Just in case........

For stuff that really doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Puppy
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Just in case........

#1 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
Well, call it what you will, paranoia, prophecy, whatever...
Lookng around, I thing it might be time to say:

Its been really great being involved in the Puppy community for the last year..
Ive "met" some very interesting people, and learned a lot..
Its too bad the community model it represents cant be implimented Globally...
Unfortunately, I fear things are taking a rapid downward spiral..
The situations in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Africa, as well as others are quickly developing into frightening confrontations...
Add to that the Global Banking Conspiracy`s having pretty much "knocked the chair out from under" the economy of every major country on earth, and the ecological crisis we are creating...well, it looks pretty grim....I fear the time for "leisure" activities like Puppy may soon be in short supply..

So, in case I dont get to say it later...Its been fun..
May God, (whichever you choose) bless and protect you all in the times to come..
If you are athiest...well...Good Luck....
The Sh%t is about to hit the fan folks....

The World to End at 10 o`clock....Film at 11


#2 Post by bugman »

i dunno

seems like the same shit as always

people robbing and killing one another, it will never end

and neither is it THE END

see ya tomorrow!

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#3 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Aw heck Bugman, I dont think the world is gonna end..
Just our way of life...
When these lunatics finally go nuclear on each other, and they will, It will allow our Governments to declare a "State of Emergency"...
We know what that will lead to.....

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#4 Post by nitehawk »

Yeah,....things look really bad, all right.
But my 92 1/2 year old Mom tells me all about living through the Great Depression,....and WWII and stuff,.....
so maybe we can make it through all this stuff as well,........ :roll:


#5 Post by bugman »

government emergencies, i laugh at them

all my neighbors have guns and are ready to use them

as no bullets will be going out from my gunless house, none will be forthcoming

when the smoke clears, i'll be the last man standing

and the town will finally be MINE

:D :D :D

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#6 Post by Aitch »

Hya Jay/Bugsie & nitehawk

We'll all still be here, & it's been good meeting you too

Don't go anywhere other than somewhere where you can watch Zeitgeist, posted by ecomoney/Robert

- It kinda says the same as you, plus a bit of hope for an alternate future....

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 7743189197

followed by the addendum

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 7695921912

Happy New Year, mateys, & may you prosper better than this year

Aitch :)

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#7 Post by hillside »

I've got my chickens, my vegetable garden, my honey, my fruit trees,
and my nut trees, but I don't have any bullets or guns. I suppose I
can throw sticks and rocks if I really need to, but I'd rather share
some of my stuff. I've got plenty.

If things go new-kew-ler, it could get mighty grim.

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#8 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
Hillside my friend, you are right indeed, mighty grim...
And it will go nuclear, they promise..LOL..
As hated as Israel is you`d think they would walk softly, but....
Pakistan has been a nuclear nation for decades, and is pro hamas, so....
Just keep letting those bombs go astray and hit Schools and orphans...
Hell, Muslims are forgiving right....
Israel is gonna keep it up, and who`s gonna stop them???
They figure the west has their back, right...
Might as well fulfill prophecy, right...COL (crying out loud)
I wish I was joking............

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#9 Post by PaulBx1 »

as no bullets will be going out from my gunless house, none will be forthcoming
You'll be the first one robbed. Make sure you put a big "gun free zone" sign on front of your house. We wouldn't want you to derive any unwanted protection from those awful neighbors.

I don't think anything will be going nuclear, but never underestimate the stupidity of the human race. Likely it would be localized, so if you don't live in Washington DC you probably have nothing to worry about in that respect.

I'm not a big worrier about teo-wacky. Crime will certainly go up, but general chaos? I don't think so. But I am prepared to move away from the big city if I'm wrong. Much more likely to me would be a general crackdown by the authorities, "just to protect us", and gulags for the nonconformists.

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#10 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
Much more likely to me would be a general crackdown by the authorities, "just to protect us", and gulags for the nonconformists.
if you don't live in Washington DC you probably have nothing to worry about in that respect
Naa, D.C is OK, but I wouldnt want to live in Israel right now.....

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#11 Post by raffy »

hillside wrote:I'd rather share some of my stuff. I've got plenty.
A good formula there, hillside. Perhaps this is one secret enjoyed only outside the city.

Best wishes for the New Year!
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#12 Post by ttuuxxx »

"Tomorrows can always be a new day, Unless Tomorrow never comes" ttuuxxx
eg you die, a large meteor hits earth, the earth falls off its course and moves closer to the sun. Other than that I think we'll be ok.
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#13 Post by Fossil »

I don't wish to alarm you but...., (Taken from CNET News)
Royal Navy goes with 'Windows for Subs'

Just imagine at the decisive moment, target acquired and locked..., the usual BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death): 'A fatal exception has occurred at VXD####### Reboot or Shutdown??? :!:
Happy New Year!
PS. I live five miles from the nearest shop and twelve from the nearest (larger) town! :)

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#14 Post by Slapdash »

Nah, running the nukes on Windows can't be much worse than running them on Linux or whatever other system. I've heard of an army supply system going to hell because something went wrong with Linux - sure thing the panic was brief and it was sorted out fast, but it shows that any OS can mess things up. I routinely crash my Puppy, hell maybe even more often than I crash Windows. If there's an idiot operating the computer, that's the sort of results you can expect.

The crisis? Don't bother me none. My 78 year old grandma has lived through the WWII and then some 50 years of communist occupation. When she heard about the crisis, and how we're all aparently doomed she was all "Hell, where's the news? We've had a crisis going on ever since I remeber. Nothing's changed". In Poland we have a saying: "The crisis lives (on)". Comes from a stand-up routine about two brothers from the days of yore - Ramses and Crisis. Now, Ramses died a long way back, but Crisis lives to this day. The economy will recover, eventually.

I am a tad more worried about the whole war thing though. Tensions abound and increase all over the world. Even a seemingly peaceful country like Belgium came to a dangerous edge a few years ago. And there's Russia, China, India, Pakistan, huge China, cocky Iran, unstable Irag, Afghanistan, there's Quebec all acting up, there's a recent action in the Gaza Zone, there's Africa fighting and dying right in front of all the world to see, hell, there's even Australia trying to censorship the tubes.

And there's no one to take care of those matters. The UN is a laugh. The EU is shaky, bikering inside and pretty much useless as far as international relations go. The US are facing some serious problems of their own AND have the worst PR in history, so they will be really, really unwilling to get involved more. This leaves plenty opportunity for countries like China to get involved and that does not bode well.

I do have a solution - I'll get really hammered tomorrow and hope that when I wake up in a couple of days at least some of the problems will be gone.


#15 Post by bugman »

PaulBx1 wrote:You'll be the first one robbed. Make sure you put a big "gun free zone" sign on front of your house. We wouldn't want you to derive any unwanted protection from those awful neighbors.
my neighbors are the worst i have ever known

anyone who tells you that big city people are less friendly or in any way worse than small town people has never lived in a small town

[edited to add that i really do have nothing worth stealing, but my neighbors are so mean and stupid they'll try to steal it anyways, no problemo]

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#16 Post by Stevo954 »

THE SKY IS FALLING!- People have been saying this for ever. The 2000s are like the 1960's all over again......economic woes, distant war, green and other counterculture movements, etc. That era faded away rather uneventfully, and this one will too. Don't believe all of the hype, people.


#17 Post by bugman »

Stevo954 wrote:economic woes, distant war, green and other counterculture movements
perhaps the economic woes and distant wars will go away

and green and counterculture movements can stay

[i can dream, can't i?]

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#18 Post by Aitch »



just another dreamer

me too!
Parrots trained to utter uplifting slogans
:lol: :lol:

Aitch :)

PS don't know why the link doesn't work? sorry

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#19 Post by Lobster »


Recently we had snow and everyone went to the local greenery and built snowmen.
I can see a bay tree from my window and the cherry blossom is budding.

Money never existed. So none of it has gone. People are just waking up . . .

It is a great time to be alive. Open Source is becoming a philosophy or template for a 'gift economy'.

Can you find the good? Look hard. Ignore the negative unless you have the compassion and stamina to deal with it . . .

And Happy Valentines Day . . . :lol:
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#20 Post by brymway »

Read a good book the other day by Kim Stanley Robinson called "The Wild Shore" http://www.amazon.com/Wild-Shore-Three- ... 0312890362 Interesting take on things. No matter what happens thru life there will always be the rogues, survivors, the underground, the (dare I say it?) hackers. If something major was to happen, I mean really major, I think the first to be back online would be the open source users via generators, old lines and BBS boards. It's the survivor mentality that drives open source users.

Let it drop-----

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see you underground

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