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Programs that "remember" which files you have recently used

Posted: Mon 25 Nov 2019, 19:24
by perdido
This post is relative to information presented in the puppy linux forum topic
Disable GTK "recently used files"

Which isolated that issue to the following file
plus came up with a solution for neutering that file......

I saw some interesting comments from forum member musher0 about a variety of programs that record what they are doing and store that info in a file.
That made me curious as to which programs do this and which files that info is stored in.

The reasons for storing this information are mainly for program configuration and ease of use for the users.
Its easier to open the program and start right where you left off - unless you have more than one person using the same computer and
you may not want to share that info.

The following is a list of the programs (and the files used) that I have found that store directory and file information.
I know that there have to be more.....
If a program starts and remembers where you left off it is storing "last used" information.

You may not have some of the programs that I have listed depending on what you have added to your puppy.
They all seem to be listed in either the /root/.config/ or /root/ directories.

Please add to this list when you see programs that I have missed.

├── .inkscapelite
.....└── preferences.xml

├── .notecase
.....└── notecase.ini

├── .PeaZip
.....└── bookmarks.txt
.....└── conf.txt

├── .pfilesearch
.....└── hits
.....└── tmp
.........└── pfilesearch-allfiles
.........└── pfilesearch-tmp

├── abiword
.....└── profile

├── epdfview
.....└── main.conf

├── Foxit Software
.....└── Foxit Reader.conf

├── geany
.....└── geany.conf

├── mm_view
.....└── lastdir

├── vlc
.....└── vlc-qt-interface.conf

├── xfe
.....├── xfprc
.....├── xfvrc
.....└── xfwrc


Posted: Mon 25 Nov 2019, 22:53
by musher0
Good search, perdido. Thanks.

If I may add a few more --
mtpaint has the latest dirs and pics viewed in /root/.mtpaint. For the pictures, at lines
30 and ff. ; for the dirs, at lines 40 and ff. (This will vary a bit according to your use.)

geany will keep drafts of the files you are working on -- in addition to its history file
proper -- if you activate the Save plugin, like so:
in main geany menu: Edit -> Plugin Preferences
Then click on the Save Actions tab, and configure the Auto Save, Instant Save and
Backup Copy tabs to your liking. Press Apply to save your configs. (Pls see capture.)

After that, if something happens and you think you've lost a text you were working
on, you'll find a series of draft copies of that text in the directory you defined for
back-up. So not all will be lost, only the part between the time of the last auto-save
and the time of the malfunction.

Finally, that auto-save directory can grow pretty big pretty fast, depending on the
save interval you chose: it needs to be cleaned up selectively once and a while.

If one uses the console much, one can locate a command used a while back
in file /root/.history with the less or more utilities; highlight it, paste it on the
command line, and hit return to restart it. (Note: some versions of bash use the file
/root/.bash_history instead.)

For a recently used command, hitting up arrow or down arrow a few times on
the middle keypad in the console should be enough to find it again -- you just hit
Enter to restart it.

If you are a less or sqlite user, both have a history file;
for less: /root/.lesshst
for sqlite: /root/.sqlite_history.



Posted: Tue 26 Nov 2019, 02:59
by perdido
Hi musher0,

Thanks for adding to the list! :)
I got the idea from your post in the other thread, not common info but could be useful to know.


Posted: Tue 26 Nov 2019, 03:20
by musher0
My pleasure, perdido.

On this same subject, would you happen to know if mplayer and mpv have history files?
I did look but could not find any. It would be quite handy.


Posted: Tue 26 Nov 2019, 03:54
by MochiMoppel
musher0 wrote:I did look but could not find any
mplayer: /root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel

Posted: Tue 26 Nov 2019, 06:10
by musher0
MochiMoppel wrote:
musher0 wrote:I did look but could not find any
mplayer: /root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel
Even if you start it from console?

Posted: Tue 26 Nov 2019, 06:32
by musher0
mp4 files opened with mpv are listed in the recently-used.xbel file, but
not opus musical files.