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Fatdogarm for Raspberry pi3 - headless

Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2018, 00:11
by don570
Fatdog Arm for Raspberry Pi 3

If you have raspberry pi 3 then here is
an version of fatdog arm to try.
There's a good assortment of apps in the fatdogarm repository.
I use my board to play music (headless i.e. no monitor and keyboard)

Dropbear is used (SSH clone)
Samba and OMX player is now included.

This is targeted to Raspberry pi3 users who want a general purpose
operating system that is reasonably fast and it can be used as a music player.
Installation is easy.

New version
md5sum: 73166F2A53258BCAA87677674BF0A1FC ... j-UtJaTYLZ
User: root
Password: woofwoof

Note that config.txt file uses hdmi_safe=1 at first boot

Should give the same results as:


Change if you want.
Put music files in /Music folder. These will be played at startup.

2) You can install using Windows or a Linux computer
Format your micro SD card as fat32 using a windows or linux formatter.
In linux I recommend you zero out the card first...
just do "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/<flash-drive-device-name> bs=1M count=1". After doing this Gparted will regard you flash drive as completely empty and will offer to create a new MS-DOS partition table - which you should accept.
If you are using Windows to format the SD card then I recommend
A quick formating to fat32 is all that is needed.

Open up Inside the folder you will see some files and folders .
Drag the contents of the folder to a freshly formatted (fat32) micro SD card.

3) Take out the card from its adaptor and insert in your raspberry pi3
computer. Plug in the power cable. If you wish, you can plug in your
ethernet cable and a wireless adapter.

4)If you have savefile=direct:local in cmdline.txt file
While booting ---> the OS will find a default named save file (fdsave.ext4) and automatically
go to desktop.

If you have savefile=ask
While booting ---> the OS asks for a save file , just press the <ENTER> key.
The operating system will automatically find the fatdog save file.
Note that user's documents and config files are in that save file.

5) You will soon see the desktop with a giant clock on it.

User: root or spot
Password : woofwoof

Support site:

Set your wlan with the tray app.
Check if your ethernet device has been recognized
Tip: Type 'ifconfig' in terminal to check if a network address has been assigned.

The built-in wireless should be easy to set up using the control panel app.

An externel wireless adapter requires some work. Here is how I made the connection...

I first checked that the wireless driver had loaded properly...

Code: Select all

dmesg  | more
I checked the boot messages to see if the driver had loaded.
I saw...

Code: Select all

usbcore: registered new interface driver carl9170
carl9170 is the name of my driver, so it has loaded. Good!

Next I connected my adapter to a wifi network
Control panel > network > Network Setup
(or type '' in terminal)

SSID (the router's network name) and wireless password for my Cisco router is entered .
See network setup here.... ... rking.html
Activate wlan0 now with Network Setup

To check the activation....
Type 'ifconfig' in terminal and wlan0 will have a network address assigned to it now.
It is different than ethernet address.

I could find a windows server with

Network > Fatdog connect

Fill in the address of server and the Share name.
Click 'Connect'


Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2018, 00:13
by don570
Test as a music player by putting a couple of mp3 files in /Music folder
and reboot . Playmusic app by Thunor should play the music
thru the headphone output.

Test on Raspberry pi3

Posted: Mon 09 Apr 2018, 03:23
by woodenshoe-wi
I have an original Pi3 (I don't have a 3+), so I figured I would test the

I had to un-comment the following line in config.txt to get the audio to work.

Code: Select all

Is there a reason that there is a separate version for Pi3 instead of sharing with Pi2?

Posted: Tue 10 Apr 2018, 00:11
by don570
Is there a reason that there is a separate version for Pi3 instead of sharing with Pi2?

Each model that is supported requires a separate kernel.

Thanks for testing since I don't have a raspberry pi3.
It costs $100 here in Canada with tax. Ridiculous!

Test it to see if you can make a headless, wireless music player.
I was successful with my raspberry pi2.

Samba and x11vnc are builtin.

Sharing kernel

Posted: Tue 10 Apr 2018, 19:48
by woodenshoe-wi
I know from first hand experience that the new models of Pis always need the newest version of the firmware to boot, but looking at the files included in I saw the dtb file for the Pi2, bcm2709-rpi-2-b.dtb

So I was wondering if the fatdogarm-pi3 version could actually run on a Pi2...

First attempt didn't boot, but after adding

Code: Select all

to config.txt I was able to successfully boot the Pi3 version of fatdogarm on my Pi2.

My current config.txt is

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# Safest video mode

# Enable on-board audio
# force audio to headphone jack  (Set to 1)

initramfs initrd.rpi3

# Warning: CMA does not work properly in newer firmware versions
I normally use my Pis with a mouse, keyboard and computer monitor attached, although I did build an IR receiver for my Pi3 to use with Kodi and the TV, but have never used them with vnc software.

I tested the sound with the 2barks.wav file, so I wouldn't call that music ;-)

The built in wifi on the Pi3 works fine after the normal wifi password configuration.

Posted: Tue 10 Apr 2018, 23:39
by don570
I tested the sound with the 2barks.wav file, so I wouldn't call that music

I believe I put the ivy.mp3 file in /usr/share/audio/ folder to test mp3


Read my raspberry pi2 site to get the instructions to set up board as
music player.

You can start by dragging ivy.mp3 into Music folder.

Posted: Wed 11 Apr 2018, 23:32
by don570
I believe I put the ivy.mp3 file in /usr/share/audio/ folder to test mp3
When I checked I put ivy.mp3 in /root/puppy-reference/audio/
not in /usr/share/audio/


Cannot find files and going to prompt

Posted: Thu 12 Apr 2018, 08:35
by veronicathecow
Hi thanks for making this puppy.
I have tried to boot on my Model 3B pi but i am getting
Cannot load basesfs
cannot find fdsave.ext4 from anywhere
welcome to bulldog linux
bulldog login:
Any help appreciated

Posted: Thu 12 Apr 2018, 23:31
by don570
OOps! This was what I feared. :roll:

Apparently there is something in my modified fdarm.sfs that is not compatible???

You can try James bond's fd-arm.sfs and I think it would work ... fd-arm.sfs

I'll look through the files in my fd-arm.sfs to see what is happening.

Posted: Fri 13 Apr 2018, 07:21
by veronicathecow
Hi Don570, many thanks I will give this a try.

Posted: Fri 13 Apr 2018, 08:36
by veronicathecow
Hi don570, sorry but I swapped out the fd-arm.sfs as per your suggestion but am getting same error.

Posted: Sat 14 Apr 2018, 14:57
by don570
I'll ask james bond for help. He owns a raspberry pi3.

Posted: Sat 14 Apr 2018, 19:29
by woodenshoe-wi
What is the contents of your cmdline.txt file?

Mine is:

Code: Select all

pkeys=en waitdev=3 savefile=direct:local   basesfs=device:mmcblk0p1:/fatdogarm/fd-arm.sfs 
fdsave.ext4 is the save file. It won't exist on first boot.

Posted: Tue 17 Apr 2018, 18:13
by veronicathecow
Hi Don6570 thanks

Hi woodenshoe-wi
I login as root PW=woofwoof
but ls just gives me nothing
not sure where
find cmline.txt
but no files found.

Posted: Tue 17 Apr 2018, 19:14
by woodenshoe-wi
The file would be on the SD card. There should have been one in the zip file.
It gives the location of "basesfs=device:mmcblk0p1:/fatdogarm/fd-arm.sfs"
If it is missing that explains
Cannot load basesfs

Posted: Tue 17 Apr 2018, 19:42
by veronicathecow
Hi thanks I have found it on the memory card (using my main PC
The contents of the file are
pkeys=en waitdev=3 savefile=direct:local basesfs=device:mmcblk0p1:/fatdogarm/fd-arm.sfs

Posted: Tue 17 Apr 2018, 20:26
by woodenshoe-wi
Is the fd-arm.sfs file in the fatdogarm directory on the SD card?

Are you still getting the "Cannot load basesfs" error when booting?

Posted: Tue 17 Apr 2018, 21:19
by veronicathecow
Yes still same error.
Files in root(as are all the files) not in a folder

Posted: Tue 17 Apr 2018, 22:02
by woodenshoe-wi
The only file that belongs in the fatdogarm directory is fd-arm.sfs

But you can probably edit the cmdline.txt file to remove the fatdogarm directory from the basesfs path if you don't want to put it in a directory.

Code: Select all

pkeys=en waitdev=3 savefile=direct:local   basesfs=device:mmcblk0p1:/fd-arm.sfs
You could even try renaming or deleting cmdline.txt, I was able to reproduce the boot errors you described by renaming cmdline.txt but the fd-arm.sfs file on my SD card is in the fatdogarm directory. Without the cmdline.txt file telling init to look in the fatdogarm directory for fd-arm.sfs the init script will probably look for it in the root of the SD card.

Posted: Wed 18 Apr 2018, 06:34
by veronicathecow
Woof Woof, up and running!
I just created the folder and moved the file across and it has booted up to desktop.

Many thanks for your help woodenshoe-wi