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far education at distance and

Posted: Sat 14 Mar 2020, 23:35
by oui
new times at the children's education. closed school in a lot of countries

a chance for the project wikiversity (it was INITIALLY designed for all the ages from the first class to the medicine specialist!) :?:

it would be so good to generalise a quality education to give to all peoples of our poor world the same quality access to all the knowledge in all the usual educative languages!

it could be the chance given by that terrible virus to his victim, the humanity :roll:

Posted: Sat 14 Mar 2020, 23:47
by oui
if interesting for some of our users, I would be able and can show you how to trim remastering it your Puppy to high performance system to learn languages from far countries using the most high performance Puppy I know, Dpup Buster from josjp2424 (as this Puppy is available in all parallel versions! It is the first Puppy, I think, with this propriety!).

As it is a long job I will not do it blind and nobody is really interesting to read that (it also is a relatively long lecture!).

This is probably a help also for those willing to transmit knowledges from a source language
into an target language and one of both is not really known by you :wink: for example in projects like wikiversity as discussions are there necessary to find average (or full if you search / need perfection) solutions of contents...


Posted: Sun 15 Mar 2020, 17:28
by jplt3
Thanks oui for this ressourceq , very useful.