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Frank Walter Steinmeier in Action

Posted: Fri 15 May 2020, 14:15
by O.F.I.N.S.I.S.
Hi all.

This video shows Frank Walter Steinmeier visiting a new temporary corona medical station in Berlin, Germany. F.W.Steinmeier is the Bundespräsident of Germany and a big fan of the leader of the WHO. Right when he assumed the camera turned off, he removes the mask from his face and hands it over to another person. The other person doesn't even wear gloves. ...

This is one of the guys in Germany claiming and defaming all corona critics being dangerous for our democracy and also being extreme right winged people.

I've lost my words, or as we in Germany say: "Ohne Worte".

Posted: Fri 15 May 2020, 14:50
by rockedge
you think you have problems? You should stop on by and let the orange guy be your leader and our Congress making the rules.....your head will spin and you will suffer deep depression. I lived in both countries about 50 50.......your well ahead of the game in Germany. If you want we can exchange my house for yours and come on over and complain will not need to look far at all to be immediatly confronted with bullshit. We have it all and plenty of guns, ammo and lawyers.....

Posted: Fri 15 May 2020, 15:04
by O.F.I.N.S.I.S.
I think the difference is far less as you think - except on the guns and the ammunition! :wink:

Ok, the orange guy I think we can't top this and even couldn't get near to that. :lol:

Btw.: I don't have a house, so it wouldn't even be a good deal for you to exchange places. :wink: