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eth0 or dhcpcd not working

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 03:10
by mobybit
I had my Puppy 3.01 NOP system working with a Belkin USB wireless adapter. During the time I was getting the WLan config worked out I did have eth0 working as well. But after using it only with a wireless connection for a couple of months, I can't get the eth0 connection to work now that I moved the computer to where I only have wired access.

Doing ifconfig eth0 up followed by ifconfig -a shows eth0 present with Link and UP status, small (1-4) RX & TX counts, but no IP address.

Then checking for and deleting any /etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd-eth0.* followed by dhcpcd -d eth0 seems to fail in getting an IP address. Furthermore, doing ifconfig -a at this point shows Link, NO UP status, larger (10-40) RX & TX counts, and still no IP address.

What should I look at here to find out what's failing ?

Re: eth0 or dhcpcd not working

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2008, 14:19
by erikson
mobybit wrote:What should I look at here to find out what's failing ?
First thing to check is whether the i/f is connected to a running dhcp server.

How ?

Posted: Fri 06 Jun 2008, 04:44
by mobybit
Yes, I'm pretty sure that there is a DHCP server on the line.

Short of digging out a network sniffer, is there a way to check for protocol activity from the Puppy UI or command line ?

Is there a Dhcpcd log ?

Re: How ?

Posted: Fri 06 Jun 2008, 16:27
by erikson
mobybit wrote:Short of digging out a network sniffer, is there a way to check for protocol activity from the Puppy UI or command line ?
For testing, you could assign some static IP address

Code: Select all

ifconfig eth0 192.168.x.y
with appropriate x and y (assuming you're on subnet 192.168.x.0/24). Then check if you can ping other machines on the subnet, and the dhcp server in particular.

Posted: Sat 07 Jun 2008, 03:06
by mobybit
Yes, assigning a static IP enables the network communications to work.

So, it's just that Dhcpd is not working for some reason.

I noted that dhcpcd gives a result code of 14 when run in /etc/rc.d/ . What is result code 14 ?

Posted: Sat 07 Jun 2008, 04:44
by Sage
Router settings?

Posted: Sat 07 Jun 2008, 09:09
by erikson
mobybit wrote:So, it's just that Dhcpd is not working for some reason.
Obviously. I don't know result code meanings.

I also don't know the configuration of your network. How many machines are connected on the same subnet? How many of these are configured for dhcp? What kind of machine provides the dhcp server function? Do you have access to this machine?

Just to exclude potential corruption of your Puppy install, did you try to boot from a pristine Puppy live-CD (with pfix=ram), and see if dhcp works then?