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Draft: Install Let's Encrypt Root CA on Precise Light

Posted: Fri 07 Feb 2020, 07:10
by s243a
Background: a bunch of unsubstantiated claims by me

In newer versions of Linux you probably have all the certificate authorities you need already installed. Precise and related puppies is older and at the time precise was made the "Let's Encrypt" certificate authority didn't exist (to verify). If I look in:

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I see:

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Automatically generated by ca-certificates-20130610-1
but if this file hasn't been updated since 2013 (need to verify) then it is likely missing newer certificate authorities or is using the wrong version of the root certificate for a given certificate authority. I believe that the related files for a certificate authority expire and when they create a new file it gets a new file name. As a consequence the file for the certificate autority listed might be out dated (even if it hasn't necessarily expired yet).

Self Signed and Cross Signed Cert's for LEt's Encrypt

For a linux process (e.g. wget) to accept an SSL certificate, you must either explicitly trust the certificate or alternatively trust a certificate higher up in the trust chain. Usually you explicitly trust the certificates at the top of the trust chain. These are called certificate authorities. You can create your own by self signing a certificate and configuring a given tool to accept this certificate.

The root certificate for Let's Encr]ypt is ISRG Root X1 (self-signed). Let's encrypt has an intermediate certificate that is cross signed by both "Let's Encrypt" and also by IdenTrust. If you trust either the root certificate of "Let's Encrypt" or alternativly the root certificate of "IdentTrust" then by the way trust propagates in ssl you will trust all certificates signed by either this intermediate certificate or a certificate further down in the chain of trust. Certificates further down in the chain of trust have a more limited scope of what kind of signed content will be trusted (e.g. a subdomain).

In summary if you want an application to trust a certificate issued by "Let's Encrypt" then you have the option of adding either "Let's Encrypt's" certificate authority or "IdentTrust's" certificate authority. I recommend adding both.

Adding IdentTrust's Cerifificate authority

Download IdentTrust's root certificate file acesca2_0_0.p7b. Then convert his file to a .crt file

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openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -inform der -in acesca2_0_0.p7b -out acesca2_0_0.crt

copy the .crt file to /usr/share/ca-certificates
(or a subolder)
For instance the certificates that are accepted by firefox are in the subolder mozilla. The relative path of a certificate within the ca-certificates folder must be put into:


Per the manpage:
update-ca-certificates is a program that updates the directory /etc/ssl/certs to hold SSL
certificates and generates certificates.crt, a concatenated single-file list of

It reads the file /etc/ca-certificates.conf. Each line gives a pathname of a CA
certificate under /usr/share/ca-certificates that should be trusted. Lines that begin
with "#" are comment lines and thus ignored. Lines that begin with "!" are deselected,
causing the deactivation of the CA certificate in question. ... tes.8.html

Anyway, once the relative path to the cert has been copied into ca-certificates.conf then run the command:

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Adding the reoot CA for Let's encrypt
You add the root certificate for Let's encrypt (i.e. [url=]isrgrootx1.pem.txt[/url]) the same way as you did above for IdentTrust except that conversion command is slightly different:

I think you can remove the .txt extension when you save the root certificate (i.e. isrgrootx1.pem.txt[)

in which case it can be converted as follows:

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openssl x509 -outform der -in isrgrootx1.pem -out isrgrootx1.crt ... rt-and-key

Posted: Fri 07 Feb 2020, 08:06
by s243a
I noticed that precise light doesn't have the update-ca-certificate commands. I tried copying this file from buster but that didn't solve my issue. Also the buster version of this command uses the "openssl rehash" command that isn't available in the version of openssl used in precise. The dgst command is also mentioned (improper usage) but I don't see it in the update-ca-certificate script.

Posted: Fri 07 Feb 2020, 08:11
by s243a
I notice that wget also uses a rehash command:

Specifies directory containing CA certificates in PEM format. Each file contains one CA certificate, and the file name is based on a hash value derived from the certificate. This is achieved by processing a certificate directory with the c_rehash utility supplied with OpenSSL. Using ‘--ca-directory’ is more efficient than ‘--ca-certificate’ when many certificates are installed because it allows Wget to fetch certificates on demand.

Without this option Wget looks for CA certificates at the system-specified locations, chosen at OpenSSL installation time. ... tions.html

Posted: Fri 07 Feb 2020, 13:45
by jamesbond
s243a, you seem to have a lot of good ideas. Pity you come too late, the forum is not what is used to be. But anyway, please carry on, perhaps your enthusiasm will prove to be infectious.

I usually use this to simplify all the gore stuff behind setting up a LE certificate: This is not the official client (which is based on python), it depends on various common tools in Unix toolbox instead.

Of course, if you want to learn the machinery, there is no other way than looking under the hood.