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Recommended for beginners: the How-To Videos

Posted: Sat 17 Dec 2005, 07:04
by LazyLabrador
I only just found the link to the "Puppy How To Videos."
They are very good! Recommened for any NewPups including myself.

Posted: Sat 17 Dec 2005, 16:08
by Rhino
Thanks! Glad you they are useful for you. If there are other videos of things you or anyone else would like to see how to do, just let me know. I'll be glad to make a video as long as I know how to do it, otherwise I'll try to figure it out.

Welcome to Puppy!

Rhino Puppy Video's

Posted: Sat 25 Feb 2006, 06:51
by FlyingPenguin
Hi Rhino,
Is it OK to download these vids of yours as a reference? I can watch them on-line, but I can't download them. I use Mandriva Linux and Firefox web browser. It would be nice if you could make them downloadable for us. [eg Only for Forum members.]
They are great vids by the way.

Posted: Sat 25 Feb 2006, 09:14
by MU

You also can download the tutorials here:


Posted: Fri 15 Dec 2006, 22:13
by klhrevolutionist ran a story this week or maybe today.. of

Ubuntuclips is using .ogg video/audio for linux/ubuntu users and .mov for mac and .avi for windows.

I was not aware that .ogg did video. Anyway I thought I would notify Rhino of this and anybody else planning on doing video tutorials. I am gonna look into how they created these .ogg videos... Would be nice to convert the flash to .ogg

Posted: Sun 18 Mar 2007, 10:58
by WhizzBang
Hello, I am new here (and new to Linux) but I have found the video tutorials have led to a bit of a catch 22 for me.

I am trying to get online using a PCMCIA wifi card, so I took a look at the tutorial 'Connect to a wireless network'. The first thing this video tells you is to install the wifi-beta2.pup by reading the 'How to install a DotPup' video.

When I watch the 'Install a dotpup file' video, the second thing it tells me 'You must already have an internet connection established'

So, the videos suggest I use wifi-beta2.pup to get my network going, but I can't do this unless I already have an internet connection.

I am sure that there is a solution if you know what you are doing, but I just thought I would leave a message in case the author/s look here, as the videos were not much help to me.

Posted: Sun 18 Mar 2007, 11:06
by MU
You might try first the new ethernet wizard in Puppy, it supports wireless, too.

If it fails:
you could download a dotpup on another computer from the website, most wifi stuff is here:
(sorry for the broken pictures, we have a serverproblem).

Then copy it to the Puppy-Computer, e.g. with an USB-stick.

Click on the "drives" icon to run the media utility MUT, that allows to "mount" the USB-stick.
Then the dotpup on it is shown in the filemanager Rox, just click on it to install it.


Posted: Sun 18 Mar 2007, 11:56
by WhizzBang
Thanks Mu, I'll try that.

Yes to "How to videos " and confessions of a Newbie

Posted: Wed 04 Jun 2008, 15:35
by bill
Hi All,Well I don't mind telling you I did quite a bit with a computer errr 20 years :? ago but after that period I was only rquired to do "Monkey See and Monkey Do " use of computers.Since finally realizing LiveCDs and Linux and now having the time to get involved it finally dawned on me that mostly the nature of my ills was not knowing and using the "Console/rxvt" correctly.I had forgotten how CRITICAL the input was ie.Spacing,case sensitive ,commands etc. etc. were.Fortunately I was reading some post about Consoles and the light I saw at the end of the tunnel,Wasn't the train . :lol: thanks,bill

Posted: Sat 09 May 2009, 23:59
by dr_willis
Very nicely done.. I just want to know.. How do you make these videos.
Ive been toying with 'record my desktop' and yours look much nicer.

I cant code, i cant draw, i cant make themes..
But at least i can try to help teach others. :lol:

Posted: Sun 10 May 2009, 03:47
by Lobster
these were done with wink

you might prefer screentoaster

here is one I did for Deep Thought ... 1ZXF9bUlZd

Outdated :

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2009, 12:42
by isabelgobbo
The videos from the site wasn't good to me most seems outdated for 4.2 version of puppy.

I need to find a site which teach about rxvt commands for puppy.

Anybody can help me.

Posted: Mon 09 Nov 2009, 17:56
by 8-bit
Open a terminal (rxvt).
Type "rxvt --help" for options for it.
Type "rxvt -help" for more.

Also, at the prompt #, press the TAB key.
If you answer yes to the question that appears, it will show commands that you can use.

Posted: Fri 20 Nov 2009, 22:23
by sneekylinux
i have done quite a few vids for puppy,you can find them on youtube or,or just google me!!

Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2009, 19:17
by panzerpuppy
Hey,it's sneekylinux! Nice to see you here :) Could you post a new video about Turbopup on YouTube?
The final version of Turbopup was released a week ago and it's called Turbopup Xtreme.

The changes are radical and now it's much lighter and faster than before.
So light that It can run on your 486 with 16MB of RAM. Memory consumption is now a record-breaking 10MB and the 'pup boots in a flash.

Wake up your ancient hardware!

Posted: Wed 17 Mar 2010, 16:04
by Jim Isbell
Well, I thought I had found the solution to a lot of problems. But the first one I tried to follow I found that my file system doesnt look anything like the one depicted in the video. It didnt help me because the first thing it told me to do was to navigate to <.usr_more> That file is not in my file system!!!

I tried to do some improvisation and found that other files mentioned were also not in my file system so I gave up.

Posted: Wed 17 Mar 2010, 16:36
by Lobster
More up to date videos are here - sorry about quality - try viewing full screen

Posted: Sun 06 Jun 2010, 09:43
by anjavlada
My name is Alexander
My English is very bad,so i do not throw up.I almost started to use personal Linux UBUNTU,but I really liked and Puppy,and i decided that i must have the flash memory.These videos really help to install but i have a feeling I'll have to ask again but first I'll try.
I hope you will help me,when you stand somewhere.

Thank you in advance

Posted: Sun 06 Jun 2010, 11:51
by anjavlada
It is not an active link always show this "Pictures"

Where to find online or on How to install Puppy from Windoows.Whether this is a good live CD burned (what's in) Here's a picture poster "HERE"

So how to install Puppy from Win

Posted: Thu 05 Aug 2010, 03:28
by breslavian
Can you make a how to vid on converting .deb or tarball into pet packages? (I don't think that's the right sentence on what I have in mind.
Um, For example, I'd like to install Audacious, but seeing that there seems to be no pet packages available, I download the .deb version of it. How then do I integrate it to the system after?