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Easy 1.0 Seamonkey files

Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2019, 21:38
by JaDy
Just now installed Easy 1.0 - looks good. Now, how do I get my old SeaMonkey files from my Quirky system? Files like bookmarks, passwords, various preferences and changes I had made using about:config?

I had made copies of the Mozilla folder and everything in the file folder, which is now home.

Same question for FireFox.

Posted: Mon 21 Jan 2019, 09:36
by foxpup
You already know that the profile is in /root/.mozilla?
I suppose that is what you have copied 'outside' Puppy, that is somewhere under /mnt/, eg /mnt/home or /mnt/sda9.
Create a symlink (absolute) from /root/.mozilla to your copy
For palemoon you have to make a 2nd link from /root/.moonchild productions to your copy.
For light you have to make a 2nd link from /root/.light to your copy.

I run about 10 Puppies with their own browsers and all the same configuration for these browsers.
They are all mozilla/firefox-like:
These browsers expect the profile to be in
/root/.mozilla/pale moon
To solve this, create symlinks with the appropriate names to the firefox directory in your copy of .mozilla

If you use cache, you can copy /.cache/firefox 'outside' and create a link from /root/.cache/firefox to the copy.
For seamonkey the cache is in /root/.cache/seamonkey, so create a link from /root/.cache/seamonkey to the copy outside.

In Easy this will work with 'normal' seamonkey, not with containered seamonkey.

To copy, not to link, most of the settings, I make a user.js in the profile with all my preferences.
The default file for the settings is pref.js, but prefs in user.js override prefs in pref.js.
I can use this user.js in any browser's profile folder.
I also use export/import bookmarks to/from html to copy my bookmarks.

Posted: Mon 21 Jan 2019, 16:49
by JaDy
Thanks, foxpup. You put down many words, a great effort - thanks. It will take me some time to grok. I'm working on it now.