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How ppm finds missing libs&Potential Arch32Pup Improvements

Posted: Mon 02 Mar 2020, 06:35
by s243a
For better dependency resolution on Arch32Pup, I'm considering using the %PROVIDES% field that is provided by the arch linux repos in order to find the packages which contain the missing libs. From there, there are three options. These options are:
1. only install the missing libs on their system (i.e. pupngo style),
2. install the whole package or,
3. don't install the missing runtimes and load them as SFSs when needed.

These packages that have the %PROVIDES% filed in their metadata likely have lib in their package name and are likely the runtime for a given package which is listed as a "%MAKEDEPENDS% package for one of the packages installed by the ppm.

Puppy actually already does some of the work here because the puppy ppm, identifies which libs are missing after it finishes installing a package. The first thing I would like to do is trace some of this process. This will give me an idea of how we might incorporate this suggested feature into the ppm.

Posted: Mon 02 Mar 2020, 07:46
by s243a
As promised, here is a rough trace of the process which leads the ppm to identify the missing libs.

The first script that is called when the ppm (puppy package manager) starts is called This script defines the first gui that you see when the ppm starts. At some point when you tell this gui to install one or more packages the function do_install() is called. In this function the script is called:

Code: Select all

	if ! [ -f /tmp/petget_proc/force_install -a -f /tmp/petget_proc/install_pets_quietly ]; then
		#/usr/local/petget/ "$NEWPACKAGE" ADD
		/usr/local/petget/ "$INSTALL_MODE"
/rootfs-skeleton/usr/local/petget/ contains the gui that says which libs are missing:

Code: Select all

MISSING_LIBS=$(cat /tmp/petget_proc/overall_missing_libs.txt 2>/dev/null | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq )

Code: Select all

# Info window/dialogue (display and option to save "missing" info)
 if [ "$MISSING_LIBS" ];then
  MISSINGMSG1="<i><b>$(gettext 'These libraries are missing:')
  LM='  <hbox space-expand="true" space-fill="true">
    <hbox scrollable="true" hscrollbar-policy="2" vscrollbar-policy="2" space-expand="true" space-fill="true">
      <hbox space-expand="false" space-fill="false">
        <eventbox name="bg_report" space-expand="true" space-fill="true">
          <vbox margin="5" hscrollbar-policy="2" vscrollbar-policy="2" space-expand="true" space-fill="true">
            '"`/usr/lib/gtkdialog/xml_pixmap building_block.svg 32`"'
            <text angle="90" wrap="false" yalign="0" use-markup="true" space-expand="true" space-fill="true"><label>"<big><b><span color='"'#bbb'"'>'$(gettext 'Libs')'</span></b></big> "</label></text>
      <vbox scrollable="true" shadow-type="0" hscrollbar-policy="1" vscrollbar-policy="1" space-expand="true" space-fill="true">
        <text ypad="5" xpad="5" yalign="0" xalign="0" use-markup="true" space-expand="true" space-fill="true"><label>"'${MISSINGMSG1}'"</label></text>

The missing libs are identified in

Code: Select all

   MISSINGLIBS="`ldd "${ONEFILE}" | grep "not found"`"
   if [ ! "$MISSINGLIBS" = "" ];then
    MISSINGLIBS="`echo "$MISSINGLIBS" | cut -f 2 | cut -f 1 -d " " | tr "\n" " "`"
    echo "$(gettext 'File') $ONEFILE $(gettext 'has these missing library files:')" >> /tmp/petget_proc/missinglibs_details.txt #100718
    echo " $MISSINGLIBS" >> /tmp/petget_proc/missinglibs_details.txt #100718
    echo " $MISSINGLIBS" >> /tmp/petget_proc/missinglibs.txt #100718
   fi ;;

which is called from

Code: Select all

PKGS="`cat /tmp/petget_proc/petget_missing_dbentries-* | cut -f 1 -d '|' | tr '\n' '|'`"
/usr/local/petget/ $PKGS
/rootfs-skeleton/usr/local/petget/ is called from the install_package() function of

Code: Select all

   if [ -f /tmp/petget_proc/install_quietly ];then
    if [  "$(grep $TREE1 /root/.packages/user-installed-packages 2>/dev/null)" = "" \
     -a -f /tmp/petget_proc/install_pets_quietly ]; then
     if [ "$(cat /var/local/petget/nt_category 2>/dev/null)" = "true" ]; then
	  rxvt -title "$VTTITLE... $(gettext 'Do NOT close')" \
	  -fn -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-*-* -bg black \
      -fg grey -geometry 80x5+50+50 -e /usr/local/petget/
     if [ "$(cat /var/local/petget/nt_category 2>/dev/null)" = "true" ]; then
	  rxvt -title "$VTTITLE... $(gettext 'Do NOT close')" \
	  -fn -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-*-* -bg black \
      -fg grey -geometry 80x5+50+50 -e /usr/local/petget/

One point of interest of this section of code is that it is where the rxvt window pops up that says "do not close" and gives some indication of what is installing. This is an important part of the code to know about if one is trying to trace what is going on.

Anyway, that is a quick walk-through of the parts of the code I can find which lead up to the indication of what shared libraries are missing. As I said in the first post, the arch linux repos have metadata to help find the package that one needs to isntall in order to rectify a given missing lib.

Posted: Mon 02 Mar 2020, 23:57
by s243a
Time for some new code now. Here is a link to a slightly modified version of /usr/local/petget/0setup, which was found in arch32pup20.02+9

The original code also generates files of the form:


the slightly modified code generates packages of the form:


Here is an example record in this new table:


+openmpi: for mpi support|
**Extra line breaks added for readability, which aren't part of the actual output.

The fields are as follows:

Fullname|pkgname|pkgversion|build#|Provides|make depends|Optional Depends|

These fields are printed as follows (awk code):

Code: Select all

   printf("%s-%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n", pkgname, pkgverarr[1], pkgname, pkgverarr[1], pkgverarr[2],provides,mkdeps,optdeps) >> "sandbox0/archtemp2"
and then the file is moved (bash/ash code):

Code: Select all

mv sandbox0/archtemp2 ${RUNNINGPUP}Provides-arch-32-${arepo}
At this point, I"m mainly interested in the "provides" filed because it will be useful for finding which missing packages to install. I envision a gui like the one in puppy with check-boxes that lets you decide which packages that you want to install in order to resolve these missing libs.