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Can't save Fatdog Savefile anywhere

Posted: Fri 26 Jun 2020, 14:58
by davea4570xr
I am unable to save a savefile.ext4 in fatdog, tried many different ways. In a file on the HD, on the USB drive, etc. At the end of trying to make a savefile it states "unable to make a savefile at that location, please choose another place" I have never had this issue before and have used Fatdog for years. Thanks in advance.

Re: Can't save Fatdog Savefile anywhere

Posted: Sat 27 Jun 2020, 20:28
by SFR
Which Fatdog version? Free space on paritions vs. savefile size? Filesystems?
Could you provide a detailed, step-by-step procedure that leads to that error?

The relevant part of the code (/usr/sbin/ seems to be:

Code: Select all

# create the savefile
[ "$savepath" ] && mkdir -p $tmpmount/$savepath
if ! dd if=/dev/zero of=$tmpmount/$savefile count=0 bs=1 seek=${savesize}M; then
	kill $xpid	
	msg="$(gettext 'Problem:') $(eval_gettext 'Unable to create $savefile on $savedevice. Please choose another device/partition.')"	
	Xdialog --title "$APPTITLE" --msgbox "$msg" 0 0 
Is the above the error message you see?
If so, it means that it fails at dd'ing.
Are you able to create an empty file on one of those drives manually, e.g. navigate to that partition, open terminal and:

Code: Select all

dd if=/dev/zero of=tmpemptyfile count=0 bs=1 seek=1M; echo $?
Any error messages after doing it?


Thanks for replying

Posted: Sun 28 Jun 2020, 20:59
by davea4570xr
Fatdog version is the latest, 810. I have the iso on a 64GB usb stick, tried saving it there with a 4096mb (4GB) savefile. Also tried saving it to a 256GB SSD with plenty of storage. I tried Puppy 7.5 and was able to save savefile to both same usb and SSD without issues. I am not that good with command line. That is on my bucket list of things to learn more about. I might try older versions of Fatdog, see if the same issue comes up. Thanks again for your knowledge.

Posted: Sun 28 Jun 2020, 21:27
by Semme
Dave, navigate to that directory, rt-clk >> Window >> Terminal Here.

With your browser highlight SFR's dd code line, rt-clk "copy," then "center clk" or "rt clk+left clk" simultaneously to paste.

It'll dump something like this:

Code: Select all

0+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes copied, 0.000250211 s, 0.0 kB/s
... or throw an error.