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Posted: Sun 19 Jan 2020, 19:40
by glene77is
Topic: ROX-filer

Subject: Replacement for the ROX-filer from Tahr 606

Can the ROX-filer from UpupBB be installed into Tahr pup 606 ?

The ROX-filer from UpupBB-19.03 has the functions "copy" "Cut" "Paste" .

The"build" for the Bionic-Beaver ROX-Filer is 19Feb13 .


Posted: Mon 20 Jan 2020, 02:06
by mikeslr
Hi glene77is,

There are a couple of options. The easiest would be to figure out which version of rox-filer UpupBB uses and see if a pet of it is already available. Boot into UpupBB, open a terminal and type, code:

rox --version

Then search for that version on

But, it's most likely the latest one you'll find here: ... -common32/ or if that isn't it, that one will still do what you want. By the way, rox versions can be used in any Puppy as long as it has the right architecture (32 vs. 64 bit).

Posted: Thu 30 Jan 2020, 02:31
by glene77is
Thanks. Will check it out.