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How to show a calendar in the terminal

Posted: Mon 15 May 2017, 18:49
by labbe5
You don't need an app to have a calendar available to you. If you have access to a terminal, just type 'cal'.

You want to have all months showed in a terminal window? Just type 'cal 2017'

Posted: Wed 17 May 2017, 15:49
by tallboy
I use cal all the time with the option -w to see the week numbers at the uni PCs, see man cal(1) for a list of all the options. :D
But, my home Puppy uses Busybox, and that severely limits the choices : cal [-jy] [[MONTH] YEAR] :(

We unfortunately tend to forget all the wonderful little Linux programs which are available through the terminal window, you do a nice job by bringing them back, labbe5! :D
