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Got a page on the wikka assigned to you? Read this please!

Posted: Mon 04 Nov 2019, 03:17
by scsijon
A little note to those with pages assigned to you on the wikka

Please check your pages and any links thereon for voracity. I've found, with much frustration, a lot of broken or just-wrong links appearing in the last few days. Especially any that were linked to BarryK's (and a few others) old or redundant sites!

If you can't find a replacement link, check on one of the archival sites to see if it was cloned there.

thanks to all who participate.

Re: ? got a page on the wikka assigned to you, read this please!

Posted: Tue 05 Nov 2019, 03:40
by Lobster
scsijon wrote:A little note to those with pages assigned to you on the wikka

Please check your pages and any links thereon for voracity. I've found, with much frustration, a lot of broken or just-wrong links appearing in the last few days. Especially any that were linked to BarryK's (and a few others) old or redundant sites!

If you can't find a replacement link, check on one of the archival sites to see if it was cloned there.

thanks to all who participate.
Yep the wikka has been relocated. Much of the info as you say is antique, with ye olde defunct links.

Have sent you a Private Message (PM) about contacting Mick who is now hosting the wikka wiki and carefully updating the software.

Re: ? got a page on the wikka assigned to you, read this please!

Posted: Wed 06 Nov 2019, 11:20
by 01micko
scsijon wrote:A little note to those with pages assigned to you on the wikka

Please check your pages and any links thereon for voracity. I've found, with much frustration, a lot of broken or just-wrong links appearing in the last few days. Especially any that were linked to BarryK's (and a few others) old or redundant sites!

If you can't find a replacement link, check on one of the archival sites to see if it was cloned there.

thanks to all who participate.
As the crusty one alluded to, I'm hosting the wikka now and have been fixing broken links/images as I find them _but_ I have a bout a zillion things to do, puppy and real life so that process is certainly more than a one man job.

Darry, if interested I can make you an admin and you can fix things as you find them.

That goes for any regular responsible user too. I notice CoolPup has been editing recently too.

Not much lately from Darkcity but he did reciprocate my following on diaspora*, so is still around.

Ziggy? He's been active too and the northern winter fast approaches. 8)

Re: ? got a page on the wikka assigned to you, read this please!

Posted: Wed 06 Nov 2019, 17:37
by darry19662018
01micko wrote:
scsijon wrote:A little note to those with pages assigned to you on the wikka

Please check your pages and any links thereon for voracity. I've found, with much frustration, a lot of broken or just-wrong links appearing in the last few days. Especially any that were linked to BarryK's (and a few others) old or redundant sites!

If you can't find a replacement link, check on one of the archival sites to see if it was cloned there.

thanks to all who participate.
As the crusty one alluded to, I'm hosting the wikka now and have been fixing broken links/images as I find them _but_ I have a bout a zillion things to do, puppy and real life so that process is certainly more than a one man job.

Darry, if interested I can make you an admin and you can fix things as you find them.

That goes for any regular responsible user too. I notice CoolPup has been editing recently too.

Not much lately from Darkcity but he did reciprocate my following on diaspora*, so is still around.

Ziggy? He's been active too and the northern winter fast approaches. 8)
Sure Just don't have much time to devote at the moment .

Re: ? got a page on the wikka assigned to you, read this please!

Posted: Thu 07 Nov 2019, 05:12
by scsijon
01micko wrote:
scsijon wrote:A little note to those with pages assigned to you on the wikka

Please check your pages and any links thereon for voracity. I've found, with much frustration, a lot of broken or just-wrong links appearing in the last few days. Especially any that were linked to BarryK's (and a few others) old or redundant sites!

If you can't find a replacement link, check on one of the archival sites to see if it was cloned there.

thanks to all who participate.
As the crusty one alluded to, I'm hosting the wikka now and have been fixing broken links/images as I find them _but_ I have a bout a zillion things to do, puppy and real life so that process is certainly more than a one man job.

Darry, if interested I can make you an admin and you can fix things as you find them.

That goes for any regular responsible user too. I notice CoolPup has been editing recently too.

Not much lately from Darkcity but he did reciprocate my following on diaspora*, so is still around.

Ziggy? He's been active too and the northern winter fast approaches. 8)
OK, and i've planned to attack 'all', I hope, of mine this weekend as I have changes to do on a 'few' anyway and have local copies to match.

Posted: Thu 07 Nov 2019, 09:01
by wiak
I think wikis work best, in terms of being kept up to date, when they are fully open to all forum members (as long as backups are kept that can be rolled back when anything malicious happens). Otherwise, with just a few souls asking permission to make edits, a lot goes stale or stagnant pretty quickly. Most have tons of things already on their 'to-do lists' so I doubt you will ever get sufficient helping hands when they need to ask for permission. And it is less than inviting to work on a resource that overall tends to be far from up-to-date so that situation is probably not encouraging more participants.

Of course more recent entries are up-to-date, and good work/intentions being made there, but difficult to sort such fresh wheat from old bread; so not a reliable resource as it stands hence I personally rely on special Puppy/Dog-related google searches in preference to looking at the wiki.

If you want it to become a really useful and popular resource, therefore, it would be better to just open it up to editing by all forum members IMO (if possible to practically arrange) to make it a popular resource that is actively visited often.

Either that, if just a small active editing team on it, make sure all old pages are indeed deleted so at least what is there is all reliable and useful and current.


EDIT: Well of course, if too-automatic permissions then someone could just join to maliciously destroy. However, it seems to me same people tend to regularly contribute to the forum (I don't know how many people that is), so not too difficult to reasonably determine active forum members and have them sent auto-invites; I really don't think many will apply for permission to edit the wiki themselves, and I presume that is why this thread was started.

Posted: Thu 07 Nov 2019, 10:33
by oui
I did try to contribute to start the new wiki (as did discover it months or years after it did be create. As for a lot of other puppyists is also my free time important for me... I was absolutely not happy about the wiki evolution at the Puppy community! The first Puppy (in which I did contribute a lot) was better organized so I don't understand why it was not possible to continue the same way, and why we, being contributors, have to learn all and new, and that without some easy to find explications or instructions how this wiki have to work!

No sticky discussion at the Puppy forum!

No link at the head of the Puppy forum!

No analogy with the little but really effective private wiki logged in all the Puppy's our lovely didiwiki (where it would be possible to prepare on or offline pages)

As the new head and bottom forms did appear, I did abandon the actual new wiki because I would have to much time to sacrify continuing this endless but also rulesless activity as it is possible to place the same information in that forum.

The "kick"of each good wiki is to offer classified information. But it is difficult to find authors for articles. The stuff is enough in the forum thread. Some developers write real interesting and long articles / documentations etc. within those thread but I did NEVER SEE ONE AT THE PUPPY FORUM ACCEPTING TO LOGE THE STUFF INSTEAD IN THE THREAD ITSELF directly in the Wiki (with only one link in the next FORUM ANSWER instead of the long answer itself in the thread! This would also better enormous the consistence of our extremely long "jungle behaved" threads) although it would be so light and increase enormous the impact of the stuff as you / each one can amend in the wiki the stuff but not in the forum: In the forum can only the author do that:

- amend errors
- add new items to the stuff
- warn directly at the place of the stuff
- require central clearing of the matter

(Note: Testing the actual stand of the main wikka-wikki page, I did immediately discover an error and try to amend it: You can accede to a Google translation for each English page existing moving through the wikki tree and changing the target language or changing the url. See following example using the main page to read it in Hindi or Korean or what you want and Google translations does simply changing from a/ French to English and b/ from English to Hindi, or Korean, or Bulgarian as you want IF YOU HAVE ADDED ADEQUATE FONTS to your Puppy! But my changes was immediately overwrite/refused by the forum m/c as I am not (any more; I suppose I was the owner of that page in the past as the url was the old) the owner. Loose time to try and help for somewhat at the Puppy wiki! This was a really good example and shows that the difficulties begin at the main page and the url of the thing! Try it yourself!!!)

Posted: Thu 07 Nov 2019, 10:50
by oui

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New address for the Wikka
April 21, 2019 - Posted by 01micko. Reading time: ~1 minute

The Puppy Linux Wikka (a.k.a. Wiki) now has a new address as in URL.

Raffy, the maintainer of, has transferred the site to my server ( to eliminate duplication, especially as far as server fees are concerned.

The database seems to have survived though I'm sure there will be a few minor bugs over the coming weeks.

All wiki contributors are urged to use the new site.

Happy Easter!
sorry (this wiki machine is not good - the old one in the first years of Puppy was better! And amend costs often more difficulty and efforts as create new as a lot of new Puppy's don't are based on the same bases as in the past...)

Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2019, 11:05
by 01micko
Darry and zigbert are now admin users and can edit any page. Use this power as you see fit.

@oui - Raffy was the admin of the original wiki so he must have had his reasons for moving over to the wikka software. While I now host it I'm reluctant to change things so that no data is lost.

Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2019, 13:14
by perdido
01micko wrote:Darry and zigbert are now admin users and can edit any page. Use this power as you see fit.

@oui - Raffy was the admin of the original wiki so he must have had his reasons for moving over to the wikka software. While I now host it I'm reluctant to change things so that no data is lost.
Some related issues to that can be fixed at the website admin end. Probably broken during the recent web-shuffle with and is somewhat wiki related.

There are some broken links on the puppy jumping off page that first time usere are greeted with when they first start the default browser.
Probably broken during the recent web-shuffle with
[there is reference to wiki to stay on-topic :) ]

The location of the jumping off page is /usr/share/doc/home.htm

1. Want detailed multi-language User Manuals, that show all aspects of setting up and using Puppy? - broken link

2.Read the latest Puppy News on the community-supported Wiki News page. Find out how keen our community is! - broken link

3. An online jumping-off place for everything Puppy-related. This site is maintained by Puppy enthusiasts warned, it's catching!
Links to and redirects to - that is the puppy linux wiki page that should be linked to in #2 above.


Posted: Sat 09 Nov 2019, 23:03
by 01micko
perdido wrote:
01micko wrote:Darry and zigbert are now admin users and can edit any page. Use this power as you see fit.

@oui - Raffy was the admin of the original wiki so he must have had his reasons for moving over to the wikka software. While I now host it I'm reluctant to change things so that no data is lost.
Some related issues to that can be fixed at the website admin end. Probably broken during the recent web-shuffle with and is somewhat wiki related.

There are some broken links on the puppy jumping off page that first time usere are greeted with when they first start the default browser.
Probably broken during the recent web-shuffle with
[there is reference to wiki to stay on-topic :) ]

The location of the jumping off page is /usr/share/doc/home.htm

1. Want detailed multi-language User Manuals, that show all aspects of setting up and using Puppy? - broken link

2.Read the latest Puppy News on the community-supported Wiki News page. Find out how keen our community is! - broken link

3. An online jumping-off place for everything Puppy-related. This site is maintained by Puppy enthusiasts warned, it's catching!
Links to and redirects to - that is the puppy linux wiki page that should be linked to in #2 above.

I fixed it at the woof level about a week after the reshuffle. (April)

Posted: Sun 10 Nov 2019, 00:57
by perdido
01micko wrote:
perdido wrote:
Some related issues to that can be fixed at the website admin end. Probably broken during the recent web-shuffle with and is somewhat wiki related.

There are some broken links on the puppy jumping off page that first time usere are greeted with when they first start the default browser.
Probably broken during the recent web-shuffle with
[there is reference to wiki to stay on-topic :) ]

The location of the jumping off page is /usr/share/doc/home.htm
I fixed it at the woof level about a week after the reshuffle. (April)
Appreciate that.
Now I will go bother somebody else about an obsolete page :)


Posted: Mon 11 Nov 2019, 03:26
by Lobster

Posted: Mon 11 Nov 2019, 22:09
by oui
I would say: «close the Puppy wiki's»!

There are 3 viable Wiki's:

- didiwiki (a real Puppy Linux conquest, but, sorry, not available in the net...)
- wikimedia wiki from Wikipedia
- dokuwiki

all the other are guaranteed to fail :idea:

@Lobster: probably you did work for a long time for the wiki but other people also! months, perhaps years... for NOTHING : someone did change the Wiki machine and years later you read

«Many thanks @01micko ... and to @Raffy» and your work until months or perhaps years did disappear definitively through the changes....

that is absolutely not exactly that what a community have to be (especially abandon one ot the best wiki machine, dokuwiki, Puppy did use dokuwiki, for ...

... nothing... and let behind a lot of under sacrifice of long time did already be done!)

a wiki needs no "teatcher" (=moderator) but redactors making with enthusiasm that shiny job (it is not usual to see a notice: "good article! it was useful or determinant for me" in a wiki...) (*1

and a wiki needs a structure (never evident in the Puppy wiki after the abandon of the "wiki with left rand with the hierarchy", as you right remember, made in wiki external code, ok, it is true...).

Somebody did erase the structure because it was written in wiki code and not in wiki interpreter! I was an evident great error!

After years of loosing of time for the Puppy wiki (I did offer the same time in the SliTaz Wiki with more success under analogue start conditions: both were dokuwiki, but the firtst Slitaz Wiki did not have some wiki external pages...) I am more and more convinced of the usefulness of wikis: if wikis were consulted, half of the forum discussions would not take place :roll:

... and a lot of developers would have to develop different as they do because nobody would else understand how their quirky creations works :roll: (*2

Today, if I have to explain somewhat about Puppy, I do that directly in that forum, and already a long time not in the wiki anymore :lol:

Perhaps the best solution would be to centralize all infos in YOUR WIKIBOOK at wikimedia and don't use the separate wiki at all any more! learn to write some "templates" at wikimedia. It is not easy, needs long experimentation (*3, creativity and a real lot of work but very effective and you can centralize the best information possible...

we also have a great problem of communication at the Puppy community: sometimes a enormous quantity of «stickies» in some forum branch (incl. foreing language) but no sticky for SOME ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS OF ORGANISATION. Today, I would erase all absolutely sticky flags excepted some concerning fundamental questions:

- where are our depositories official or not
- where are our other sites and private or personal initiatives
- how to prepare an adequate memory drive to start Puppy with success
- (possible) reasons why the Puppy start can fail
- security of Puppy
- security of users, espec. children, special stuff for them
- find help (Google and other, Wikipedia, other global or special wiki's)
- contribute and develop

But each an adequate forum subdivision and you never need some forum sticky any more :shock: :idea: (the readers are getting rid of so many stickies!)

Actual users

(*1 the productivity of that forum consist realistic in the evidence that all what is not spam is allowed or tolerated!

(*2 some Puppy's where Rox is not the official filer any more, Seamonkey did be abandon, JWM can not be yet activate etc. and some more! Else if the end product is de facto more an elephant...

(*3 as far the wikimedia "authority" give you the time to experiment (the wikimedia authority is not really a good example for being patient...)

hosting pictures at wikka-puppylinux

Posted: Thu 20 Feb 2020, 22:13
by oui
hosting pictures at wikka-puppylinux


creation of new opened pages


I plan to revive (google translation) some important activity at our Puppy wiki.

Using pictures as a picture says more than 1000 words...

To permit to maintain those pages in the future (and immediately if the informations given by me are not complete or, more worse, wrong) I would prefer to write the new pages completely open as well as the pictures.

What are the rules to create, change and DELETE the original work of such "non protected pages" (I accept all changes but not the loosing of the original form :wink: :idea: )?

Is that explained in a clear, the best would be, page directly in the wiki :?: