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Posted: Wed 03 Jan 2018, 01:22
by Mike Walsh
Morning, all.

I figure this is the best place to post about this.

I can't be the only 'movie buff' amongst the Puppy membership.....and, although I'm an avid user of NetFlix, it's also nice to have 'permanent' copies of favourite movies locally, which you can watch whenever you want to (regardless of whether your broadband connection is up or down).

I've always spent the odd moment searching for alternative sources for these. Unfortunately, too many of these sites give you 'the run-around', hot-linking you to everywhere except what you really want; a solid, genuine download link for the item in question.

Well, 2 days ago I struck gold - for real - and have been downloading like crazy ever since. I'm a total sci-fi 'nut' (have been ever since I was knee-high to a grasshopper); it's a good job we switched ISPs around 2 years ago, and went from a 10 GB monthly 'cap' to unlimited downloads!

The website in question is this one:-

(Ignore the fact that it's mostly Indian & Pakistani films on the main page. Check out the 'Genre' list, and just start 'digging'. The good stuff's definitely just need to look for it).

I am, as I type this post, downloading a film I've been searching for I don't know how long; the 1956 sci-fi classic, 'Forbidden Planet'. I've found no end of so-called 'links' for this in the past, which have all proved to be dead-ends. At this precise moment in time, Chrome's download progress indicator is showing '669/779 MB...6 mins'. I'm so close I can taste it!

(And one of my absolute 'faves' has got to be the deliciously mental 'Mars Attacks!!' Makes me p**s myself laughing, every time I see it...)

But don't go thinking these are simply old classics. The site has many films from just last year (2017). I've sampled every single one I've downloaded, to make sure they work.....and, without exception, they're all very good quality. I've now got the full 'Matrix' series; all the 'Terminators'; both 'HellBoys' (yes; nice one!!); all the 'Mad Max's'; all 3 of the 'IronMan' films; several 'Aliens'; both of the Stallone 'Judge Dredd' movies.....the list goes on. And on. And.....well, that's just for starters.

I've got several more book-marked for tomorrow..! :D

I'm probably strange to most folks; I'm the sort of person who enjoys re-watching 'classic' movies over and over again.....unlike many I've run across, who always want to watch brand-new stuff that they've never seen before (and having watched it once, promptly lose interest in it). But that's probably endemic amongst the younger generation of today. Very short 'attention span', y'know..!

Anyway, that's enough of my drivel. The point of this post being to inform y'all of this site's existence; that they're good quality (720p and 1080p; the choice is yours).....and you can download to your heart's content, no questions asked. (If there is a 'catch', I haven't found it yet).

A 'gold-mine' indeed. It's got Mike's 'seal of approval'. Enjoy.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Wed 03 Jan 2018, 01:37
by Geoffrey has popups with junks sites, need a downloader to get them.

Posted: Wed 03 Jan 2018, 01:59
by Mike Walsh
Geoffrey wrote: has popups with junks sites, need a downloader to get them.
Mmm..! I know what you mean, Geoff. That's exactly the kinda crap I've been running into for ages. And it's why I'm amazed by the ease with which you can download from this one. I mean, it works for me, here in the UK; I can't say what kinda connection quality, etc, you'll be getting over there in Oz.

I started d/l'ing from here day before yesterday, in 'Lucid'. Now, I'm a confirmed Chrome man, as you know by now; the only version of Chrome that'll run in Lucid is 26. No longer supported by Google, or the I can't sign-in, and hence I can't run my blocking extensions in it. To begin with, I was getting 'pop-up' links to all sorts of crap.....but at least it was easily dismissable. Get rid of the pop-up, restart the d/l link; Bob's yr uncle. Then yesterday, and today, I've been in Slacko 570; Iron 60; all my 'blockers' available.....the d/l just gets on with it.

I ain't complaining, mate! :lol:

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Wed 03 Jan 2018, 02:13
by Flash
Mike, I can't find Dr. Strangelove and I don't want to register with the website to do a proper search for it. :(

Posted: Wed 03 Jan 2018, 02:31
by Mike Walsh
I confess, Flash, that's not one I've looked for. If I do come across it (I wouldn't mind that myself, TBH), I'll let you have the link.

I don't really know quite what 'genre' that would come under. Sci-fi? Comedy? Black humour? Hard to say.

In the last 48 hours, I've downloaded over 30 movies, at an average of 700+ MB each. And I've not been asked to sign-in once.....but then, I have been performing all my searches the old-fashioned way; simply by repeated browsing. I haven't even attempted to use the 'Search' function. Haven't needed to; scroll a wee bit further down the page, and.....oh, my; summat else I'd like!

I've been like a kid in a candy store, I tell ya..... :D

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Wed 03 Jan 2018, 03:13
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Getting an old favorite: "A Boy and his Dog"

Posted: Wed 03 Jan 2018, 03:19
by musher0
Thanks for the URL, Mike Walsh.

I tried downloading one and I'm getting a speed of 56 Kb... 3 days for a 600 Mg
movie? Not!

There is a torrent link but it sends me to an ad site.

Life is difficult sometimes!!! Any ideas, anyone?

Posted: Wed 03 Jan 2018, 05:54
by bigpup
And you wonder how this guy gets access to your computer :evil: :twisted: :roll:
Could it be by offering you free movies :idea:

Posted: Wed 03 Jan 2018, 10:48
by Mike Walsh
Ooh, you are a skeptical old so-and-so, bigpup! :)

Always run the very newest Pup; always do things 'by the book'; never download anything you shouldn't.....c'mon, man; live a little!

Don't you ever take risks.....even little tiny ones? :D

Anyway, any malware hidden therein will like as not be expecting a Windows file-system. And if by any chance I should end up getting any 'nasties''s only a 10-minute job to perform a back-up.

I'm not too worried.....but, thanks for sounding that note of caution, anyway. It is appreciated. Especially on behalf of our 'newbies'.


Mike. :wink:

Posted: Wed 03 Jan 2018, 11:04
by Mike Walsh

You should find this link for Dr Strangelove is OK. I've just run a quick search; the site - ( looked a bit dodgy, but it has in fact led to an archive at we all know Ally's never had any real problems with that site.

Worth a try. I'll be investigating this one myself, a bit later on today. Thanks for reminding me about it; you might conceivably find some other stuff you like on there, too!

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Wed 03 Jan 2018, 11:23
by ally
there's a load of films, music and tv on the archive

it can be tricky to navigate but google will find a specific search easy enough

I had a page culled by the archive as a 'virus' laden file was included, rm -f

they caught it and destroyed the lot, annoyingly the file came from a forum member but that was a one off - they are pretty good at looking for naasties


Posted: Wed 03 Jan 2018, 11:25
by Geoffrey
Mike, I already looked at that strangelove the sound don't work, I sent flash a link to one that works, I guess I can post it here, just rename the file after it downloads to DR Strangelove.mp4 ... UzfRrzjDsw

Posted: Wed 03 Jan 2018, 11:33
by Mike Walsh
Morning, Geoff.

Ah! Thanks for that.....and apologies to Flash, in that case.

Which of those did you try? The .mp4 file, or the .ogv one? The .ogv ought to work fine, since it's a native Linux format...but then of course, it all depends on how the thing was transcoded before being uploaded.

Cheers, mate!


ally wrote:there's a load of films, music and tv on the archive

it can be tricky to navigate but google will find a specific search easy enough

I had a page culled by the archive as a 'virus' laden file was included, rm -f

they caught it and destroyed the lot, annoyingly the file came from a forum member but that was a one off - they are pretty good at looking for naasties
Thanks for the lowdown, mate. All 'grist for t'mill'.....and good to know. Cheers.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Wed 03 Jan 2018, 11:44
by Geoffrey
Mike Walsh wrote:
Which of those did you try? The .mp4 file, or the .ogv one?
Both, the sound cuts out at around 3 minutes 43 seconds in to it.

Posted: Wed 03 Jan 2018, 11:57
by Mike Walsh
Geoffrey wrote:
Mike Walsh wrote:
Which of those did you try? The .mp4 file, or the .ogv one?
Both, the sound cuts out at around 3 minutes 43 seconds in to it.
Huh. Sounds like a case of 'sod's law', doesn't it? Ah, well; it's not like there aren't other options available... :)

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Wed 03 Jan 2018, 13:28
by nic007 or

I'll accept cheques in the post. PS. This convinced me to buy an USB external drive for extra storage. :lol: Also - you can right-click on the download link and get the download link location which make it possible to download with superfast downloaders like DAP or perhaps Uget (which is a bit unstable for my liking) using Puppy.....I've downloaded almost 500 movies from this site. First I worked through the wiki list of Oscar winners and then did the imdb top 250. About one-third on average of the lists I've went through is available for download from this site (I skipped some very old black and white films). I'm sure these sites aren't going to be around forever so best to get one's copies sooner than later.

Posted: Wed 03 Jan 2018, 16:36
by Gordie
Thanks for the post Mike. I see speeds of approx. 55 MB/s so I just left the old desktop on all night bringing it in. A movie was waiting for me this morning

Posted: Wed 03 Jan 2018, 17:42
by Flash
Geoffrey, thanks for the Dr. Strangelove link. I downloaded it and it plays fine.

Posted: Thu 04 Jan 2018, 00:11
by cthisbear
Any Unit One in English.

I quite liked that show.


Posted: Thu 04 Jan 2018, 01:30
by Mike Walsh
Flash wrote:Geoffrey, thanks for the Dr. Strangelove link. I downloaded it and it plays fine.
Ditto here. Another classic 'gem' for the collection.

Thanks, Geoff!

Mike. :wink: