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Multilingual Spoken Startup Welcome Plus Internet Alarm

Posted: Tue 05 Feb 2019, 16:29
by ETP
Multilingual Spoken Startup Welcome Plus Internet Connection alarm

This .pet (startup_welcome_alert-mk1) provides a verbal multilingual welcome plus an alarm should a working internet connection not have been established.

The spoken welcome varies according to the time of day & the script also verifies that a working Internet connection exists.
If it does not, an alarm will sound instead of the welcome.
Both the greeting and the alarm are supplemented by on-screen messages in English.

Only a single mp3 audio file is included in the .pet for the alarm, everything else including translation is handled by TTS.
This pet is suitable for use with recent WoofCE Pups and has been tested with 666philb's Bionicpup64 7.9.8 CE RC & 8.0


1. Use ppm to install xdotool & mpv if not currently present.

2. Use ppm to install translate-shell_0.9.6.6-1 plus it's dependencies.

3. Install the attached pet, then reboot ensuring that you save the session.The pet will activate following a further reboot & save.

Final thoughts & additional info:

A. Whilst Google Translate is used as the default translation engine other engines may be specified:-
  • root# trans -S
    * google
B. The language code used for speech is extracted automatically from your settings variable($LANG). See shot below for a complete list in English of codes.

C. No browsers are involved in this process.

D. The text to be spoken can easily be changed. In addition once you have translate-shell installed you can issue spoken messages from either
the command line or from within any script, perhaps to warn of impending meltdown or lack of free memory.
A simple example CLI command follows which will be translated from English text and spoken in French.

Code: Select all

trans -b -p en: :fr "Good day Wee Hamish","Internet access is confirmed. Would you like to play the square game?"
E. In conclusion loads of fun plus multiple potential uses. (trans -h for help)

EDIT: 10th June 2020

The latest mk6 pet issued on 10th June 2020 can be found HERE.

Posted: Tue 05 Feb 2019, 20:39
by foxpup
hello ETP

I've tried it on dPup Stretch from radky and it works.
I find it very nice. It's a good idea. And you are very resourceful.
Thanks! 'll keep it in my toolbox.

I will try out the translation/localisation now.

I changed my locale to nl_be. Then on restarting X I got a welcome in dutch, which is right (dutch=nederlands=nl).
Just did not expect it on restarting X as well.

Multilingual Spoken Startup Welcome Plus Internet Alarm

Posted: Wed 06 Feb 2019, 15:18
by ETP
Hi foxpup,

Thanks for testing and your confirmation that it works in dPup Stretch from radky.
It is intended that it triggers when X is restarted.

Multilingual Spoken Startup Welcome Plus Internet Alarm

Posted: Sun 19 May 2019, 19:05
by ETP
New pet May 2019

The attached improves on the mk1 version with a couple of extra optional features.

In the original pet the text to be spoken in your native language was as follows:

"Good morning/afternoon/evening, Internet access is confirmed."

In this new version you may also be greeted by a name of your choice and the weekday may also be announced.

"Good afternoon Steve. Today is Sunday, Internet access is confirmed."

The revised commented main script is reproduced below. In the example above I have simply replaced Root with Steve

If you wish to move to this new version first use PPM to uninstall the mk1 version.

Code: Select all

# This is /root/noob/    ETP February 2019
# Modified May 2019 to include 2 additional variables (cognomen and day). Either or both lines (6 & 7) may be commented out if not required.
# Please substitute your own desired handle for Root  e.g. Fred (The displayed messages have not been changed.)
cognomen=Root;echo $cognomen
day="Today is `date +%A`,";echo $day
check=`date +%H`
echo $check
if [ $check -ge 05 -a $check -le 11 ]

        tod="Good morning $cognomen."

elif [ $check -ge 12 -a $check -le 17 ]

        tod="Good afternoon $cognomen."
        tod="Good evening $cognomen."
#lang=fr # Uncomment for testing only & comment out the following line.
lang=`echo $LANG | cut -d_ -f1`
echo $lang
sleep 18 # May be reduced from default of 18 seconds to 15 or less if using an SSD or fast HD.  Also if using a static IP rather than DHCP.
echo -e "GET HTTP/1.0\n\n" | nc 80 > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        trans -b -p -player mpv en: :$lang "$tod $day Internet access is confirmed." &
        xdotool mousemove --polar 0 0 mousemove_relative 0  40
        yaf-splash -close never -fontsize large -bg yellow -fg black -timeout 12 -text "   Internet access is confirmed.   "
        yaf-splash -close never -fontsize large -bg red -fg white -timeout 10 -text "---   WARNING: No Internet Connection   ---" &
        $player $alarmclip

Multilingual Spoken Startup Welcome Plus Internet Alarm

Posted: Sun 08 Dec 2019, 10:34
by ETP
Latest pet Dec 2019

The attached improves on the previous pets with some minor code changes. (The mk3 version was not released)

The revised commented main script is reproduced below.

If you wish to move to this new version, first use PPM to uninstall the mk1 or mk2 version.

Installation instructions remain as detailed in the original post in this thread.

Code: Select all

# This is /root/noob/    ETP November 2019
# Modified May 2019 to include 2 additional variables (cognomen and day). Either or both lines (6 & 7) may be commented out if not required.
# Please substitute your own desired handle for Root  e.g. Fred (The displayed messages have not been changed.)
cognomen=Root;echo $cognomen
day="Today is `date +%A`,";echo $day
check=`date +%H`
echo $check
if [ $check -ge 05 -a $check -le 11 ]

        tod="Good morning $cognomen."

elif [ $check -ge 12 -a $check -le 17 ]

        tod="Good afternoon $cognomen."
        tod="Good evening $cognomen."
#lang=fr # Uncomment for testing only & comment out the following line.
lang=`echo $LANG | cut -d_ -f1`
echo $lang
sleep 18 # May be reduced from default of 18 seconds to 15 or less if using an SSD or fast HD.  Also if using a static IP rather than DHCP.
echo -e "GET HTTP/1.0\n\n" | nc 80 > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        trans -b -p -player $player en: :$lang "$tod $day Internet access is confirmed." &
        xdotool mousemove --polar 0 0 mousemove_relative 0  40
        yaf-splash -close never -fontsize large -bg yellow -fg black -timeout 12 -text "   Internet access is confirmed.   "
        yaf-splash -close never -fontsize large -bg red -fg white -timeout 10 -text "---   WARNING: No Internet Connection   ---" &
        $player $alarmclip

Multilingual Spoken Startup Welcome Plus Internet Alarm

Posted: Fri 06 Mar 2020, 16:08
by ETP
Latest pet March 2020

The attached improves on the previous pets with extra code to
add the Pup name and version to the text to be spoken in your native language.

EXAMPLE of spoken welcome u‌sing the official Bionicpup64 8.0.

"Good afternoon Steve. This is bionicpup64, 8.0. Today is Friday and Internet access is confirmed."

Listen to above.

The revised commented main script is reproduced below.

All these pets remain suitable for WoofCE Pups. A custom package for Fatdog has also been issued.

If you wish to move to this new version, first use PPM to uninstall any previous version.

Installation instructions remain as detailed in the original post in this thread together with
additional information.

Code: Select all

# This is /root/noob/    ETP 6th March 2020
# Please substitute your own desired handle for Root on line 9  (e.g. Fred)
os=`grep DISTRO_NAME /etc/DISTRO_SPECS | cut -d "'" -f 2`
version=`grep DISTRO_VERSION /etc/DISTRO_SPECS | cut -d "=" -f 2`
distro="This is $os, $version.";echo $distro
cognomen="Root";echo $cognomen
day="Today is `date +%A`";echo $day
check=`date +%H`
echo $check
if [ $check -ge 05 -a $check -le 11 ]

        tod="Good morning $cognomen."

elif [ $check -ge 12 -a $check -le 17 ]

        tod="Good afternoon $cognomen."
        tod="Good evening $cognomen."
#lang=fr # Uncomment for testing only & comment out the following line.
lang=`echo $LANG | cut -d_ -f1`
echo $lang
sleep 18 # May be reduced from default of 18 seconds to 15 or less if using an SSD or fast HD.  Also if using a static IP rather than DHCP.
echo -e "GET HTTP/1.0\n\n" | nc 80 > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        trans -b -p -player $player en: :$lang "$tod $distro $day and Internet access is confirmed." &
        xdotool mousemove --polar 0 0 mousemove_relative 0  40
        yaf-splash -close never -fontsize large -bg yellow -fg black -timeout 14 -text "   Internet access is confirmed.   "
        yaf-splash -close never -fontsize large -bg red -fg white -timeout 10 -text "---   WARNING: No Internet Connection   ---" &
        $player $alarmclip

Posted: Sat 07 Mar 2020, 01:38
by bigpup
You really should edit the first post and place the latest pet in it.
There is nothing in that first post to tell people there is a newer version and where it is for download.

If this topic had many pages. You would quickly understand the need to, always have the latest version, in the first post, of the topic.
You have total control of what is in that first post.

Posted: Sat 07 Mar 2020, 08:22
by s243a
Have you considered, having the start up script give a random Murphy's Law? That would have good nostalgia value for computing! :)

Posted: Sat 07 Mar 2020, 15:01
by ETP
Hi bigpup,

Thanks for your suggestion. In view of the fact that I have published the changed text of the relevant main script
with each pet version, I prefer in this case to keep them together but do take your point.
I have therefore added a link in the original post.

Posted: Sat 07 Mar 2020, 15:51
by ETP
s243a wrote:Have you considered, having the start up script give a random Murphy's Law? That would have good nostalgia value for computing! :)
Hi s243a,

Interesting suggestion, probably feasible as a separate optional script called from the end of the startup script.
I have not done anything like that since 2013 when I put a spoken "Message of the Day" into Obedient Pup V3.
See: ... 027#734866

Multilingual Spoken Startup Welcome Plus Internet Alarm

Posted: Wed 10 Jun 2020, 14:44
by ETP
Latest pet June 2020 [mk6]

The attached improves on the previous pets with an extra option
that appends Covid 19 advice to the text to be spoken in your native language.

EXAMPLE of spoken welcome u‌sing the official Bionicpup64 8.0.

"Good morning Root. This is bionicpup64, 8.0. Today is Wednesday and Internet access is confirmed.
Please stay alert, maintain social distancing and wash your paws regularly."

The revised commented main script is reproduced below.

All of the pets in this thread remain suitable for WoofCE Pups.

If you wish to move to this new version, first use PPM to uninstall any previous version.

If you do not wish to hear the Covid advice, just comment out the covid line at the top of the script.
The text that will then be spoken will be identical to the mk5 example.
Alternatively substitute additional text to be spoken of your own choosing on that line.

Installation instructions remain as detailed in the original post in this thread together with
additional information.
The last 3 videos at the bottom of the following shared album show this latest script in action.

Code: Select all

# This is /root/noob/    (Covid version) ETP 10th June 2020
# Please substitute your own desired handle for Root on line 10  (e.g. Fred)
covid="Please stay alert, maintain social distancing and wash your paws regularly."
os=`grep DISTRO_NAME /etc/DISTRO_SPECS | cut -d "'" -f 2`
version=`grep DISTRO_VERSION /etc/DISTRO_SPECS | cut -d "=" -f 2`
distro="This is $os, $version.";echo $distro
echo $cognomen
day="Today is `date +%A`";echo $day
check=`date +%H`
echo $check
if [ $check -ge 05 -a $check -le 11 ]

        tod="Good morning $cognomen."

elif [ $check -ge 12 -a $check -le 17 ]

        tod="Good afternoon $cognomen."
        tod="Good evening $cognomen."
#lang=fr # Uncomment for testing only & comment out the following line.
lang=`echo $LANG | cut -d_ -f1`
echo $lang
echo $covid
sleep 18 # May be reduced from default of 18 seconds to 15 or less if using an SSD or fast HD.  Also if using a static IP rather than DHCP.
echo -e "GET HTTP/1.0\n\n" | nc 80 > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        trans -b -p -player $player en: :$lang "$tod $distro $day and Internet access is confirmed. $covid" &
        xdotool mousemove --polar 0 0 mousemove_relative 0  40
        yaf-splash -close never -fontsize large -bg yellow -fg black -timeout 18 -text "   Internet access is confirmed.   "
        yaf-splash -close never -fontsize large -bg red -fg white -timeout 10 -text "---   WARNING: No Internet Connection   ---" &
        $player $alarmclip