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Multi-session cds

Posted: Thu 23 Aug 2007, 16:56
by winterfire
I recently asked this question on and didnt get a response that I could use, so I'm going closer to the source.
I created a Puppy cd off windows and it worked fine. Then, I used Puppy 2.16 to download another copy and burn a multi-session cd. When I tried the multi-session cd, it booted perfectly. When I shut down the computer, I clicked save to cd when prompted and it appeared to save my settings on the puppy multi-session cd. The next time I booted from the ms-cd, nothing happened and the computer booted to windows as if there were no cd in the drive. The origional single session cd still boots just fine. Is there a trick to getting a multi-session cd to work, or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for the help.

Posted: Thu 23 Aug 2007, 17:27
by Scoticus

Do not despair as multisession works a treat. The biggest problem with it is getting it to work first time.

I would suggest that you look at the multisession section of the forum which can be found as a sub section of the cutting edge listing. My own experience was initially a pain in the neck but with everything that was offered and explained it was soon sorted.

Watch what you use for CDs or DVDs are there appears to be some resistance to work with certain manufacturers. Otherwise you should get along easily. Only thing I dont like with multisession is when I used DVDs the boot time was slooooow but that is only in relation to Puppy.

I trust this will assist.

Posted: Thu 23 Aug 2007, 19:20
by winterfire
Wow that was quick. i'll try a diffrent brand of cd. The ones I was using cost me five bucks for a pack of 100. I'll check the other section of the forum you sugessted. Now that I think about it, I may not need a multi-session cd if there is a way to record a single session cd that has all the appications,codecs and a limited numbers of favorites. There's probably several ways to do this but I'm still learning about Puppy. Anyway, I don't need to save everything to a cd,(thats what pen drives are for), but a single session cd that has everything so that i don't have to download the one or two extra applications that I use regularly.
Thanks Again,this is a great forum.

Watch what you use for CDs or DVDs are there appears to be some resistance to work with certain manufacturers.[quote]

Posted: Fri 24 Aug 2007, 16:33
by iang
You don't say how you burned the multi-session CD-R. If you used the Burniso2cd utility from within Puppy, it should be OK & may well be the type of CD-R.

If you didn't use that utility, it may be worth trying as I've found anything other than Burniso2cd or cdrecord --multi to cause a lot of problems. It would seem not all multi-session burning programmes are created equally.

I personally find the multi-session feature of Puppy extremely useful. The ability to roll back a couple of sessions with pfix if something goes badly wrong & the automatic back-up you have when the disc is full is really valuable.