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Is there a Puppy version with PHP 7.4? (Solved)

Posted: Mon 22 Jun 2020, 12:08
by jp734
Which puppy have php 7.4? DistroWatch shows bionic64 have the php version I need but I just downloaded the latest copy from and PPM still shows 7.2

Posted: Mon 22 Jun 2020, 18:52
by rockedge
Have you updated your repos? Otherwise you will need to install manually.

I am running 7.4.6 on a WeeDog Void or WeeDog Arch but my Bionic's I use nice and is in line with my commercial web servers that I use.

here is some simple guide to give some ideas on what to do. ... on-ubuntu/

with some reading between the lines and doing what needs to be done for Puppy Linux it should work okay......

Also use the Puppy Linux CLI package manager Pkg to install.....easy to add the new repos using it....

Posted: Mon 22 Jun 2020, 18:57
by Semme
Why not run the all-in-one XAMPP?

Posted: Tue 23 Jun 2020, 04:22
by jp734
@rockedge - I am getting an error when i update and not sure why it's happening. Also should I use the .xz or .gz file?

Here is the path to the file as saved (DISTRO_COMPAT_REPOS)
but when I try to update PPM, it gives me a NOT FOUND error because it changed to this. (There should be no '-updates')
@semme - I downloaded XAMPP and it looks like once installed it has everything you need. Just need some configurations. That's what stopped me coz I have to learn where i have to put everything again and setting up mariadb database seem different. When I try "mysql -u root -p", nothing happened and I also tried "mariadb....." with no result. I'm sure it's something simple though once you figure out where to put all the files.

But I would really love to understand how to add a repo as well. I'm sure it will benefit me down the road.

Posted: Tue 23 Jun 2020, 10:05
by Semme
You have to keep in mind, most net-centric apps are built for "multi-user" systems. Try the following: ... thout-sudo ... ql-as-root

That Pup is NOT a multi-user system is one of its shortcomings.


Repo help? Join the Trail Blazers!

Posted: Tue 23 Jun 2020, 14:18
by rockedge
setting up mariadb database seem different.
The mariaDB setup is now what a MySQL setup looked like before they changed it.

It's the ridiculous fear of running as the root user and the much smarter overlords deciding what is good for us because we just don't understand........

Did you follow the all the steps for mariaDB? Like the all important mysql_install_db -uroot step to actually create the base tables and config files?

because if it is running correctly this is how you connect via command line :

Code: Select all

mysql -u root -p yourpassword
Did you start the server??? Try :

Code: Select all

mysqld -u root
what happens?

Posted: Tue 23 Jun 2020, 15:35
by jp734
Origianlly, I had apache and mysql installed and working properly. I was able to setup mysql database and user. All working fine except I needed PHP 7.4 instead of 7.2

Before installing XAMPP, I uninstalled both apache and mysql coz I'm not sure if it will create some issue. I don't have a problem re-installing them especially now that I know what to do. Just want a clean install. After installing XAMPP, that's when the command 'mysql -u root -p' didn't work. I'm guessing it's the path to the executable file. XAMPP comes with a manager where you can start apache and mysql on a click of a button but I did not see anything for setting up your database/user.

I'm sure I started the server but there's a good chance I was dreaming coz it was late :-) - Will try again tonight.

So my options are to figure out how to add ondrej repo properly so I can install php 7.4 OR stick with XAMPP, learn where all configuration files should go and figure out the path to the executables so I can setup my database, but as mentioned on my last post, no matter what, learning how to add repo will be beneficial later down the road.

@rockedge - any clues why I was getting the error (see my last post) - Thanks

Posted: Wed 24 Jun 2020, 02:43
by jp734
I got XAMPP figured out!

XAMPP install everything under /opt/lampp. To start mysql, it has to be: /opt/lampp/bin/mysql -u root -p

Everything good now. Database and user set up. Thank you very much.

Still wasn't able to add repo by Ondrej though but will keep on trying/learning.

Posted: Wed 24 Jun 2020, 09:54
by Semme
You sound :shock: surprised. It's FAQ #1! >>

Posted: Wed 24 Jun 2020, 11:36
by rockedge
doesn't XAMPP still have a GUI control panel as well?

Glad you have the system up and running!