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Unable to get wireless work eeePC 1005HA (Solved)

Posted: Fri 08 Dec 2017, 20:07
by jimcraven
Unable to get wireless to work on Asus eeePC 1005HA with Atheros AR9285 under Puppy Linux 7.5 (xenialpup) 32-bit

I have searched for ath9k, AR9285, and 1005HA in Puppy Linux Discussion Forum ( and have read through most of Xenialpup CE 7.5 ( with no luck in finding a solution to my specific problem. I have googled "ath9k xenial"

Asus eeePC 1005HA
Puppy Linux 7.5 (xenialpup), kernel 4.4.95
xenialpup-7.5-uefi.iso (32-bit) installed to 4GB flash drive

wired: works
wireless: does not work. wireless led is on.

Precise Puppy 5.7.1 wireless works
Tahr Puppy 6.0.2 wireless works
Xenial Puppy 7.5 wireless does not work
Lubuntu 16.04 LTS runs fine and installed without any modifications to get wireless to work.

Precise Puppy, Tahr Puppy, and Lubuntu all use the ath9k driver.

lspci shows the wired and wireless adapters:

Ethernet controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR8132 Fast Ethernet (rev c0)
Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)

lspci -nnk | grep -A2 0280 shows the wireless adapter:

Network Controller [0280]: Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) [168c:002b] (rev 01)
Subsystem: Azurewave AW-NE785 / AW-NE785H 802.11bgn Wireless Full or Half-size Mini PCIe Card [1a3b:1089]
(It does not say "Kernel driver in use")

I tried all three options in Network Connection Wizard.
1. Simple Network Setup
2. Frisbee
3. Puppy Network Wizard

1. Simple Network Setup

Interfaces shows only the wired interface. It does not show the wireless interface.

2. Frisbee

a. Under Wireless Networks, Enable Wireless is checked and Connect Wifi Automatically is checked. Nothing appears under scan results. Clicking Change Interface gets "No wireless interfaces found." Diagnostics returns "Not active" and "Device not found."

b. Network Interfaces shows only the wired interface. It does not show the wireless interface.

3. Puppy Network Wizard

a. Interfaces shows only the wired interface. It does not show the wireless interface.

b. "Load Modules" does not show ath9k. When I search for ath9k, it says ath9k not found in /lib/modules/4.4.95.

There is no directory named /lib/modules/4.4.95/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath

In my searching I found this statement, but no solution.
"You need wifi driver ath9k, which is missing from (32-bit) even though it is present in the 64-bit version. Ethernet driver ath5k is also missing."

Am I correct to say that I need the ath9k driver? If so, how do I install it? If not, what driver do I need?


Getting fw for Atheros card

Posted: Fri 08 Dec 2017, 22:26
by peterw
The firmware for wireless cards are in /lib/firmware and I have found that if you take them from one Distro and put them into a Distro that does not have the one you want and reboot it will work (in my experience). So look in Lubuntu or any of the Distros that work for you and give that a go. When I look in a Ubuntu I see a Directorty ath9k_htc and that would be one you can try.

Posted: Fri 08 Dec 2017, 22:36
by jimcraven

Thanks, I'll try copying from my Lubuntu install.

Based on the statement at the end of my first post, I put XenialPup 7.5 64-bit on a flash drive and booted it up on my 64-bit Thinkpad. Puppy Network Wizard does show ath9k in "Load Modules."

So ath9k is missing in XenialPup 7.5 32-bit, but present in XenialPup 7.5 64-bit.

There might be a way to copy it from XenialPup 7.5 64-bit to XenialPup 7.5 32-bit, if the Lubuntu approach does not work.


Posted: Sat 09 Dec 2017, 01:00
by jimcraven

/lib/firmware/ath9k_htc already exists in XenialPup 7.5 32-bit. It contains the same modules that are in both Lubuntu 16.04 32-bit and XenialPup 7.5 64-bit:


In spite of the firmware being present:

1. The wireless interface is not detected in XenialPup 7.5 32-bit.
2. Puppy Network Wizard "Load Modules" does not show ath9k in the list in XenialPup 7.5 32-bit.

Because Puppy Network Wizard "Load Modules" DOES show ath9k in the list in XenialPup 7.5 64-bit, there must be something more to it.

Thanks for the idea.

Wireless on eeepc

Posted: Sat 09 Dec 2017, 05:28
by Bird Dog
If you check page 32 (half way down) of the Xenialpup ce 7.5 thread you'll see rearwin talking about this problem.

Bird Dog

Wireless missing drivers

Posted: Sat 09 Dec 2017, 08:16
by peterw

Puzzling. Lets see what dmesg and ifconfig say. Paste these commands into a terminal and they will produce some files in /tmp that you can attach

ifconfig -a > /tmp/ifconfig.txt
dmesg > /tmp/dmesg.txt

Posted: Sat 09 Dec 2017, 12:41
by bigpup
Try installing this driver and rebooting. ... 425#555425

Posted: Sat 09 Dec 2017, 15:38
by jimcraven

Attached are the files you requested. "txt" was not a valid file extension for attachments, so I put them in a zip file. Let me know if you have any trouble getting to its contents.


Posted: Sat 09 Dec 2017, 15:39
by jimcraven
Bird Dog,

I saw the comment, but did not see a solution to the problem.


Posted: Sat 09 Dec 2017, 15:59
by jimcraven

I installed (successfully) and rebooted, but Puppy still does not see the wireless interface. If I understand the post you linked to, the firmware you had me install is for USB wifi devices. My device is PCI.

BTW. Speaking of USB wifi adapters, XenialPup 7.5 on my eeePC works fine with a Netgear WG111v3 wireless USB adapter (before I installed the firmware you suggested). But I'd rather use the internal adapter and not carry around the Netgear one.


Posted: Sat 09 Dec 2017, 16:43
by bigpup
I did not notice the pci.
All my stuff that needs this driver are USB devices.

missing wireless connection

Posted: Sat 09 Dec 2017, 20:19
by peterw

I have examined the files and that Puppy is not seeing the wireless card as it powers up and, therefore, does not load the firmware file. Can't say that I am an expert but it may be that when the kernel was compiled that ath feature was not selected. (When you compile the kernel you have 1000s of options to select from and it may have been missed). I have this issue with some Puppies and a touchpad.

I am not certain what to advise next. Hopefully, someone will know what to do.


Posted: Sat 09 Dec 2017, 21:08
by bigpup
You need the ath9k driver.
That is suppose to be for pci devices.

Desktop icon Quickpet program.
This has the extra firmware sfs to download and install.

See if that helps you.

Posted: Sat 09 Dec 2017, 21:19
by jimcraven

I think you are correct about the ath feature not being selected.

I'm not a Linux expert, but based on the config files in the boot directories I think I know why XenialPup 32-bit does not recognize my Atheros AR9285 wireless adapter. Support for my adapter was omitted.

XenialPup 32-bit is based on kernel 4.4.95 which apparently has support for the Atheros wired adapters, but no support for Atheros wireless adapters.

config-4.4.95 (XenialPup 32-bit )

# Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT.

# Linux/x86 4.4.95 Kernel Configuration


# CONFIG_64BIT is not set


2429 # CONFIG_ATH_CARDS is not set

XenialPup 64-bit is based on kernel 4.9.58 which apparently has support for both Atheros wired adapters and Atheros wireless adapters.

config-4.9.58 (XenialPup 64-bit)

# Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT.

# Linux/x86 4.9.58 Kernel Configuration






2626 # CONFIG_ATH_DEBUG is not set


2628 # CONFIG_ATH5K_DEBUG is not set








2636 # CONFIG_ATH9K_DEBUGFS is not set







2643 # CONFIG_ATH9K_HTC_DEBUGFS is not set


From the Dec 5, 2017, Softpedia article about the release of Puppy Linux 7.5:

"Puppy Linux 7.5 a.k.a. Xenialpup 7.5 comes one year after the Puppy Linux 6.3 "Slacko" release and ships with different kernels for each of the supported ISO images. For example, while the 32-bit image is using the Linux 4.4.95 LTS non-PAE kernel for better compatibility with older hardware, the 64-bit ISO uses Linux kernel 4.9.58 LTS." ... 8846.shtml

I'll try bigpup's suggestion to install the extrafirmware sfs. If what I need is not in there, I might need to wait for another release of XenialPup 32-bit with a new kernel.


Posted: Sat 09 Dec 2017, 22:08
by rerwin
Please post a request for ath9k in the "xenialpup CE 7.5" thread in "Puppy Projects" section of the forum. The developer has that driver and others but has not publicized them. He sent me a package but I don't want to "go around" him by resending it without his permission. Better that you ask him directly, in the thread or by PM.

Posted: Sun 10 Dec 2017, 11:26
by jimcraven

I posted a request for the ath9k driver in XenialPup 7.5 (32-bit). ... 747#976747

or ... &start=525 (page 36)


Posted: Sun 10 Dec 2017, 11:28
by jimcraven

I don't think "extra firmware sfs" is going to help because the ath9k firmware is already in zdrv_xenialpup_7.5.sfs (32-bit).

Quickpet > Useful > extra firmware sfs goes to this post.

From there you are directed to a place to download the latest linux_firmware_*.sfs and use it as an "adrv, ydrv or fdrv."

linux_firmware_20171123.sfs contains



But these two firmware files are already in zdrv_xenialpup_7.5.sfs (32-bit) which is automatically built in at boot. So I don't think the "extra firmware sfs" will solve my problem.

Looking at zdrv_xenialpup64_7.5.sfs (64-bit) shows that there are additional ath* files not found in zdrv_xenialpup_7.5.sfs (32-bit).





When I searched for "ath9k.ko" I found "Building a system with ath9k support" at ... nuxino_a13

Based on that article, I think there is more to getting my wireless adapter to work than adding the firmware.

Per rerwin, I'll be posting a request for ath9k in the "xenialpup CE 7.5" thread in "Puppy Projects" section of the forum. (see previous post)


Posted: Sun 10 Dec 2017, 13:34
by sheldonisaac
jimcraven (in part) wrote:Looking at zdrv_xenialpup64_7.5.sfs (64-bit) shows that there are additional ath* files not found in zdrv_xenialpup_7.5.sfs (32-bit).
jimcraven, your efforts made me look in my system.

I found

Code: Select all

ls -l /lib/modules/4.1.2-EmSee-32-pae/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/
total 22
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    32 Jul 15  2015 ar5523
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    58 Jul 15  2015 ath10k
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    31 Jul 15  2015 ath5k
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    80 Jul 15  2015 ath6kl
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    93 Jul 15  2015 ath9k
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 21781 Jul 15  2015 ath.ko
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    34 Jul 15  2015 carl9170
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    33 Jul 15  2015 wcn36xx
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    33 Jul 15  2015 wil6210
and in ath9k

Code: Select all

 ls -l /lib/modules/4.1.2-EmSee-32-pae/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k
total 596
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  24825 Jul 15  2015 ath9k_common.ko
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  63677 Jul 15  2015 ath9k_htc.ko
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 413009 Jul 15  2015 ath9k_hw.ko
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 108009 Jul 15  2015 ath9k.ko
This is in the xenial 7.0.6 by musher0
the 32 bit one.

Does this possibly offer any clue?

Oh, wireless does work on this Dell E6410 with the Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)

Does the difference in the computers (Dell Latitide vs Eeepc) have any bearing?

Posted: Sun 10 Dec 2017, 14:05
by jimcraven

I don't think the difference in computers makes any difference. I'm willing to bet that my wireless card, which is identical to yours, would work with xenial 7.0.6 by musher0. That version of xenial has the ath9k driver that is missing from xenial 7.5 32-bit.

If it were just missing files, I would learn how to create a *.sfs that would add the missing files at boot up. However, I think that the problem is more than missing files. See "Building a system with ath9k support" in an earlier post.


Posted: Sun 10 Dec 2017, 14:18
by 666philb
hi jimcraven,

unfortunately the atheros drivers are missing from the 32bit build of xenialpup, so i've now uploaded a .pet of the missing drivers to the repository.

they are available here

once installed try connecting to the internet. if that fails try rebooting.
let me know how you get on.