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Eko Audio Editor

Posted: Fri 03 Jul 2020, 22:40
by O.F.I.N.S.I.S.

Have you ever heard of Eko Audio Editor?

I rediscovered this by actually reading an old Linux Print Magazine from 2017. So, I searched for it.
The developers page seems to be gone. Could not connect to it.
However, it's license is "Public Domain" and I found version 5.3.3, which seems to be the last version for Linux available. I found also 6.0 but this is for Windows download only.
The 5.3.3 that I found is an AppImage for 64bit.
I packaged this into a .tar.gz archive and have it uploaded to my google drive.
It's to be found in directory "Audio-and-Sequencer" - link in first post.

Unfortunately the developer had dropped support of JACK audio already in version 5.3.3. But it seems to work well using ALSA.

So, probably someone will have any use of it?

Posted: Sat 04 Jul 2020, 07:35
by Geek3579
I have tried quit a few audio editors over the years, but never heard of Eko.

What feature(s) are you looking for in an audio editor that mhWaveEdit cannot provide?? (the latter being installed on most puppy linux OS, and which does a fair is just brilliant as recording software, having a neat VU meter and quick save-to-file times.)

Posted: Sat 04 Jul 2020, 12:20
by O.F.I.N.S.I.S.

I don't look for any features in an Audio Editor. Just thought to mention Eko Audio Editor. Generally MhWaveEdit doesn't fit my needs of an Audio Editor. So, I prefer to use Audacity to record/edit audio files. Have been using Audacity already at times when I was a Windows user - though, that's already a long time ago.

I have different Audio Editors installed in my Puppy. Besides MhWaveEdit there's Audacity, OcenAudio, Rezound, SpectMorph, Sweep, Traverso and WaveEdit - plus some specials like WaveBreaker, WaveCleaner and WaveSurfer.

Posted: Sun 05 Jul 2020, 05:57
by Geek3579
I think you have covered quite a few bases.

BTW, I use Gnome Wavecleaner to clean up and split Vinyl recordings and it woks quite well - I recommend it to anybody looking to make digitization of LPs more efficient and effective.

Posted: Sun 05 Jul 2020, 11:53
by O.F.I.N.S.I.S.
I think you have covered quite a few bases.
So, there's some more I did not cover?
Let me know, please.
