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Project Planning Software as a .pet

Posted: Sat 29 Jul 2017, 15:53
by LeithR
I'm running Slacko 5.9.3 or 6.3 and was wondering if there is a Project Management/Planning tool available? I see there is a libreproject package but will it work on Slacko?

Any help/comments appreciated.

Project Software - projectlibre1.7.0-1.rpm

Posted: Tue 01 Aug 2017, 14:48
by LeithR
I've come across a copy of project libre, it has a .rpm extension. I'm not much beyond a nubie at the intricacies of Puppy, I'm using Slacko 5.9 and 6.3 on different machines.
Can I load a .rpm file onto my machine without problem or are there issues to consider please?

Posted: Wed 02 Aug 2017, 09:26
by BarryK
Many pups come with Planner.

If your pup doesn't have it, the are PETs around the place, for example:

64-bit: ...

32-bit: ...

Or you can compile it: ... .6.tar.bz2

Posted: Wed 02 Aug 2017, 10:30
by disciple
Projectlibre is good though, so don't give up on it if Planner isn't enough.
I think people typically install from a debian package, but I don't think there's really any reason not to try an rpm.

Posted: Wed 02 Aug 2017, 13:28
by LeithR
Many thanks to you Barry and disciple,
I've downloaded planner, I think it will work for our simple needs - Project Tracking in our local Men's Shed.
I'll keep Projectlibre in mind.

Planning software

Posted: Wed 13 Sep 2017, 11:31
by Volhout

If you run into limitations or want to explore another option, I can make you a PET or SFS of "ganttproject-2.7-r1864".

This a Java based simplified clone of Microsoft Office Project.

Just PM me.

