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wine installed but I cant find it Bionic Puppy Linux

Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2019, 04:34
by gazinbali
Hello all..
I have Bionic Puppy installed on a separate partition as dual boot for Win 7.
It runs great.. but, i want to run Wine.. so I went to the package manager and downloaded and Auto installed it.
But .. where is it.. It is not listed under any menu header..
You can see the files have been downloaded/ installed in the 4 screenshots posted here.

Please note the opt/winemenu box is empty, so I assume it has not assigned a menu listing.??
Im not super techy, so can someone please assist.
Thanks in advance

Posted: Thu 04 Jul 2019, 05:23
by bigpup
I assume you have Bionicpu64 8.0
You do not say what specific version!!.
If you have Bionicpup32 8.0. This will not work.

Use the Puppy Package Manager(PPM) uninstall.
Uninstall what you installed for Wine.

Install and setup Wine by doing this:

Click on Quickpet desktop icon.
Follow all steps offered to install.

After installing.
A bunch of Wine entries will be in menu>Utility

If Bionicpup is a frugal install using a save.
Good Idea to reboot to be sure everything stays in the save and is there when it boots.

Run Wine config to setup Wine.
It will probably offer you a few more programs needed for Wine to run properly.
Should download and install them as part of the initial config.

Also, in Wine config->Drivers Select auto-detect to get all the driver locations loaded in Wine.

A lot of setup options in Wine config, so check them all.

What version of Windows you want Wine to mimic can affect how a program runs. Wine Config->Applications.

About specific programs running in Wine.
Go to the Wine web site and see what it says about a specific program and issues.

Using Wine is almost like learning a new operating system.
Takes a while to learn how to use Wine and to get things working properly.

If you want a newer version of Wine.
Good place to get Wine for Puppy.
However, just because it is a newer version of Wine, it may not run the Windows program any better.
It may actually run it worst.

If you get a newer version of Wine.
Just install it over what is already installed.
Well, that may or may not work.
They constantly work on Wine.

Re puppy Version

Posted: Wed 10 Jul 2019, 15:22
by gazinbali
Hi John,
Thanks for your recent reply to my query on installing Wine.
You suggested I could be running Bionicpu64 8.0
In fact I have Bionic 19-1302.. so it seems the advice given will not apply..
Do you have any other suggestions?

Bionic 19-1302 ?

Posted: Wed 10 Jul 2019, 16:20
by mikeslr
Hi gazinbali,

At last count there were over 5,000 Puppy variations. To provide any meaningful help we usually need to know which a poster is writing about. For example, there are three major divisions which might be called Bionic Puppy: Bionicpup64 8.0 CE whose discussion thread is here, ... 69#1004969, BionicPup32 (UPupBB), whose thread is here, ... 997#989997 and BionicDog --which, although not a Puppy-- might be inadvertently meant. It's discussion thread is here, ... 363#989363. From time to time a Dev may upgrade a ISO, and post about it in the originating thread. So, for example, the latest update of Bionicpup32 included sufficient changes that its devx_upupbb.sfs bears the designation 19.03. I suspect you have the 32-bit Bionicpup32, one upgrade iteration before the latest.

When posting about a problem you are having with a particular Puppy, it often is helpful to post to that Puppy's thread. Because of the way the Forum's software works, you do that by Clicking Post Reply.

At any rate, most of bigpup's advice was on point. Use Puppy Package Manager to uninstall wine. If your Puppy doesn't have a quickpet, follow the alternate instructions to obtain wine from the thread Version2013 maintains, Read the first posts for the link to the wine menu-pet, for guidance on how Version2013 builds wine pets, their variations, and how to obtain a particular version. The newest are linked to at the end of the thread. But there are several. If you have a 32-bit system, you can't use the "WOW" version.

bigpup's advice about configuring wine is also on point. But, If you are running the 64-bit BionicPup --which does have quickpet-- I recommend that you use it first to download the 32-bit compatibility sfs, load it, and configure it by opening a terminal and typing "ldconfig" without the quotes. That's a small "el", not a 1 or a capital I/eye.

It may be possible to use the WOW version of wine on a 64-bit system. But frankly, it isn't well tested. So, for now prefer 32-bit wine builds. Most XP programs are only 32-bit anyway; and programs for Window 7 or above usually have a 32-bit version.

wine installed but I cant find it Bionic Puppy Linux

Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2019, 06:20
by gazinbali
Hi Mikesir..
Thanks for the speedy followup.... I will go thru all the steps, If you dont hear back.. all went well and i thank you in advance.
If I still hit a snag.. I will post in the correct forum for Bionicpuppy.
Best regards


Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2019, 18:36
by Sailor Enceladus
If you're sure you installed wine, try typing winefile in the terminal/console. That's one way to navigate to a program. :)

Posted: Sat 20 Jul 2019, 20:02
by ciento
the command winecfg opens the wine
configuation panel, and creates the /home/you/.wine folder.

.wine folder won't exist until winecfg or some other
wine command has been run, when it will be created
for the first time.

But there will be a separate wine folder (no . )
in /usr/lib, /opt or wherever the specific wine version
has dictated. It is in this folder(s) where wineasio.dll
needs to exist, in order to use windows vst plugins.

When it is in place, these commands should be run,
and they will confirm success or faulure:

wine64 regsvr32 wineasio.dll

wine regsvr32 wineasio.dll

If it fails, the wineasio.dll is not in the folder(s)
it needs to be. It's tiny, so copy it around, as needed
until it works. A proper installer should handle this, but...