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Why is this forum http, not https?

Posted: Tue 17 Dec 2019, 09:32
by memo
hi all,

I wonder why the site connection is http and not https ?


Posted: Tue 17 Dec 2019, 11:13
by mikeb
Because there is no need for it.

Rampant discussion may follow :D


Posted: Tue 17 Dec 2019, 11:35
by memo
mikeb wrote:Because there is no need for it.

Rampant discussion may follow :D
so you now determine and know what the users need, right :) , I think an extra layer of security wouldn't harm but rather benefits.


Posted: Tue 17 Dec 2019, 15:04
by Moose On The Loose
memo wrote:
mikeb wrote:Because there is no need for it.

Rampant discussion may follow :D
so you now determine and know what the users need, right :) , I think an extra layer of security wouldn't harm but rather benefits.

There would be no increase in security by using HTTPS but some people may be fooled into believing that this is somehow secure even though everything you type ends up as a publicly available text. Thus a switch to HTTPS would be putting people at risk. Some may argue that this danger is too small to matter but remember that the captain of the Titanic didn't think there was an iceberg in his path. It is well known that previous empires fell because of a combination of a defective OS and a sense of false security. The "S" on the end of HTTPS should be a dead give away that it is just the serpent-in-the-garden's hiss while offering the apple of false security. Deception is that guy's stock and trade.

Posted: Tue 17 Dec 2019, 15:51
by memo
@ Moose On The Loose

I think you do not know what https is, and the argument you give is totally unrelated. For instance, it maybe better to mention the advantages and disadvantages of each of them and why this website has made such choice in particular, whereas banks and other trusted entities that we deal with on a daily basis choose the https.
What is HTTPS?

HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (also referred to as HTTP over TLS or HTTP over SSL). When you enter https:// in your address bar in front of the domain, it tells the browser to connect over HTTPS. Generally sites running over HTTPS will have a redirect in place so even if you type in http:// it will redirect to deliver over a secured connection. HTTPS also uses TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) to send and receive data packets, but it does so over port 443, within a connection encrypted by Transport Layer Security (TLS).

Posted: Tue 17 Dec 2019, 16:14
by rockedge
doesn't matter what the arguments are!

quickly email systems like the murga forum's will no longer work with many email providers unless it is coming from an https site.

whether or not this is a good thing is a moot point. Fact is this is occuring and very soon PHP 7.4 will be the defacto version and the even though the phpBB code will work on the murga server using PHP 5+ because it also is using Apache 2.2 which is also long deprciated, the forum will no longer be able to deal with any browsers as time goes on and nothing is done. The forum code is over 10 years old and starting to show it's age

I don't personally see any reason to run just https or just http so the test forum can use both

Posted: Tue 17 Dec 2019, 16:19
by Flash
Memo, what Moose was trying to say is that encrypting the connection between your computer and this forum would be pointless, as the forum is open for anyone on the Internet to read. HTTPS wouldn't improve your security, since packets have to have readable IP addresses to send them to the forum. Unless you're using TOR, but if you're worried that someone might know that you're communicating with this forum, who the hell are you?

On the other hand, rockedge makes a good point: this forum's software is old and other websites might not work with it; it's time to upgrade to the latest version.

Posted: Tue 17 Dec 2019, 18:05
by memo
Flash wrote: HTTPS wouldn't improve your security, since packets have to have readable IP addresses to send them to the forum. Unless you're using TOR, but if you're worried that someone might know that you're communicating with this forum, who the hell are you?

On the other hand, rockedge makes a good point: this forum's software is old and other websites might not work with it; it's time to upgrade to the latest version.
well, YouTube is a public website, people post videos and comments, still HTTPS, most forums are as well as public websites. so the argument of the posts being readable is not really feasible . So again, you talked abut weird shit except answering the question. the question is about why one over the other, the answer for instance can be, oh we are lazy or whatever, maybe it has some advantages that you would like to clarify, and please do not personalized it, it is just something I noticed and I wondered about so please focus on the question, otherwise it is not related.

Posted: Tue 17 Dec 2019, 18:11
by memo
rockedge wrote:doesn't matter what the arguments are!

quickly email systems like the murga forum's will no longer work with many email providers unless it is coming from an https site.

whether or not this is a good thing is a moot point. Fact is this is occuring and very soon PHP 7.4 will be the defacto version and the even though the phpBB code will work on the murga server using PHP 5+ because it also is using Apache 2.2 which is also long deprciated, the forum will no longer be able to deal with any browsers as time goes on and nothing is done. The forum code is over 10 years old and starting to show it's age

I don't personally see any reason to run just https or just http so the test forum can use both
These are good points and to be honest I do not care much either, just noticed it and I thought, why the guys who are developers and programmers for an operating system are not use it so far.

Posted: Tue 17 Dec 2019, 18:31
by rockedge
that is because the forum was set up when https was exotic and the murga forum runs pretty much on it's own with little human operator intervention.

To run https publicly one needs certificates issued for the domain name or static IP. Good certs cost money. Free certs or self signed can cause modern browsers to have anxiety attacks or are unreliable. So basicly it's down to the host server is running old software, the forum is old software and the version of phpBB being used was never originally written with https in mind and since it all works up to this point and Puppy Linux has no bank account so no certs to set up https..... It sends pages as http

the new programs and servers all deal with encryption as default in most cases

plus other than hiding the login creditials what is there to hide? The NSA already knows we're here.

Posted: Tue 17 Dec 2019, 18:41
by memo
rockedge wrote:that is because the forum was set up when https was exotic and the murga forum runs pretty much on it's own with little human operator intervention.

To run https publicly one needs certificates issued for the domain name or static IP. Good certs cost money. Free certs or self signed can cause modern browsers to have anxiety attacks or are unreliable. So basicly it's down to the host server is running old software, the forum is old software and the version of phpBB being used was never originally written with https in mind and since it all works up to this point and Puppy Linux has no bank account so no certs to set up https..... It sends pages as http

the new programs and servers all deal with encryption as default in most cases

plus other than hiding the login creditials what is there to hide? The NSA already knows we're here.
Thanks for the explanation!

Info wants...

Posted: Tue 17 Dec 2019, 18:55
by gcav

Posted: Tue 17 Dec 2019, 22:23
by oui
it is possible to participate to this forum with low middles (links, links2 -g or not, etc. ...). it is an important condition to preserve the freedom in the web what a big quantity of web pages does not also preserve, so many search machines different from google :roll: etc. for ex. the French distro emmabuntues dedicated for old PC's and disadvantaged peoples. That distro use a own search engine for it's financial support but is complicate to install (both: distro and search engine if you want it as standard search engine), two nonsens in that position!

Posted: Tue 17 Dec 2019, 22:54
by s243a
oui wrote:it is possible to participate to this forum with low middles (links, links2 -g or not, etc. ...). it is an important condition to preserve the freedom in the web what a big quantity of web pages does not also preserve, so many search machines different from google :roll: etc. for ex. the French distro emmabuntues dedicated for old PC's and disadvantaged peoples. That distro use a own search engine for it's financial support but is complicate to install (both: distro and search engine if you want it as standard search engine), two nonsens in that position!
One way supporting http might work is if there was a separate password for http login, and one couldn't edit posts older than a certain date if they used http login or add attachments unless their was a disclaimer saying that the attachment was uploaded via http rather than SSL.

Posted: Wed 18 Dec 2019, 00:01
by Smithy
Rockedge, "the murga forum runs pretty much on it's own with little human operator intervention."

That's pretty cool, never thought about that, much. It has a little belch and a burp
very occasionally, but cheerfully says your post has been sent and then refreshes itself.

So is the new one going to be Recaptcha, third party cookies, no delete posts, javascript must be on?
Or will it operate the same as this one? I haven't found a quicker site than this one.
Well there might be a bulletin board somewhere..
I think the size limit on file attachments is just about right and plaintext links ability helps the (pla)net in general.

Posted: Wed 18 Dec 2019, 00:25
by rockedge
Hello Smithy!

The intention is to keep the functionality of the new forum the same as, or very similar to the original murga forum. Differences being a new host web server (more modern), and a newer version of the same forum software. The ability to communicate with http or https.

I think the only captcha is to prevent robots at the registration of a new account. Third party cookies are a result of displaying advertisements. So far the Puppy Linux community has done without them and I see no reason not to continue that trend, so no 3rd party cookies.

The attachment settings will be the same in allowed size and types of files.

We want to bring up the new forum to also operate for at least a decade like we are sending it on a mission to deep very limited human control and lots of reliable autonomous operation. Quick all across the planet and orbital space in case an ISS crew member is a Puppy Linux affection ado and needs a tip or two.


Posted: Wed 18 Dec 2019, 02:37
by enrique
This is the wrong question: Why is this forum http, not https?

The question the OP should ask himself is Why do you need https What type of business you do here that require https.

The quick answer is, you been manipulated by Google services into believe that you need that. Your browser/email developer thinks he can force you as a client to do what he wants or need.

You do not need to change the forum you need to stop using applications that force you to do things. If you are here, you already know MS-Windows is a manipulator. But you have not learn yet that google is another manipulator.

Do not get me wrong neither. Forum is old ok. I like to see an upgrade and see a few new features.

But at the end I personally hope not to read
So is the new one going to be Recaptcha, third party cookies, no delete posts, javascript must be on?

Posted: Wed 18 Dec 2019, 02:44
by s243a
enrique wrote: Do not get me wrong neither. Forum is old ok. I like to see an upgrade and see a few new features.

But at the end I personally hope not to read
So is the new one going to be Recaptcha, third party cookies, no delete posts, javascript must be on?
You mean you don't want to identify the buses, fire hydrants, bridges, cars and street signs, every time you want to make a small change to a post? ;) j/k

Posted: Wed 18 Dec 2019, 08:35
by enrique
When I read your post first time, I was confuse I thought I was misunderstood and that I cause an issue.

But YESSSSS, screw those google reCAPTCHA. They loop for ever. It is like those wiggled letters that I can not read. They had forgotten that there people with sight problems.

But there more like popups, adds, etc, etc etc. So if we update, keep it simple, be smart.

Listen we all try/install all this puppys, pet and apps build by for the most part unknown people. Sorry, I admire all you masters builders, but the truth is that none have a beer with us on Fridays nor I see you on Sundays game. But then we are worry about "S" in http.

Posted: Wed 18 Dec 2019, 08:38
by s243a
enrique wrote:When I read your post first time, I was confuse I thought I was misunderstood and that I cause an issue.

But YESSSSS, screw those google reCAPTCHA. They loop for ever. It is like those wiggled letters that I can not read. They had forgotten that there people with sight problems.

But there more like popups, adds, etc, etc etc. So if we update, keep it simple, be smart.

Listen we all try/install all this puppys, pet and apps build by for the most part unknown people. Sorry, I admire all you masters builders, but the truth is that none have a beer with us on Fridays nor I see you on Sundays game. But then we are worry about "S" in http.
Part of me wonders if with these reCAPTCHA, we are training their AI systems for free! I agree though, sometimes it can be hard to see the stuff that you are supposed to see!