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Anyone running newer puppies on Panasonic CF28 Toughbook?

Posted: Sat 14 Jan 2017, 22:00
by Hari
Hi Folks

First post for me here in puppyville.

I've been playing around with X-tahr2.0 on my old CF28 (P3, 800mhz, 512M ram, i830M). Just curious what xorg.conf "tweaks" others have made for the ancient 830 gpu.


Suggest you try DebianDog Jessie

Posted: Sun 15 Jan 2017, 00:27
by mikeslr
Hi Hari,

With only 516 RAM, the CF28 is at the minimum required limit of a Tahrpup. May I suggest that you try DebianDog Jessie (continued), ... 498#928498, which will boot to desktop using slightly more than 100 Mbs of RAM, leaving you with over 400 Mbs of RAM for actual work.

An alternative is Lupu whose minimum RAM rq'mt is said to be 256 but 384 is the official minimum. ... 518#739518. Lupu, however, can not run recent Chrome or its clones.

On all, I'd recommend that you use Menu>System>Gparted to create a swap-partition of at least 1 Gb. When your actual RAM is close to being filled, Puppy will shift files in and out of a Swap partition as needed.

Don't know squat about tweaking xorg.


Posted: Sun 15 Jan 2017, 00:58
by Hari
Hi Mike

Thanks for the reply.

I've already done a strip/remaster on x-tahr and its only using about 90 mb(ram+cache) at idle. Works quite well actually...just searching for the best setup for the poor graphics hardware.

I have a few of the older pups as well (431, 5.2.8, 5.5 Wary) and they work fantastic with the older xvesa drivers. I've had tahr running the intel, modesetting and vesa drivers, but the display is nowhere as sharp as it is running older pups with 2.x.x series kernals.

Funny you mention DD, I was just doing some research on them and will probably give DD wheezy or jesse a try.


edit: forgot to mention, yes, my swap partition is set at 1024...never uses it though. If the cache starts getting too high I just zap it with the old # sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches ...:-)

Posted: Sun 15 Jan 2017, 03:24
by bigpup
I've had tahr running the intel, modesetting and vesa drivers, but the display is nowhere as sharp as it is running older pups with 2.x.x series kernals.
Can try settings here:
menu->Desktop->JWMDesk Manager->Screen Font->Appearance

Posted: Sun 15 Jan 2017, 17:17
by Hari
Hi Bigpup

Thanks for the suggestion.

Sadly, I've had to abandon x-tahr for the old toughbook. Stripped down, it runs great, but once I start adding back applications she bogs pretty bad. If I listen real close I can almost here the old P3 crying as it tries to keep

Tahr/X-Tahr really are great pups...just too much for something this old. Gonna try DD, but will probably end up sticking to the updated 5.2.8.

Thanks to everyone who works to bring these pups to life and keep them up.


Posted: Sun 13 Aug 2017, 10:02
by mistfire
You can try X-Slacko Slim