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Remmina-1.0.0 for the 5-series Slackos

Posted: Fri 29 Dec 2017, 01:58
by Mike Walsh
Evening, all.

For the past couple of weeks, we've been experiencing an 'outage' for the TeamViewer servers, here in the UK. I've investigated the extent of the problem, and it seems it runs all the way from Kent, in the south-east, right up to Durham, just south of the Scottish border. Initial reports dated from the middle of December.....and it appears this isn't the first time this has happened over the past few years.

I've been wanting to build a package for the new TeamViewer 13, which is the first Linux version to 'go native', and not rely on WINE any longer. But the website remains resolutely inaccessible, and my installed TeamViewer refuses to connect, and just says 'Not ready. Please check your connection....' with a red indicator instead of the expected green.

Very annoying..!

Anyway; I decided to have a scout around for alternatives, so I'd have something to fall back on.....just in case this ever happened again. I found a thread about Remmina, here on the Forum; the newest package being 0.9.3, from trapster's link at the end of this thread:-

I wanted to see if there was a newer variant available; there was, though I'm not at all certain just how current development is.


I've been spending quite a bit of time with the 5-series Slackos; 560 & 570. I found a package for Slackware 14 through - 1.0.0 - but it turned out to be a SlackBuild, which needed building via the Slackware package manager, using a SlackBuild 'recipe'.....and I've never really been certain just how these work, despite CatDude walking me through building the 'gimp-gap' video plugin for GIMP 2.8, from a SlackBuild 'recipe', nearly 3 years ago.

So I took the line of least resistance (for me!), and modified the 'Trusty' package for the Slackos. Despite the addition of nearly two dozen extra libs, and various other bits'n'bobs, the package is still less than 1 MB in size, and only 2 and a bit installed.


Okay, so it's nowhere near as pretty to look at as TeamViewer.....but I'm more interested in function than form, and this is a much more lightweight app, when it boils down to it. I haven't really done any experimentation with it yet, but a quick play around suggests that everything appears to be present & correct, and working as it should. I'm going to try this out over the next few days, and see if I can control the old Dell lappie from the big old Compaq desktop; if it'll do that, I may just drop TeamViewer for good.

(Yes, I know it says all the various distros are packaging it as 1.0.0, so your guess is as good as mine!)

For anyone who might be interested, you can find Remmina-1.0.0-s14.0-i686 here:- ...

If you decide to try it, feedback would be appreciated.


Mike. :wink:

Posted: Fri 29 Dec 2017, 15:02
by Mike Walsh
Just to let y'all know, this same package installs and runs fine in Tahr 606, Precise 571, and Upup Raring.

More tests to follow...

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sun 05 Aug 2018, 14:13
by Mike Walsh
Remmina 1.0.0-s14.0-i686 re-uploaded with the addition of several new plug-ins, from this site:-

An Italian Arch user, who has nevertheless produced several new plugins in the .deb format.....which is what I used. Amongst these is the ability for Remmina to open a remote TeamViewer session.....

Ve-e-ery useful.

Mike. :wink:

Remmina pet

Posted: Mon 08 Jul 2019, 02:10
by gabtech
I cant find the pet on mediafire

Posted: Mon 08 Jul 2019, 12:24
by Mike Walsh
@ gabtech:-

My bad. The file link seems to have got changed, somehow. It's still there.....

You should be able to find it here:- ...

(Ah. I remember, now. I re-uploaded it when I re-packaged it with the addition of the extra plugins.....and never updated the link. Sorry about that!)

Link in first post now updated

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Thu 11 Jul 2019, 23:19
by aqeelz


Posted: Fri 12 Jul 2019, 00:20
by gabtech
Thanks Mike.