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Dpup Stretch 7.5 k4.1.48 isn't finding & Loading my save fil

Posted: Sun 01 Dec 2019, 23:32
by Max Headroom
so I have 2 setup at every boot & create another save file at every Shutdown! Can Anybody Help me Please?

What's wRong Please & How can I Fix it? Thanx

Also I've been Trying 2 install Konqueror from the PPM, but it said that I was missing & /usr/bin/dbus-launch. But when I searched 4 in the PPM it told me that it was Already installed! & I dunno about the dbus-launch bit?

Please Help, Thanx...


Posted: Mon 02 Dec 2019, 01:51
by bigpup
Give us some specific details.
Installed on what storage device?
How did you do the install?
Is it booting to a menu where you select a entry to boot?
If yes.
What entry are you selecting?
Is the save located in the same place as the other Dpup Stretch files?

Posted: Tue 03 Dec 2019, 00:57
by Max Headroom
Thanx Bigpup 4 your Help, Sorry I've been slow 2 reply, I've been so busy.

It's an 8 Gb USB Flash Dr & Frugal install, Boots from the Default Black & Blue Dpup Stretch 7.5 Splash Screen, No Menu. Yes the Save File is in the Same /mnt/sdb1 ( Root ) Location as the Puppy Files.

Thanx again ;-)K

Posted: Tue 10 Dec 2019, 20:57
by Max Headroom
Any Solution???

Please Help!


Posted: Tue 10 Dec 2019, 23:06
by ozsouth
Not familiar with this pup, but since I d/l it yeasterday to make a driver for a forum member, I looked at the iso. Libcryptsetup isn't in the original iso, I suspect you've installed it as part of another package & the version is different from what konqueror needs, despite having the same name. It may even be a symlink to another version, which SOMETIMES works. This frequently happens with glibc too. Check /lib & /usr/lib folders for libcryptsetup. Being a foreign library, you may need to (find elsewhere &) run ldconfig. On the savefile subject, I made (on this pup) an ext2 unencrypted 128Mb save file with cosmetic changes - was there on reboot. Has yours ever worked? Or did it break after several interactions? If so may have to start afresh, copying new savefiles elsewhere to retrieve immediate prior one if you eventually break it. Sorry - just posting theories as you pleaded for suggestions.

Posted: Tue 10 Dec 2019, 23:26
by Mike Walsh
@ Max Headroom:-

Personally, I wouldn't bother with Konqueror. I'm not trying to dissuade you, here, but....


Simple. Anything KDE-based ( & Konqueror is a product of the KDE team) generally requires bucket-loads of extra dependencies - plus the 'Out house sink' - and then some.

Reason being that the whole KDE eco-system is based around, and integrated into, the KDE 'Plasma' desktop very much the same way that MyCrudSoft's Internet Explorer/File Explorer are integrated so tightly into Windows, that trying to remove them will result in breaking the system.

It's generally accepted that any KDE 'stuff' is best reserved for hardware with plenty of RAM & a CPU with a lot of 'grunt'. It's been integrated into certain Pups over the years, but these were generally older, far 'lighter' versions. KDE has ballooned with 'bloat' this last 2-3 years.

An example; I run a lot of AppImages. (Think Windows Portable apps; put anywhere, run from anywhere.) Among these is the 'Digikam' photo organiser app. As it comes, this weighs in at - wait for it - some 465 MB. Once 'unpacked' into /tmp (which is where AppImages run from during a session), this increases in size to nearly 900 MB. And this is just a single app! Admittedly, 70 some-odd percent of that size is nothing but dependencies....and more dependencies.....and dependencies of dependencies.....and still more dependencies....

Need I go on?


Anyway, this is getting away from your original query. I use DPup Stretch 7.5 myself. A very sweet, extremely stable Puplet. Are you sure you're creating your save-file in Pup's /mnt/home? That's where the base Puppy SFS files are, and is where your save-file ought to be created as well.....

Mike. :wink: