${SIZE}K||||a des cription goes here|compat_distro|compat_distro_version||


libxext-1|libxext|1||BuildingBlock|76K||||no description provided|debian|squeeze||

NOTE: you don't need the compat_version entries, it can b like this:
libxext-1|libxext|1||BuildingBlock|76K||||no description provided||||
(the important thing is the names of pets and the pets don't even have to be compatible, er for woof to work anyway)

The fields are important, you get all this info from pet.specs in side the pets, copy it exactly. Alphabetical order is of no importance in the final list.


You need to make an entry for your dummy repo in the file DISTRO_PET_REPOS

Forget all the cases for the variable PACKAGES_PET_ORDER.. as the very last entery (after the end of the case) add your PACKAGES_PET_ORDER... it will include the dummy name you gave your file.

Here's one of my old ones:

PACKAGELISTS_PET_ORDER='Packages-puppy-5-official Packages-puppy-micko-official Packages-puppy-quirky-official Packages-puppy-woof-official Packages-puppy-4-official'

It's just a space delimited array surrounded by the usual single quotes

Now you can plonk in your pets and run 2createpackages on those pets


Adding pets - possible answer.

Posted: Mon 17 Jan 2011, 10:06
by scsijon
thanks mick.

So I should of ALSO added an extra package list, even though most of them were in others, I notice some of the woof lists are of older versions, not the latest, even though only downloaded a couple of days ago. And reading your comments, I suspect this is the problem.

Will do, see if I understood you correctly, and see how I go.

thanks again.
jon (scsi because of my pdp8/11 origins) :lol:

Posted: Wed 19 Jan 2011, 05:00
by scsijon
Not quite working right mick,

I started again with fresh woof download (on purpose), I had somehow "stuffed" the one I had up (and for once had forgotten to clone a copy first)!

found a few woof problems for barry (missing/wrong filenames etc in error files) that wern't there in the last download, I put a note on his blog for him against the last woof build entry, hope he sees it as i've also put a url for this, asking him for comments..

I will sort out my notes and update THIS reply/comment with what I have found, lunch at 1600 is a little late, but.....

back soon


Posted: Sat 22 Jan 2011, 09:11
by scsijon
sorry, had to go to Mildura the long way around due to storm water, took all day and was "a wreck" when I got home at the end of it. Only wanted sleep!

Back to Puppy work

1/ Found I was having problems with package downloads, a small number were failing when they were quite visably in the pet directory concerned and listed in the 7th field as such of Packages-puppy-lucid-official.
- with a bit of close watching I saw that the download program was actually looking for them in /quirky/pet packages-quirky, failing that (as it should) but was not changing to the /puppylinux/pet packages-lucid (where they were).
+ I worked out a tempory fix with reordering the search order in DISTRO_PET_REPOS under PKG_DOCS_PET_REPOS and PET_REPOS to put puppylinux before quirky, but it shouldn't have been needed if I read the scripts right. Something for Barry I presume, I think it's having a problem changing from quirky to puppylinux at the level above.

2/Also found that the names of a few packages didn't match what was in their pet specs files. I needed to change them and the Package Files to match to get the gui to download and build the packages.

3/ There are a few packages with the directory of "packages-puppy-igu" and one or two with the word "lucid" spelt "lcuid" in the Pet Package Lists. Had to fix a couple to use.

4/ Found that the gui was downloading the "default" version of the package, not the one asked for, or was saying the package wasn't there, not sure why. I couldn't find a list of "default" versions to work from.

The rest of the problems are either, no pet of that name in the directory (although in the Package List), or Capital<>Lowercase errors.

It means that I have finally got a second working puppy, with most of what I wanted to be in it at this stage, I am using it now for this update, athough I have had two fails between (one being a total disaster, the other not showing what was installed).

I would like BarryK to consider adding the possability of allowing a local non-savefile directory to be used as a package source (with only a text type package list not having the third field a db-file(s) associated with that repo), when he next visits woof, it would allow local pet supply and support instead of downloading all the time. It would also be nice if it could be considered as the Primary Repository and downloading the Secondary Repositries for Pet's.

Well that's enough for tonight, I need to sort my brain out to work out the next step I want to go to. I WILL build, it's just taking a bit longer to get the basics right than I expected, before I start diverging a few scripts and their results to follow my overall plan with puppyrunt.

What do you think about the above problems.

ps decided to message barryK, think I need him to sort a number of the problems out and not just give guidance.

Posted: Sun 23 Jan 2011, 04:37
by scsijon
aha, think i've sorted out one of my problems.

I need to make sure that in /woof-tree that the files DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS AND DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS-ubuntu-lucid have the same "case" and spelling.

ie If I need to do a change in the second, make sure the first has the same.

That includes any additions, removals and yes<>no changes.

Down to three pets through "creating packages" not being created.

Getting an error of "cannot stat $packagename" to sort out next. Any Ideas?

Posted: Sun 23 Jan 2011, 05:24
by technosaurus
scsijon wrote:I need to make sure that in /woof-tree that the files DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS AND DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS-ubuntu-lucid have the same "case" and spelling.

ie If I need to do a change in the second, make sure the first has the same.

That includes any additions, removals and yes<>no changes.
sounds like a job for a symlink

is there a "" before $packagename somehow?

Posted: Sun 23 Jan 2011, 07:16
by scsijon
technosaurus wrote:
scsijon wrote:I need to make sure that in /woof-tree that the files DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS AND DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS-ubuntu-lucid have the same "case" and spelling.

ie If I need to do a change in the second, make sure the first has the same.

That includes any additions, removals and yes<>no changes.
sounds like a job for a symlink

is there a "" before $packagename somehow?
thanks for the idea technosaurus but no, the files have different headers, it's just the list of applications inside that are the same (the first one eventually ends up in your new version's /root/.packages directory as what's inbuilt.

and no there is not a / before the $, i've found out by trial and error that the problem relates to packagenames in petspecs again.
It seems that the 2createpackages uses the DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS-ubuntu-lucid (in my case) to build a packages-lupt directory (my name ilo lupi/lupu for the test buildname), but it uses the individual packages internal petspecs data for the application packages directory name and NOT the one the pet is actually called. To fix the problem you need to go in and rename the directory to the pet's written name without the version info included. I may also add at this point that manually checking and renaming the directories to exactly match the petnames has also got rid of almost all my other problems.

I now have a lupt524 built with all but two apps I want to add, but still have four or five to remove when I have tested replacements. I'm using it now. It is a bit big at 180meg, but as everything's in and nothing has been cutout or removed I'll put up with it for now.

When I have sorted the last few out I will create an alpha called lupt530. I will upload it on my site and ask for some alpha testers. It won't be the greatest and latest, but will give people an idea of what I want to head for, and I suspect it will still have some bugs (not too many I hope), but those who have preceided me with woof may have some words of guidance.

enough for now, pub time (tea) :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Sun 23 Jan 2011, 16:39
by technosaurus
the unneeded quotes in the ayttm comment= gives me issues in other programs too

if you keep a list of issues that you find I may be able to write a script that auto-corrects the package list and possibly the packages

fixing the packages is quicker than decompressing the whole pet

Code: Select all

tar -xf ${packagename}.pet ./${packagename}/pet.specs
<sed/grep/awk fixes here>
tar -cf ${packagename}.pet ./${packagename}/pet.specs
(may need to do pet2tgz first and tgz2pet at the end though b/c of the md5sum at the end)

lupt525-prealphadevelopment version

Posted: Mon 24 Jan 2011, 06:44
by scsijon
I have gone one step forward with all packages I have listed now being included and built without errors (I think/hope).

I have replaced gnumeric and abiword (so far, but not the complete list to go) with siag. I know it hasn't been worked on for a couple of years, but....
It's an office type pack, a little basic, but only about 2.25meg all up. It includes a wordprocessor, spreadsheet,extended text editor, x-filer, animator (faulty at the moment, (now think the problem is a XawM library being absent)) and Postscript Viewer. Should allow some shrinkage when the matching apps etc. are removed. The pet's version is out of date but mostly works and will do for my early alpha's. Those that want much better I would expect to be loading a sfs already anyway.

Firefox 3.6.13 and Eudora (naturally) are in with Midori and sypheed out (only the apps so far, have to work out app dependant libs yet).

Have to sort out fonts next as it's all horrible in the browsers and such at the moment (don't know why), started working out the changes in the skeleton plus some other item's relating to above, then 526 (pre-alpha) and a bit if all apps basic testing before moving forward.

definately getting somewhere and having fun doing it.



Posted: Fri 28 Jan 2011, 22:18
by scsijon
hm, one package to go in still but everything is getting big.
i'm now at 186meg, time to startr serious removal job....
but wait, if I offload apps to a zfile it should shrink my main by something decent (maybe), may also allow oo to be used that way, too big for main.
I also wonder, if I only had one window manager by default in there, ?what would that save (i'm thinking leave openbox in for a test).

tried a serious cut with all non-system related apps out, but wasn't happy with the results so did a stepback 2 and started again.

If anyone's interested, the siag problem is XawM release, was built with 6, we use 7, only needs ln's back to 6 from 7 to fix.

moving apps to a z-drive file is a waste of time at the moment, saved 25meg, going back to one file for now.

Ha, found the menu bits and pieces. Pet is xdg-puppy-lucid if anyones interested. The menu seems a little mixed up at first scan, d/l the specs from, note Puppy is using 0.8 specs although latest is 1.1.. Found how easy it is to change top level, but you need a new savefile to see the change, the old one keeps the old menu version, don't know why, suspect it's imbeded when you have added a pet or two.
8) rearanged top level ok, now to work out how to modify the second and third levels. Not sure if I will ever be able to "drag and drop" as is on my work-list, but if I can make the existing one more user friendly it will have achieved it's primary goal.

on and up^


Posted: Thu 17 Feb 2011, 09:32
by scsijon
no I haven't abandoned this!

just having a comparison build between 5.2 and wary5 and working what I would find which would in the long term be the easiest to build what I want to do and later provide support.

am working through the packages

am awaiting a couple of pets to be completed to ease my work (I was told to never reinvent the wheel)

given a few problems back to barry with the latest woof update.

i've also decided to go back to uni (at the age of 59), but only part time and plan one-day-a-week to be assigned to puppy,

outside access to an alpha is about a month away still. It will appear on my puppy website under a puppyrunt directory.

I have found there is a lot more repeditive testing is required to be done when building than I expected, no wonder ttuuxxx, playdayz, 01micko, barryk, shinobar etc are glad when a build is finished.

I don't consider what i'm doing as a true build, just a rework and expantion of function.

update: Yeah for trio, he was online yesterday and I took the chance to ask him if he had time to update his Petmaker Plus from 1.7.3 so it works with wary5, 5.2. etc. He has done so, and it works a treat. :D :D :D :D Now I can rebuild a few things without reworking or having them fail.