BackUp Script "pupsave-back-2-tar"

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BackUp Script "pupsave-back-2-tar"

#1 Post by glene77is »


:!: :idea: :arrow:
... BackUp Utility "B2T" for Puppy Linux Frugal Installs. :P :D

... BackUp Utility "B2U" direct running (No Main_Selection_GUI) backup (based on "B2T") :shock:
UPDATE 20-06-14
including all previous mods / upgrades / cleanups
plus Informative notes tacked to end of terminal display.

"B2T" our Simple Puppy Backup for saveDATA :
:!: PUPSTATE controls the program :!:
:!: B2T will '.tar.gz' backup both saveFOLDER and saveFILE.4fs :!:
:!: for Official Puppy Frugal Systems
Our Design Philosphy is: .
(1) simpler coding,
(2) readable coding,
(3) modifiable coding.

Produces a '.tar.gz' output file.
Very Standard ... just 'tar' 'gzip'.

Features for Puppy Linux Backup :
(1) "B2T" creates backup filename with 'y-m-d-s'
. . . date-time-seconds stamp.
(2) "B2T" automatically selects fast compression via ".tar.gz".
(3) "B2T" runs OK on Official Puppy 32/64-bit Frugal SaveFOLDER installs
... in EXT2/3/4 drives and Flash-Drives.
(4) "B2T" runs OK on Official Puppy 32/64-bit Frugal SaveFILE.4fs installs
... in EXT2/3/4 drives and Flash-Drives.
(5) "B2T" is controlled by the system "/etc/rc.d/PUPSTATE" file.
(6) "B2T" handles any "home" location
... by using "/etc/rc.d/PUPSTATE" data.
(7) "B2T" has internal 'flags' to control the dialog progress splash
which the user can easily alter.

Our script has been tested successfuly
on our running "Official" Puppy Frugal Systems :

In Barry Kauler's blog,
he shows the merits of Frugal Installs.
*** 32 bit systems ***
* Slacko 632
* Xenial 708
* Tahr-606
* UpupBB-19.03 +10, +12, +14, +16, +17, +18 , +19, +20, +21
* Quirky April-7 32bit
* LXpup 32bit
DavidS45 has tested 'OK' on his 64bit system.

Addendum: ( via a excellent tip from Davids45 ):
We keep our developing scripts on the main hard-drive.
We keep our production scripts inside of the /etc/rc.d/ folder.
We link our /etc/rc/d/ scripts into the "application" subdir,
which places them in the "pup-main-menu".
We drag-n-drop from "application" subdir to screen-w-icon.
Running scripts can be kept on hard-drive media OK
and shared among several Puppy Linux OS installs.[/b]
Our working systems run-on-and-across
'M$XP ntfs' and 'Linux' formatted hard-drives
and 'Flash-Drives' (Ext2,3,4),

GTKdialog version: 'GTK2_RC_Files='/root/.gtkrc-2.0
The gtkdialog flags located at top of "Main_Splash" .
User should change 'flags' by the examples.
We have pre-set the flags for llDialogRun="1"
and lcDialogColors=''yellow/red'' .
There is a flag to default to the original HB.v.1.2 dialog code.
Make certain your file permissions, file type and file properties
are properly set to "execute".
We have found it easy to 'loose'
some permissions / type / properties via copy/zip.

Location in "/etc/rc.c" keeps our work secure and un-touchable
from any good mods/improvements that PeaBee may do in the future.
This keeps our "B2T" files backed-up with our custome system scripts.
We keep a complete basic copy of our work in our
"/initrd/mnt/dev_save/MY_/usr-share/gae_Dev_" subdir
on hard-media ... for all development/editing ,
and copy into "/etc/rc.d" via custome scripts.
Our career projects , in radio and electronic design
are sampled / published at http://www.GeoCities.WS/glenE77is/
and are published / reviewed in Europe on,
and peer reviewed by Barrie Gilbert, Analog Devices., Inc. .
B2T is presented here at

Also B2T is Referenced under "Hot Backup for Frugal Pups" ... &p=1048269
We invite comments.
B2T, executable script, full program, running 200614
(19.99 KiB) Downloaded 123 times
B2U, executable script, direct run with no main-GUI, running 200605-0900
(12.91 KiB) Downloaded 120 times
B2T, mainGUI under test, running in Terminal.
(186.33 KiB) Downloaded 53 times
B2U running in Terminal (2)
(225.68 KiB) Downloaded 110 times
B2U running in Terminal (1)
(156.94 KiB) Downloaded 110 times
Help page #2
(194.44 KiB) Downloaded 344 times
Help page #3
(159.88 KiB) Downloaded 346 times
Last edited by glene77is on Sun 14 Jun 2020, 22:40, edited 59 times in total.
Puppy Linux is more fun than a barrel of M$ monkeys :P
glene77is --- {^,^} --- electricity is shocking, Memphis, TN, USA.

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#2 Post by davids45 »

G'day glene77is,

Thanks for this version of the very useful Hot-Save-Backup utililty.

I'll try running it as a link from my data partition to /etc/rc.d/ and also in several 64-bit Pups which sometimes don't include the original Hot-Save-Backup.

If all goes well, I'll make an sfs of your Backup Scipt and combine it with my all-applications-as-links sfs which I run in my Pups.

David S.

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SFS works and in 64-bit

#3 Post by davids45 »

G'day glene77is,

I've made an sfs of your 3 Backup Script files to load them into /usr/bin/ and then an sfs of the files as links to my data partition. The original three files are kept here, every other use now will be as links back to these original files.

I also edited the .desktop file of the old hot-save backup pet to point to the new files and added that to the sfs (via another link). This adds a menu entry for the BackUP Script.

The links sfs ran well in several 32-bit Pups so I then ran it in some 64-bit Pups and had no problems creating backups of the save-files in these.

I'll add the 32-bit and 64-bit sfs to my all-apps-as-links sfs to automatically load this in each Pup I start up.

Thanks for this nice revision of a much appreciated 'old' utility.

David S.

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#4 Post by glene77is »


"between Artarmon & Roseville, NSW" :lol:
Thanks. Very large world we live in.

Thank you for trying B2T.
We run it dozens of times each day.
Thank you for your work to make this neat little backup prg
into "SFS" with a "puppy menu option".
We followed your lead with "text of my desktop file"
and it works "just as advertised" !
We utilized your suggestions
to control flow and reduce system size.
Yes, we fix / update our own systems and admit the problems.
We say "Put your finger on the problem before you try to fix it !"

We keep our saveFolderName as "upupbbsave-BB19+20-0102" static.
All the saveFolderName.BKP...datetimesttamp.tar.gz files
provide a standard backup format and alphabetical order for history/restore.
Attached is a little txt story about my experience with BackUp Priorities.
Life is a real " Hoot! " if you are wide awake ! :shock:
Last edited by glene77is on Fri 22 May 2020, 23:36, edited 11 times in total.
Puppy Linux is more fun than a barrel of M$ monkeys :P
glene77is --- {^,^} --- electricity is shocking, Memphis, TN, USA.

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#5 Post by davids45 »

G'day glene77is,

Thanks for the extended reply to my posts.

The menu entry (.desktop file) would be helpful for Puppy newcomers. There are already many utilities included in the various Pups that can be hard to know where they are, let alone what they do.

If it's of interest, here's the text of my desktop file - putting the B2T script in /usr/bin means the 'Exec=' line doesn't need a different path to 'normal' for me. But the old and the new backup utilities both use the same .svg icon although the linked B2T has an arrow on its icon (see attachment).
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Hot backup for frugal save files
Dragging the executable to the desktop is for those already 'in the know' but a menu entry in say, 'Utilities', increases the chances of it being found and used by 'newbies' and included by the Puppy developers in coming Pups.
We use make good use of linking SFS files, and unlinking.
This keeps our saveFolder size down to 70 MB, or so,
which makes B2T runs rather quick.
Using symlinks for as much as I can (caches, thumbnails, profiles, Downloads, as well as program files), I get concerned/annoyed if a Puppy's savefile exceeds 5MB, so your 70MB looks big to me :shock: :D .

But I only do a savefile backup every week or so if I'm not trying anything radically new in a Pup. I've found Puppy very tolerant and stable and my years-old hardware is also troublefree (so far) so I'm a bit blase about backups. The speed, ease and simplicity of the hot-save-backup utility probably adds to my possible lack of 'proper' concern.

David S.
Chatswood, between Artarmon & Roseville, NSW :wink: .
Old & new hot-save backup icons on desktop of a Bionic64Pup
(115.42 KiB) Downloaded 517 times

B.K. Johnson
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#6 Post by B.K. Johnson »

G'day glene77is was emphatic about SaveFolders, but in 2 of your posts it appears you have modified B2T for use with SaveFiles. Can you post your modified version or what changes you made, please.
[color=blue]B.K. Johnson
tahrpup-6.0.5 PAE (upgraded from 6.0 =>6.0.2=>6.0.3=>6.0.5 via quickpet/PPM=Not installed); slacko-5.7 occasionally. Frugal install, pupsave file, multi OS flashdrive, FAT32 , SYSLINUX boot, CPU-Dual E2140, 4GB RAM[/color]

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#7 Post by glene77is »

Redacted: 200224


Excellent ! ':!:'
Have Implemented your hints and suggestions.
Prg are visible in pup Menu ( /usr/share/applications )
and run OK.

Will be looking into converting to .SFS .

Have now tested B2T




in Linux format Ext2,3,4 partitions. OK ! :lol:

C'Later ! ':shock:'
Great Avatar!!!
(2.25 KiB) Downloaded 433 times
Last edited by glene77is on Fri 27 Mar 2020, 14:20, edited 7 times in total.
Puppy Linux is more fun than a barrel of M$ monkeys :P
glene77is --- {^,^} --- electricity is shocking, Memphis, TN, USA.

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#8 Post by s243a »

Who's "we"?
Find me on [url=]minds[/url] and on [url=]pearltrees[/url].

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#9 Post by glene77is »


"We" is a literary mechanism
by which usage we reduce the egotistical "I"
( which is a grandiose presentation of 'I am my work, and it is great' ).

Use of 'We' is like wearing a 'mask' .
Use of "I" is like saying "I am great".

My 'works' are posted in the 'profile', elsewhere.
Here, 'we' only speak about this software project.

See you later.
Last edited by glene77is on Fri 21 Feb 2020, 02:52, edited 1 time in total.
Puppy Linux is more fun than a barrel of M$ monkeys :P
glene77is --- {^,^} --- electricity is shocking, Memphis, TN, USA.

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#10 Post by glene77is »

Redacted: 200224

B.K. Johnson,

B2T always ran on both saveFOLDER and saveFILE.4fs.
Davids45 was very helpful in testing the B2T system
and offering excellent suggestions for our system operations.

At the First Posting,
We had not 'properly' set up the TEN saveFILE.4fs systems for testing.
WHEN we had properly set up the saveFILE.4fs systems
... in each of our four actively running Puppy Linux Systems,
THEN we posted that feature "properly".

We have run B2T on our Puppy Frugal installs,
both saveFOLDER and saveFILE.4fs.
B2T ran OK on
Slacko, Xenial, Tahr, UpupBB (Bionic v. 10,12,14,16,18,19,20) :!:
And now, Quirky-April-7-32bit, and LXpup-32bit versions, all OK!

B2T Should be ready for the world, now.

Last edited by glene77is on Mon 25 May 2020, 15:10, edited 10 times in total.
Puppy Linux is more fun than a barrel of M$ monkeys :P
glene77is --- {^,^} --- electricity is shocking, Memphis, TN, USA.

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Save-folders only backing up

#11 Post by davids45 »

G'day B. K. Johnson,

Sorry for misleading you with my sloppy wording.

I did not modify "their" ( :D ) script to back-up a save-file, just added a desktop file to their script package that had been written for backing up the Frugal's save-folder.

I much prefer Puppies with flexible save-folders to the old-fashioned, rigid save-files.

Because I run most applications and other sym-linkable things from my common boot-mounted data partition, all Puppies on my computers have quite small Save-folders (~5MB average) so 'wasting' MBs with a mostly empty 512MB save-file per Puppy has no attraction.

I take it you had tried this B2T script with a save-filed Pup and it did not work? This seems to be the 'extra challenge' for the hot-save-backup to handle save-files as well as save-folders?

David S.

B.K. Johnson
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#12 Post by B.K. Johnson »

davids45 wrote:
I take it you had tried this B2T script with a save-filed Pup and it did not work?
No, didn't try B2T.
[color=blue]B.K. Johnson
tahrpup-6.0.5 PAE (upgraded from 6.0 =>6.0.2=>6.0.3=>6.0.5 via quickpet/PPM=Not installed); slacko-5.7 occasionally. Frugal install, pupsave file, multi OS flashdrive, FAT32 , SYSLINUX boot, CPU-Dual E2140, 4GB RAM[/color]

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Re: Save-folders only backing up

#13 Post by glene77is »


Edited: 200220
Redacted: 200311
I much prefer Puppies with flexible save-folders to the old-fashioned,
rigid save-files.
Thank you for testing and commenting, Davids45.
Agree with you.
Having a tool like B2T makes frequent back-ups very easy.
Extraction and Restoring from 'this mornings saveDATA'
is very convenient to use.

To respond to your interests :
We have run B2T on our Puppy Frugal installs,


B2T ran OK on
Slacko, Xenial, Tahr, UpupBB (Bionic v. 10,12,14,16,18,19,20) Exclamation
And now, Quirky-April-7-32bit, and LXpup-32bit versions, all OK!

Should be ready for the world, now.

Having comments on our work :D
makes this geeky old geezer have a much nicer day.
Thanks for your interest and suggestions and queries.

Now, got to go fry some other fish !

Last edited by glene77is on Mon 25 May 2020, 15:13, edited 1 time in total.
Puppy Linux is more fun than a barrel of M$ monkeys :P
glene77is --- {^,^} --- electricity is shocking, Memphis, TN, USA.

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Updated and colourful B2T

#14 Post by davids45 »

G'day glene77ls,

Just caught up with your improved B2Tar :oops: .

While continuing in our isolation here in OZ, I'm going through my oldest Puppies partition updating these for my new Internet connection via Wifi.
I'm also adding a 'hot backup' as these were mostly from before the time of its introduction. Some have savefiles (pre-savefolder) which the early hot-backup packages sometimes had a problem with.

Some Pups were giving me an error about not enough drive space which was itself an error as there are free GB left on this partition and the Puppy savefiles also had some space. For these Pups, I then had to switch rcrsn51's very good savefile backup package that has to be done from outside the Pup (a 'cold' backup as you'd expect from a Canadian I suppose?)

Searching the forum just now to check this erroneous error with the old hot backup, I found you'd updated B2T to handle savefiles as well as folders. It's a bit colourful as well :shock: . A first run seemed to go well although the USB step was unneeded as I'm only on a hard-drive with these Pups.

I'll modify my .pet of B2T and then my .sfs for a wider testing here.

I'll report back if I hit an actual problem, otherwise post my results later.

No news is good news in these corvid times.

Stay lonely :wink: :D .

David S.
Last edited by davids45 on Mon 13 Apr 2020, 03:55, edited 1 time in total.

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B2Tar with a save file works....

#15 Post by davids45 »

G'day glene77ls,
Just tried your latest in a Wheezy Frugal Pup (screenshot).
It has a save file of about 190MB which is mostly unused (screenshot).

Running from the desktop icon, I saw the first start-up dialog box/window (screenshot) but then nothing? Tried it again. Still nothing. Third time and I was still unlucky (or stupid, if you listen to my "better half").

Ran B2T in a terminal with responses:
# rc.z_B2T
>>> ParamEntry raw is -------
>>> RunBtu string is -------
begin Main() B2T_LockFile ...
check Lock-File ...
call B2T_StartUp ... initialize B2T program
begin function B2T_StartUp ...
calling System files ....
call Sys_SetVerDts for date based variables...
VerDts: 200401-1405 .......
SysDts: 200413-1209-14 .......
call Sys_SetVerDts ...
Declare/Assign var ....
Export var ....
Export B2T_Help_Box .... for Main_GUI()
Export function Sys_ShowSplash ....
Export more variables .... for Main_GUI()
end function B2T_StartUp ...
>>> ParamEntry raw is -------
>>> RunBtu string is -------
Begin : BACKUP+ -----------------------
>>> $ { 1% } is /mnt/home/Wheezy35211-2018/wheezysave-wheezy35211_2018links.2fs <<< param #1
>>> $ { 1% /* } is /mnt/home/Wheezy35211-2018 <<< subdir of source saveDATA
CWDIR=/root <<<.
CWDIR points to '/root' path level.
Main Splash 'please wait' --- Terminal Ctrl-C will kill process ---
/usr/bin/rc.z_B2T: line 646: /usr/lib/gtkdialog/box_splash: No such file or directory
>>> $ {1} is /mnt/home/Wheezy35211-2018/wheezysave-wheezy35211_2018links.2fs : last param in buffer
>>> $ {1%/*} <<<<<<< subdir of saveDATA short form
>>> $ {1%/*} is /mnt/home/Wheezy35211-2018 <<< last param in buffer.
>>> cd $ {1%/*} is /mnt/home/pup_UpupBB+18 <<<
begin tar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
tar -c -z --checkpoint=1000
tar Trg: wheezysave-wheezy35211_2018links.2fs.BKP-200413-1209-14.tar.gz
tar Src: wheezysave-wheezy35211_2018links.2fs
/usr/bin/rc.z_B2T: line 357: /usr/lib/gtkdialog/box_splash: No such file or directory
tar: Write checkpoint 1000
tar: Write checkpoint 2000
tar: Write checkpoint 3000
tar: Write checkpoint 4000
tar: Write checkpoint 5000
tar: Write checkpoint 6000
end tar <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<.
RETVAL= 0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<.

>>> tar RETVAL 0 tested in 'case'

: (0) lcTarRetVal : File Found !-OK-!
/usr/bin/rc.z_B2T: line 792: kill: (16631) - No such process
>>> cd CWDIR= $ CWDIR is /root <<<
>>> cd orig subdir in long 'path' form <<<
/usr/bin/rc.z_B2T: line 357: /usr/lib/gtkdialog/box_splash: No such file or directory

/usr/bin/rc.z_B2T: line 856: kill: (16747) - No such process
===> wait for USB-Flash-Drive to shuffle data.
kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec ... or kill -l [sigspec]
splash :WSM: Wait Some More
/usr/bin/rc.z_B2T: line 873: /usr/lib/gtkdialog/box_splash: No such file or directory
then 'kill'
/usr/bin/rc.z_B2T: line 900: /usr/lib/gtkdialog/box_splash: No such file or directory
GtkDialog boxes will return 'terminated' when the 'kill' command is applied
/usr/bin/rc.z_B2T: line 914: /usr/lib/gtkdialog/box_splash: No such file or directory
Kill Main Splash
/usr/bin/rc.z_B2T: line 926: kill: (16560) - No such process
==========> kill ---OK---
Kill WFD Splash
/usr/bin/rc.z_B2T: line 932: kill: (16938) - No such process
==========> kill ---OK---
kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec ... or kill -l [sigspec]
Kill : Wait Some More Splash
==========> kill ---OK---
Kill USB Splash
/usr/bin/rc.z_B2T: line 944: kill: (17277) - No such process
==========> kill ---OK---
Kill : Done Splash
/usr/bin/rc.z_B2T: line 949: kill: (17158) - No such process
==========> kill ---OK---
Check-After-Main-GUI tar has run =====================
--- End : BACKUP+ -----------------------
B2T_unlock ...
Common Quit Block -----------------------------------------------
begin Common Quit Block ---------------.-------------------------
EXIT : QUIT :...................
Quit : Check-After-Main-GUI Exit
[ QUIT == QUIT ]
Next is 'B2T_cleanup'
Quit ... B2T_unlock ...
Next is 'exit 0' --------------------

but nothing displaying colourfully on the desktop?

I then looked in the Wheezy subfolder and found four new backups! :shock: (screenshot) Opened one in a safe place and it was the expected save file :D .

So it's working but .....

I hope the terminal text helps point you to what is happening? Beats me.

David S.

Later tests with an early Slacko, Upup Raring-, OVPrecise and Precise-5.7.1 which all use savefiles also made backed-up save files but displayed nothing during the creation nor at the end to say it was done.
Frugal DPup Wheezy created about 2013 - desktop today - uses a save file
(234.32 KiB) Downloaded 275 times
cropped screen with B2T icon and Wheezy save file details
(51.47 KiB) Downloaded 274 times
startup box in Wheezy test - looked fine
(28.63 KiB) Downloaded 274 times
back-ups made but without running or finished messages?
(130.1 KiB) Downloaded 275 times

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Re: B2T and B2U work on saveFolder and saveFILE....

#16 Post by glene77is »

davids45 wrote:G'day glene77ls,
Just tried your latest in a Wheezy Frugal Pup (screenshot).
It has a save file of about 190MB which is mostly unused (screenshot).

Running from the desktop icon, I saw the first start-up dialog box/window (screenshot) but then nothing? Tried it again. Still nothing. Third time and I was still unlucky (or stupid, if you listen to my "better half").

Ran B2T in a terminal with responses:
Next is 'exit 0' --------------------
but nothing displaying colourfully on the desktop?

>>> Back at you, 200502-0720 in the AM, with the "No GTK" version.
Ugh! Ugh! Ughly! version .
gtkdialog -v = 0.8.4 release
Also attached 'ByT' with simplified gtk-dialog.
Plain! Plain! Plain! version . :lol: [/b]

>>> Back at you, 200502-1030 in the AM, with
a 'B2T' version with flag control over "DialogRun" and DialogColor.
B2T version with options for (1) "No GTK" dialogs. (2) colors :
For testing.
Option (1) seek "llDialogRun"
Option (2) seek "lcDialogColor"
Both at head of" Main Splash"

>>> Back at you, 200502-1900 in the PM
with a 'B2T' version with a "DONE" splash
taken from HB v.1.2..
This should tell if an 'original' splash works.
Includes all previous mods and flags :shock:
Looks so very Bare Bones !

>>> Back at you, 200503-0630 in the AM
DavidS45, ...
These many little steps may seem picky,
but BASH can be pickyer than mud on a door-knob.
So,, we use 'step-wise' approach to testing.
You only see a small part of our test mods,
and the way we cycle through several 'probes' of code to check things.
*** We try to be always ready for a new surprise. ***
KornShell, Shell, Tshell, BASH (Bjourne Again Shell)
were originally intended for use IT system level work
moving files, changing permissions, et al,
not for data processing, nor 'menu/select' functions.
'gtkdialog' was written to try capturing
the data processing 'menu' functions,
which are very obtuse in Shell language.

Pardon the 'preaching' ,
as you may already know about these things.

We have experience with the last 7 years of
the MAIN LINE 'Official' Puppies
which Barry Kauer has recognized..

Ubuntu, for example, will supply the latest SHELL and BASH,
thoroughly tested, a mighty corporate 'group' effort,
designed to run nearly flawlessly
and Make Money for Canonical Corp. !!!

Puppy Linux is a "Do-ocracy" , as B.Kauler puts it,
designed and maintained by
whomever wants to skillfully "DO" something
to develop, maintain, fix (ugh!) the scripting code.

When We first read through the HBv1.2 code, several months ago,
we thought it to be hopelessly entangled with short-term fixes,
and layers of short-term changes by different good code technicians. .

We work with what we have,
and am very thankful for Barry Kauer's surperb SQF design
and his development of the unique "WOOF" methods
and years of direct support .
You should read his blog for some insight into his mind.

>>> Thank you, Davids45,
for your contributions to my little project.
We apologize for not responding sooner.
Although I checked most daily,
We just did not go to the bottom of the web-page ,
And, for some 'odd' reason, Gmail sends" John Murga" email to "SPAM".
We put his email address in the 'contact' list, to no avail !

>>> Back at you . Today is 200504-1847
>>> Thanks for trying the 'earlier' Puppy Distros.
The "Early" and the "Personal" Puppy distros (about 114 by count)
are not setup here, nor are they 'supported' as "official" Puppy distros.
I suspect that they have early versions of gtkdialog or dependencies and that is the problem.
Which is to say that "Personal Puppy Distros" do not run "Universally".
Which is to say that the "Official Six PUPPY versions listed" run Great!
Perhaps , we should warn you that most Puppy Script programs
will not run in RedHat, BSD, Ubuntu, Debian-OS, etc.

Each System ( for example: 'Ubuntu' and 'Puppy" )
lives in a world of its own, with its own set of system and user programs.
As we noted before, there are more than 114 different 'version' of Puppy Linux.
There is a much smaller family of "Official Distro Puppy Systems".
B2T runs in all the "Official" Puppy Distros, just as listed on Page One.
... That is the writing on the wall !

I then looked in the Wheezy subfolder and found four new backups! :shock: (screenshot) Opened one in a safe place and it was the expected save file :D .
So it's working .....

David S.

>>> DavidS45,
Yes, the terminal printout helps.
Points directly at a different version of gtkdialog.
We will keep the flags at the head of the 'main splash'
to control the 'type' of progressive information presented.
The settings that will run on your "Wheezy" distro will seem "Plain".
I wrote-up a configurable version of B2T, replete with Check-Boxes, etc ,
But it really gets away from my design model
of a "Simple" "Readable" "Modifiable" BASH script.

So, I killed that, and went back
to just having several memver declaration/assignments
placed just before the "Main_Splash"
which the user can alter manually.
... That's all for today.

ALL Current Versions are on PAGE ONE .
They include all mod/upgrades
and include notes attached to the end of the terminal display.

... Stay lonely :roll: :lol:
Last edited by glene77is on Tue 26 May 2020, 11:05, edited 4 times in total.
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glene77is --- {^,^} --- electricity is shocking, Memphis, TN, USA.

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Re: B2Tar with a save file works....

#17 Post by glene77is »

glene77is wrote:
davids45 wrote:G'day glene77ls,

Just tried your latest in a Wheezy Frugal Pup (screenshot).
It has a save file of about 190MB which is mostly unused (screenshot).

... That's all for today.
... Stay lonely :roll: :lol:

Thanks, Davids45,
The screenshots image file probably will not compress,
as there are very few 'sequences' of pixels
which can be 'abbreviated' to a 'index' data block.
That is part of the nature of 'compression' routines.

Next, I will "tie the dog's tail",
by making a "restart" to the "main-gui' ,
which will inidicate that the "backup" block is complete.
This will force the user to select "QUIT" from the "main-gui".
It is easy to do this, "IF" the running program resides at a known
location, such as "/etc/rc.d/" or if the triggering icon
links to that 'home'" /etc/rc.d/" address. .
May take some study in Bash (SH) options.

It is a problem when we toss "Shell" and "BASH' around
as if they are interchangeable.
They two are not the same, just 'mostly' the same.

So, check the attached ''latest' 'current' version of B2T.
Check at the "main_splash" to see the user options in code.
I am hoping that the "original " code from HB.v.1.2. will run.
Otherwise, the next step would be to run HB.v.1.2.
in the terminal window, and observe the code and screen actions.

Talk with you soon, Davids45, and my thanks again
for this most interesting exchange. :D :shock: 8)
B2T, with flags for dialog control.
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Puppy Linux is more fun than a barrel of M$ monkeys :P
glene77is --- {^,^} --- electricity is shocking, Memphis, TN, USA.

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USB (blue) second part of Backup

#18 Post by davids45 »

G'day glene77is,
Thanks for your continuing developments of this.

I tried all your recent "mono-colour" versions and these worked where the earlier coloured version also worked, 32-bit and 64-bit Pups.

But again, in very old Pups like WheezyPup that use a savefile not a savefolder, no dialog boxes appeared while each B2Tar did its thing.
I could see each had finished by watching the Processes widget showing B2Tar no longer running.

It may be different for those running from a USB Puppy where there is a savefile not savefolder if I understand how these work - I use Puppy on hard-drives only so USB Pups are not an area of my expertise.

I'll stay with the brightly coloured version for now.
My only niggle with it is the last bit in blue, where USB drives are mentioned. I don't have a USB drive I want to use for backups like these so this section seems a (small) waste of time for me.

When the red "B2T is Done" text appears, can there be an option to stop here?
Or can the USB section be an option to select at the start (user says a USB drive present for saving or not)?
Or the presence of a connected USB drive be checked by B2T before running and only go to the USB bit if one is connected to the computer?

I'll try out your latest B2T and let you know how it goes on my computer.

Thanks again,

David S.

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Latest B2T - first tests

#19 Post by davids45 »

G'day glene77is,

Tried successfully today's version (.sh) in a 64-bit Pup (Fossa) and a 32-bit Pup (Bionic) and this has what I was wanting in my above post.
Did the job with no reference to a USB flash drive :lol: .

I'll continue to try it in other Pups when I boot to them.

Up to you to make it colourful if you want :D .

Thanks once more,

David S.

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BackUp Script "pupsave-back-2-tar"

#20 Post by glene77is »

davids45 wrote:G'day glene77is,
Thanks for your continuing developments of this.

I tried all your recent "mono-colour" versions and these worked where the earlier coloured version also worked, 32-bit and 64-bit Pups.

>>> Good News.

I'll stay with the brightly coloured version for now.
My only niggle with it is the last bit in blue, where USB drives are mentioned. I don't have a USB drive I want to use for backups like these so this section seems a (small) waste of time for me.

>>> Yes, it is a waste of time,
if you think that a Progress Dialog actually changes anything.
You need to read through the code and understand
that Progress Dialog splashes are for 'progress' information only.
Anyway, I cut that out, in favor of a "Note:" on the Main Splash.

When the red "B2T is Done" text appears, can there be an option to stop here?

>>> The program has already stopped.
>>> Latest version , 200506-1715, has the 'dog's tail tied ' ,
that is, it loops back to itself, restoring the Main_GUI first screen .
From that, you will understand that the "Back-Up" is Done
I hope you try to understand why B2T will not run
on Debian, Redhat, Fedora (a free redhat), Gentoo, nor SUSE
and probably not on first run early Puppy Linux, neither.
Those Linux System codes are all different, for different reasons.
Those Linux Systems have been improved, for different reasons.
Most Linux Systems were written by very different technicians,
who do not speak to each other.
They all live in different technical worlds.
Later versions pull binary from Ubuntu,
and they work Right Out of the Box !
Most of the Progress Dialogs still popup
... but I cut the 'USB Wait Some More' progress dialog screen,
in favor of a note on the first Progress Dialog.
>>> Two Flags for Control.
There are two flags the user can set, manually,
... located at the head of the Main Dialog Progress splash screen.
... open B2T in Geany, and scroll / search
'lcDialogColor' changes the color scheme
from something colorful (same for all )
to something dull (the system default colors, as given by gtkdialog. )
= 1 runs the possibly 'colorful' progress dialog splash.
= 0 runs the original HB.v.1.2 code, default colors.
WHEN this B2T runs though the Back-Up,
THEN it restores the Main_GUI dialog ( just as on 'start-up'. )
That means it is time to 'go home'.

Or can the USB section be an option to select at the start (user says a USB drive present for saving or not)?
>>> These are only a Progress Dialog Splash displays,
and have nothing to do with the system operations.
Here is a casual description of what the USB device does.
(0) It is an "EEPROM", Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. See the attached picture.
... We used early versions in 1980 about, from Toshiba (256 Bytes, 1971).
...... based on "floating-gate MOSFET" technology. Flash, but not USB.
... The "flash" means/tells that it "over-charges" the 'written' RAM cells.
... The 'flashed' cells are nearly permamnent.
... The 'flash' write operation takes much more time, than the 'read' ,
...... thus, the 'write' rate is <12MB per second reference speed.
... So, reading and writing 1MB picture files seems about the same.
... But, 'writing' a 100 GB backup block will be many times longer than 'read'.
....Because the data is 'flash' transferred from 'buffer' to organized RAM .
(1) it reads at >12MB per second, into a buffered area.
(2) it writes at < 12MB per scond, as it 'flashes' the data to real RAM area.

Or the presence of a connected USB drive be checked by B2T before running and only go to the USB bit if one is connected to the computer?

>>> Not necessary, will run the same. HD or USB.
USB is portable, HD is faster ... big difference there.
Only difference will be the variety of Device Names
that the system generates, and might not be testable,
unless the writer purposely writes such info to the 'environment,
as I occasionally do,
but that would mean that the specific code will also
write that same info in an HD environment.
That puts us back into NOT having a one-system-that-fits-all-devices.
I killed the "Wait longer for USB" Progress Dialog splash.
It is only a Progress Dialog, and I realized it was superfluous.

I'll try out your latest B2T and let you know how it goes on my computer.

>>> Speaking of your sampling of early Linux systems.
My first computer was a KIM-1, with about 256 address locations,
and about 256 Bytes of RAM, using only raw "HEX" machine codes, circ 1978.
My second was an AIM-65 with 32 KB RAM,
with an "Assembler" language to handle the 6502 machine code, circa 1980.
A side note:
* There was once, in the beginning , early 1980s,
a Microsoft OS using an 8 bit system, with a File Allocation Table FAT8 ,
designed for only 8 bit address, 256 addresses, 8080 machine code.
My Linux PartED will format to a FAT12 !
We thought DOS v.3 FAT16 was super, compared to DOS v.1.
We still think the 8036, et, are great improvements.
Very soon, there was FAT16, 64436 addresses.
Then there was MS-XP with FAT32 and now FAT64,
-------- and "that is too much for a breakfast table tutorial"
as I tell my ham radio friends at our weekly breakfast meeting.
Even technically adept technicians ask questions
as if the world has always been the way it is now .

Attached is the current version, somewhat plain looking,
and no more complex than barely necessary.

Read the B2T code and enjoy the organization.

My philosophical goal is to present
a "Simple, Readable, Modifiable" program.
I do not aim to write imaginary code that will work on all systems
for all times.
There is a good reason that Puppy Linux was designed
by B,Kauler using SquashFiles, RAM based ops,
and why PeeBee is using WOLF
to overlay the BK design onto the Canonical Corp. Ubuntu code base.

:shock: Buena Suerte! :D Glen 8)

Thanks again,
David S.
We used early versions in 1980 about, from Toshiba, 256 Bytes, 1971
...... based on &quot;floating-gate MOSFET&quot; technology.
You could call these &quot;the first Flash Drives&quot; ... but not USB.
I have a dozen still.
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Last edited by glene77is on Mon 25 May 2020, 15:22, edited 3 times in total.
Puppy Linux is more fun than a barrel of M$ monkeys :P
glene77is --- {^,^} --- electricity is shocking, Memphis, TN, USA.

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