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perverse attitude of American company against families

Posted: Fri 01 May 2020, 22:49
by oui ... 94#1056894

in Puppy it seems it is not possible to post at the adobe community

those giants have a maximal profit of our world, more than other because they don't need to pay for goods to produce their immaterial production!

and they continue to use her monopolist place to press down families in all the world not according some software for old 32 bit machines any more compatible with actual contents or log in methods of our time!

also Adobe. The Educational software scratch2 is depending of AIR.32 bit

in most families they are no rooms or connectivities for children because the main place is today reserved for the home working of the parents!

it is a scandalous and perverse situation!

please contact American official sides and company head quarters of those unrisponsable staffs of management!

it is middle age!

Posted: Sat 02 May 2020, 07:11
by oui
hum, moved to the closed division only for Puppy member :roll:

Puppy guy's are affraid to critic American co's?

more hier: ... 13#1056913

(I don't activate myself google translations because of the errors possibly found after the automatic translation)

Posted: Sat 02 May 2020, 14:43
by rockedge
I have no fear of American anything.
I am born in California and grew up in Connecticut....and the list why I dislike my country of origin is long and my grudges run deep.

The Golden Cow has replaced the Statue of Liberty and profits of $$ is everything. There is no moral ground, no ethical paths, no sympathy and mostly no logic and barely any intelligence, common sense has disappeared,

All of it is plastic and disposable ...built for shallow convenience....lies are the only truth.

I'll tell the president to his face he is a fraud. I have no allegiance and no stake.

A perverse American???? you bet. I am an Earthling I've decided.

Posted: Sat 02 May 2020, 17:19
by Moose On The Loose
rockedge wrote:.
A perverse American???? you bet. I am an Earthling I've decided.
Perhaps some may argue that you are not the perverse sort but rather what the founding forepersons were designing the system for. The others, perhaps a majority, are in fact what is perverse.

When if comes to corporations I tend to think this:
Governments are created by humans for the purpose of doing things that are better done by the community as a whole. Their rights are borrowed from the people.

Corporations are a legal and accounting fiction created by governments for the purpose of making economic matters more efficient. Thus they have most of their "rights" two steps indirectly. The persons who gather to form a corporation retain their rights but can only lend those to the corporation to a very limited degree. Corporations must stick strictly to the law and the desires of the owners.

Example of where my thinking leads:
When people say that VW cheated on its smog stuff they are mostly incorrect. Some people who were part of the corporation did the cheating. If it can be maintained that VW did the crime then they are an ongoing criminal operation and no longer fit the definition of corporation. If so they should be abolished.

Posted: Sat 02 May 2020, 18:46
by jafadmin
First. World. Problems. :roll:

Posted: Sun 03 May 2020, 02:31
by 8Geee
Being a former VW diesel owner (2002 --> 212K mi). What I've deciphered about that whole situation was;

1.) The US EPA designed the test as a static, at idle measurement.
2.) As designed, the VW diesels did pass that EPA test.
3.) However, real-world driving was a catastrophic failure (15-40x emission stds.)
4.) The US EPA improperly designed the test, but had a contractural clause that the real-world emissions = the test. Thus VW was in fact in violation, though passing the de facto test.

And you might still wonder why people like Rockedge and myself, and others, cast a jaundiced eye toward the US Gov't. Nevermind that a $20 soot-can relieves the emission failure... but if you do that, its 'tampering with the emission system' a crime punishable by 7 years and $250k.


Posted: Sun 03 May 2020, 15:29
by Moose On The Loose
8Geee wrote:Being a former VW diesel owner (2002 --> 212K mi). What I've deciphered about that whole situation was;

1.) The US EPA designed the test as a static, at idle measurement.
2.) As designed, the VW diesels did pass that EPA test.
3.) However, real-world driving was a catastrophic failure (15-40x emission stds.)
You got it more than slightly wrong.
The VWs only met the EPA numbers while the test connector was plugged in.
The special code detected that they were under test and changed settings to lower the NOX production.
This is the crime they were engaged in.

Posted: Sun 03 May 2020, 18:27
by musher0

Isn't that one of the reasons OpenSource and freeware exist?

There are alternatives to pdf, you know: ... nux&ia=web

and to Skype ... nux&ia=web

There is even a site called
Type the software you want in the search box at top right and you'll be offered
various choices. You can also fine-tune your choice by OS, licence, etc.

It's no use getting mad at or being frustrated with narrow-minded corporations,
they'll never understand. (It's the nature of narrow-mindedness, I'm afraid.)

Bypass them and get even! :twisted:


As to the corporative business model of "one share, one vote", there are alternatives
to that too if you dig a little:

-- consumers co-ops and workers co-ops work on a "one person, one vote" basis
and redistribute their surpluses to their members ;

-- NGO's and NFP's, caritative foundations offering some service and giving whatever
surplus (aka profit) they make to a worthy cause.

Corporations take advantage of us because WE let them. WE say no to that type of
business and its top-down control over their employees and their consumers, and
they're finished. It's that simple.

And before somebody calls me a communist, I'll say this:
-- any business needs to make some profit to keep afloat and develop its future;
-- I'll even go as far as saying that some reserves of capital are needed for the economy
to roll properly (central compensation banks, national money reserves, that kind of stuff);
-- what's immoral (IMO) is huge concentration of money within a select few and abusing
the credulity of consumers or workers.

Commerce and capitalism are two different things. Commerce is "noble" if I sell you a
product at fair cost of production plus the cost of my getting it to you. If I try to sell it to
you over and beyond that price, it's called exploitation.

There has always been commerce between people, since the dawn of civilization.
Corporations and capitalism are inventions of the modern world.

I find it unfortunate that the title of this thread says "American company". Canadian
companies do the same, Swiss companies, British companies, Italian companies, Indian
companies, and so on.


Posted: Sun 03 May 2020, 21:41
by oui
musher0 wrote:Euh...
Isn't that one of the reasons OpenSource and freeware exist?
if I would be a manager from M$, I would pay a staff of developers to continuously produce some alternatives to my own produces to demonstrate to the world that nothing is better than the original ones. M$ don't need at all to do that: some good peoples do it for him!

I have more than 10 years a sip address for the alternative to skype.

you will never meet me under it as it is not offered under the puppy packages and no one I am knowing well is also member :roll:

(why my registration? initially it was very difficult to connect web cams under Linux. The "father of the web cam connection" under Linux is a French man, since he did solve our problem, no problem any more and all you find that normal, but it was not initially! In the early time of Linux there was no site very helpful but in some countries, so France for cam and TV app's (also VLC did have a big development under French developpers, French people did supply completely independent distros like mandrake, SliTaz, Nutyx, small C, the most schmall C compiler really usuable under productive conditions in Linux, is French from the same French developer as qemu, qemu also is French, (so the bright sollicitation in French forum to adopt such technological solutions), the first Prolog was French, the first Official WWW browser was French, Internet itself was initially Swiss-French and not American :wink: , etc. Java was German, OO was German, Linux was German, the most older distro actually (the second in age, but ther first one doesn't exist any more since a very long time, in use continues to be Suse Linux (but Suse Linux did change radically it's base of code and packaging after a few years), etc. So I was connected because of the activity in France. At the same time ALL PUPPYS did include SKYPE a very long time, more that 10 years!) so that old Puppyists don't know all that... They prefer to use commercial applications being available under more free conditions in the past like Skype.)

But I can understand that: Skype is the only one SIP tool having a big community as well as unique technical proprieties making it unique itself.

Say that there would be some real equivalent in all alternative to Skype is wrong :idea: !

true is that the alternatives can't ne used at all because of lack of community and great difficulties to install and manage the connection of internet and web cam! Try to install that to you 95 y. old grand'father and you will soon show what real distress can be! Idem with young children...

It is an attempt in an abstract discussion to mask the true situation that it is not possible to participate active to our world system and disconnect from the usual ways to communicate!

it is


Posted: Sun 03 May 2020, 23:37
by musher0
Solutions within easy reach:

Click Main menu -> Internet -> Psip32 --- by our very own Smokey (et al.)
It's been around for a few years now, in pretty much all Puppies.

Alternatively, both you and the person you wish to speak with can connect
to LinPhone through your respective browsers.

Plus here is a nice list of Linux VOIP utilities.

But you do not really want me or anyone else to suggest a solution, do you,
since you find complaining about no solutions a lot more satisfying!!!

IOW... oui? You're busted! :twisted:

Posted: Mon 04 May 2020, 01:10
by Burn_IT
VNC has been around for many years and is OS independent!!