Praise for Puppy

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Praise for Puppy

#1 Post by johnheav »

I've been working on a Dell Latitude 540/640 I picked up locally for a song. I bought it to experiment w/ Puppy, particularly, to create a dual-boot machine. I followed instructions from a post in the "How-to" forum, and it worked like a charm. I can now boot either XP or Puppy on this P4 machine.

Today I bought a USB wireless adapter, and wanted to install it tonight. I couldn't, b/c XP lost the driver for the CD-ROM when I created the Puppy partition. Understandable, I thought, I'll just download the driver and install it. Except I couldn't find it on the Web. Anywhere. So, fine, I thought, I'll just use a generic USB combo drive I have. I installed the driver, but guess what, XP didn't see it either. I've spent a maddening 1.5 hours trying to find drivers, install them, coaxing XP into seeing my equipment, etc....

I finally gave up and shut it down, plugged in the wireless adapter, turned it back on, and booted w/ the Puppy option. Lo and behold, Puppy saw the Linksys adapter, preloaded the correct driver somehow, and I was on the 'Net in a little over a minute after booting. I'm also listening to James Taylor via the built-in TEAC CD-ROM (which is obviously OK), and burning a Puppy distro w/ the generic combo drive.

I'm sold on Puppy. If Windows occasionally drives YOU nuts, slap Puppy in your CD drive and reboot. I think I won't be looking at those flags much more.

I hope Barry and some of the team members read this. You folks do important work, and I appreciate your coding genius. Puppy is the best thing going for Linux that I've found.

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#2 Post by ttuuxxx »

Glad you found puppy john, It takes a lot of work and dedication to make it was it is, (and a lot of $#$%#%# from the wife, lol ) Barry is the real brainchild behind it, But people like myself and many others help along the way :)
ttuuxxx <-- excellent site <-- Codec Test Files <-- excellent HTML5 games :)

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#3 Post by raffy »

We can do with another John in the forum orwiki. :)
Puppy user since Oct 2004. Want FreeOffice? [url=]Get the sfs (English only)[/url].

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Power to the Puppy!!

#4 Post by weezle »

Hey to all... Just a quick note to all of you that put sooo much energy into Puppy Linux- THANK YOU! All your hard work does not go unnoticed. I have been using computers for well over fifteen years and have used Linux(s) for well over five years. I have been a puppy user since version 3 came out, and now I am running 4.2 Eee for my Asus EeePC. I don't even boot into the stock Xandros distro anymore. Puppy is so fast, so friendly, and so well supported that I am converting at least two friends or associates per month to puppy linux- and all of them are both satisfied and impressed. Any and all questions are quickly answered by the forums with a google search. You all rock!! Keep up the great work, and thanks again!

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