Moblin/Clutter for Woof Netbook Remix? D/top?, handheld?

What features/apps/bugfixes needed in a future Puppy
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Moblin/Clutter for Woof Netbook Remix? D/top?, handheld?

#1 Post by Boo2themoon »

Tronkel has already mentioned this in the Jaunty Puppy Alpha9 feedback thread and I agree :)

I think this UI would be fantastic for Puppy!

I have used Moblin a couple of times now and it has an intuitive and as its name suggests, uncluttered interface. It feels modern and fast.
I used a Samsung nc10 netbook but TBH I could easily see myself using this on a Desktop. Also IMHO this has been developed with a touch screen in mind so the possibilities are huge.

A couple of friends (M$ users) tried it out and were keen to learn their way around, it took them seconds. One even setup the WEP key for wifi. Their only frustration was that Moblin2 is still BETA and not finished (just so you know) but mostly works.
So its Newbie friendly too!

Moblin is based on Fedora, there is a SuSe version too, both RPM. Intel involvement has been heavy, presumably to help the position of its Atom now that ARM based PIDs are on the way. But I believe that Intel have released its code back to the community for further open development.
The previous version of Moblin was based on Ubuntu, so there should be some packages around ( to get you started ;) ) for upup.

So whilst I've posted in a suggestions thread its actually a request could a woof-clutter/moblin-jupup-476-netbook-remix-alpha1 be possible?.... phew!

I can help test :)

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#2 Post by amigo »

I've been working on getting some moblin stuff working the last couple of days.

The original was an internal intel project based on ubuntu. The current moblin-2.0 is a different animal. The clutter/mutter inetrface does indeed look and work nice. the system is heavily gnome/HAL/dbus dependent though, so it doesn't really wind up being particularly lightweight. However, the UI concept deserves a good look -I plan to try implementing some of the functionality using lighter components. Luckily, the main work is done on x86 systems, so anything that works out can be used on regular inetel systems, although my primary ineterest is in getting it to work on mipsel and ARM.

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