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Puppy Linux Users Group on Facebook

Posted: Fri 03 Sep 2010, 16:57
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Facebook for Puppy Linux Users.
New link Ala Ttuuxxx:

"A place for Puppy Linux users to post desktop pics, share their Puppy knowledge, tips and tricks, even their day.. Just a more "personal" place for Puppy Linux Users..."

Posted: Fri 03 Sep 2010, 17:33
by Aitch
Jay, maybe this link will be useful? ... 336096478/

Aitch :)

Posted: Fri 03 Sep 2010, 21:44
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Well, I searched for a Puppy Linux page on Facebook, couldnt find one, so I started this one...
Of course, there is one already, with 833 members, including me...(thats why I couldnt find it..LOL)..
Oh well, Puppy can never get too much exposure....
Thanks for the Flicker link Aitch, I will join it, and it will prove useful...

Posted: Sat 04 Sep 2010, 10:02
by Aitch
Yes, perhaps people on the forum can adopt it as a picture repository, for all those fancy desktop pics?

Never goes down, AFAIK, but I think you have to join to be able to download....perhaps you will confirm if you join?

My desktops are plain ol' plain old, as I'm not very visually oriented :oops:

Aitch :)

Posted: Thu 09 Sep 2010, 14:36
by edoc
Is anyone aware of methods for parents to monitor their children's Facebook accounts?

Their E-mail is all copied to our E-mail but Web mail and social networking accounts bypass that.

Our early-teen children want accounts but Facebook (like MySpace and YouTube and most other social networking sites) is loaded with anti-social influences which a responsible parent needs to monitor.

We need to be able to observe the communications and images from time to time to be sure that their interactions remain healthy and age-appropriate.

We have Tomato on our Netgear router and OpenDNS activated. What other tools are out there?

We don't want to be literally peering over their shoulders all the time but do need to "look in" now and then.

Posted: Thu 09 Sep 2010, 17:40
by Aitch
edoc, if you use firefox, try either of these

see also ... -page.html

There are security settings in many AV/Security suites, too

Other than to them, listen to their views, express your concerns for their safety :wink:


Aitch :)

Posted: Thu 09 Sep 2010, 17:49
by edoc
Any idea if any of these will also work in Seamonkey (now 2.0.7)?

We are talking to them but you know how hormonally-insane teenagers are -- they know everything and are invincible -- and parents know nothing and are just trying to steal their fun.

Nothing has changed there for thousands of years!

Posted: Thu 09 Sep 2010, 21:09
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
When my twins were younger, and wanted Facebook / Myspace accounts, I made it clear that they could, but only if they "friended" me so I could see what they were up to.
I still do... I learn more about what they are up to from Facebook than I can find out "in person"..
Most parental software doesnt consider social networking sights as inappropriate..
But I believe Firefox can be set up to only allow a specific list of sites, IIRC...
Back in the Windoze days I used a keylogger....
Busted my kids good too.....
And my first Wife.....
8) 8) 8)

Posted: Thu 09 Sep 2010, 22:02
by edoc
Yuck, you mean that I also have to waste time on Facebook along with them? Ewwww! Gag me with a whole serving set. (Valley-girl speak) ;-)

I guess I either deny them Facebook or do as you recommend.

QUESTION: Should I start a new thread? I didn't intend to hijack this one.

I suppose I also might benefit from something like this:

Facebook Filter 1.3.6 [Is this Puppy Linux Lucid 5.1 friendly?)

[quote]... a Firefox extension that lets you control which types of posts appear on your Facebook News Feed. You can choose to show or hide the following types of News Feed posts:

- “Is now friends with

Posted: Fri 10 Sep 2010, 01:15
by Aitch
You could also tell your teens that psychologists have said Facebook is a meeting place for people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder ... chologists

That might put them off using it :wink:

Aitch :)

Posted: Fri 10 Sep 2010, 01:18
by edoc
I saw that - trust me, it would not phase them a bit - they are convinced that such things apply to others and that those with whom they wish to interact are OK.

Teens ...

Posted: Fri 10 Sep 2010, 10:31
by Aitch
Yes....its a while ago, but I have fond memories of teen invincibility....
Had me racing round a track in a go-kart at 70+ MPH....climbing mountains, non-swimmer ocean sailing, and jumping off really steep hills with not much more than a bit of silk and cord....until I took up gliding.....YeeHaah!!

It's all relative to danger

We all learn in our own ways, remember?

Jay...back to the facebook group, eh? [sorry, you won't catch me on there, ....too many weirdos :lol: :lol: ]

Aitch :)

Posted: Sun 12 Sep 2010, 05:48
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Hey, I am one of those weirdo`s.............. 8)

Posted: Sun 12 Sep 2010, 21:00
by postfs1
To reedit up to date.

Posted: Sun 03 Oct 2010, 22:39
by droope
puppyluvr wrote::D Hello,
When my twins were younger, and wanted Facebook / Myspace accounts, I made it clear that they could, but only if they "friended" me so I could see what they were up to.
be warned, they can add you to a list, and filter you out from "inapropiate" (:P) content.

Posted: Sun 18 Nov 2012, 21:28
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Over 150 members and growing.. 8)

Posted: Sun 18 Nov 2012, 22:13
by edoc
Good thing, I suppose, for those who want that social interaction.

I sure hope that none of the valuable support info is diverted there - unless copied here.

I don't do Facebook & have no intention to start - and know a whole lot of others who say likewise.

Too much clutter & too many hassles.


Posted: Fri 15 Feb 2013, 14:16
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
179 and growing...

Puppy on Facebook ???????

Posted: Wed 09 Oct 2013, 11:16
by Pelo
Great Idea. I check that and I Inform You of my decision.
A Bientôt.

Posted: Wed 09 Oct 2013, 13:52
by puppyluvr
:D Hello
256 and still growing..