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How to sterilize a N95 mask (and how not to)

Posted: Fri 10 Apr 2020, 21:50
by Flash

I think a standard electric oven would work. It might help if it had a window and you had an oven thermometer you could see through the window.

Posted: Sat 11 Apr 2020, 07:01
by greengeek
Firstly - thanks for the example of a link that points to a specific start time within a youtube video - i haven't seen that done before and it is very useful.

Secondly - i have been wondering if a microwave oven could be used to destroy COVID virus and/or to sterilise non-metallic items such as cloths etc. Any thoughts?

Posted: Sat 11 Apr 2020, 11:31
by Burn_IT
I think a microwave oven would work especially if you lightly dampen it first.

Posted: Sat 11 Apr 2020, 15:50
by Flash
To get the URL that starts a YouTube video at a particular time, pause the video where you want it to start, then right click in the video and choose "Copy video URL at current time"

AS for sterilizing a mask with a microwave oven, I don't think it would be very effective unless the mask was heated by the microwaves, which it shouldn't be because it won't absorb the microwave energy. Or if it does, it might get hot enough to melt or catch fire. I remember a few years ago there was talk of sterilizing panty hose with a microwave. I don't know that anyone ever proved that it actually worked.

Posted: Sun 12 Apr 2020, 04:29
by enrique
Be careful.

I see all this comments on what to do. MOST are no sense. Parasites, mites, Bacteria, germs are one thing. Clearly hygiene and sterilize methods can combat most of them.

I am no expert and I do not want to confuse you even more, but Virus are a different evil. This guys work at DNA level. They reprogram other cells to do their job. It is some what similar like Cancer.

I will say something that is wrong, I am saying this just to shake you up. Wake up people. Imagine I propose that the cure for Cancer is washing your hand, use alcohol, or using Heat source like microwave you are proposing. I know you guys quickly can figure that what I said is wrong.

Now on a Virus level it is a different story. Virus are one of the smallest thing on existence. We are lucky that this covid 19 seems not to be able to become airborne. So it seems to move in our mucus. So people suggest to treat it like germs. Wash hand, heat, alcohol, etc.

But are you sure soap kill a covid 19 virus?
Same for heat, alcohol etc?

In the other hand, this virus leaves of modifying/hijacking ADN. Now you are proposing to kill it by sending high energy particles that will modify the virus ADN. You assume result is a KILL. Maybe you end up creating a modified stronger virus. Maybe it goes airborne and as soon as you open that microwave you inhale it. Who knows?

Be careful in what you wish.

Posted: Sun 12 Apr 2020, 08:07
by greengeek
enrique wrote:I see all this comments on what to do. MOST are no sense. Parasites, mites, Bacteria, germs are one thing. Clearly hygiene and sterilize methods can combat most of them.
I am no expert and I do not want to confuse you even more, but Virus are a different evil. This guys work at DNA level.
COVID-19 is caused by SARS-COV2 and it is an RNA virus not DNA virus.
They reprogram other cells to do their job. It is some what similar like Cancer.
Imagine I propose that the cure for Cancer is washing your hand, use alcohol, or using Heat source like microwave you are proposing. I know you guys quickly can figure that what I said is wrong.
True, i understand your point.
Now on a Virus level it is a different story. Virus are one of the smallest thing on existence. We are lucky that this covid 19 seems not to be able to become airborne.
No, not true. This virus can definitely become airborne and travel through the air. If you pass someone in the street and they coughed 5 metres away fom you and you walk past the same space you can definitely catch COVID-19 that way.
So it seems to move in our mucus. So people suggest to treat it like germs. Wash hand, heat, alcohol, etc.
Yes - but also strengthen the immune system by getting enough Vitamin C, vitamin D, Zinc, magnesium and sleep too.
But are you sure soap kill a covid 19 virus?
Same for heat, alcohol etc?
I guess so. But not after it attaches to the lungs. Then it is too late to use soap. Then we must rely on the immune system. No drugs, soaps or vaccinations beat the virus once it is in our bodies - it is only our immune system that beats it.
In the other hand, this virus leaves of modifying/hijacking ADN. Now you are proposing to kill it by sending high energy particles that will modify the virus ADN. You assume result is a KILL. Maybe you end up creating a modified stronger virus.
Good point. I just read that the actual microwaves do not kill the virus - it is only heat that kills it - which is what BurnIT was suggesting when he said keep it moist - the water molecules heat up and generate heat that kills the virus. The actual electromagnetic waves do not kill it. (At least this is true for the old microwave frequency of 2.45 Ghz. May not be true of 5G waves which may be in the 60GHz range that energises oxygen rather than water.
Maybe it goes airborne and as soon as you open that microwave you inhale it. Who knows?
True. Microwave ovens are completely un-natural. Our immune systems have not been exposed to the free radicals created in our foods by microwaves for 1 million years the way we got exposed to natural radicals throughout evolution.

Who knows what damage is possible?

Posted: Sun 12 Apr 2020, 10:09
by infromthepound
Try a pressure cooker.
A giant version is what hospitals use (Autoclave)
It will be much more effective than trying dry heat if you have to sterilize anything.

Posted: Sun 12 Apr 2020, 14:00
by Burn_IT
A pressure cooker cooks food faster because the pressure raises the temperature at which water boils and food cooks faster at that higher temperature. The moisture stops the food from drying out.
Microwaves are absorbed by water and that increases the temperature.

Posted: Sun 12 Apr 2020, 16:03
by Flash
Yes, most pressure cookers operate at 15 psig (15 psi above atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psi, for a total of about 30 psi absolute), which equates in the steam tables to about 250 degrees F. So that's the temperature most pressure cookers operate at and that's why they cook beans faster than simmering them in a pot on the stove, which only cooks them at 212 F.

The video above says that to sterilize a N95 mask, heat it to 65 C, which is about 150 F, so a pressure cooker would get too hot and melt the plastic the mask is made of. But my electric oven will operate at 150 F.

Posted: Mon 13 Apr 2020, 05:23
by enrique
We need good users just like you at the forum.

Keep having fun. That is ok.

But Please do not do any of this crazy stuff in reality. You are only allowing all left in the mask to fly in to the air with the hot steam.

I like to see you all around for more time.

Posted: Mon 13 Apr 2020, 07:45
by RedQuine
infromthepound wrote:Try a pressure cooker.
A giant version is what hospitals use (Autoclave)
It will be much more effective than trying dry heat if you have to sterilize anything.
Please note, Autoclaves are only used to sterilise metal (scissors, tweezers etc). Plastic would definitely melt into a sticky puddle.

Also, hospital masks are not designed to be reused, but thrown away after each patient has been attended to. That's why they need so many of them.

Posted: Mon 13 Apr 2020, 09:38
by greengeek
RedQuine wrote:Also, hospital masks are not designed to be reused, but thrown away after each patient has been attended to. That's why they need so many of them.
Although it does appear that the CDC considers "crisis" conditions to be an acceptable reason for cleaning & re-use of masks: ... ators.html

Posted: Tue 14 Apr 2020, 08:36
by RedQuine
True - desperate times....!

The point being, though, that they weren't designed for reuse. That reference you've provided - great find, by the way! - is packed with warnings about insufficient evidence, potential hazards and limitations (for example, not all masks can be decontaminated using the methods described).

Thanks also for the reminder about keeping our immune systems strong. I don't think there's nearly enough emphasis on this in public announcements.

P.S. If anyone on here has N95 masks and a supply of vapor phase hydrogen peroxide at home, please donate them to your nearest hospital rather than playing with them. :wink: