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TeamViewer packages for Puppy.....

Posted: Fri 09 Dec 2016, 19:14
by Mike Walsh
TeamViewer 12

Evening, everybody.

I got my inspiration for this from cimarron's post, here:-

When I first started with Puppy properly, with the release of Tahr 6.0 in November '14, for a long time I was using the version in the repos (version 9). I tried 2 or 3 different versions of 10, but none seemed to want to work. (From reading several other threads on the Forum during early 2015, it seemed other people were having problems with version 10, too). Reading cimarron's post, I saw he'd used the tar.xz package from the TeamViewer website, and essentially repackaged it for Puppy.

Since I'm doing quite a bit of this kind of thing nowadays, and having used cimarron's TV 11 for the last few weeks, I thought I'd have a go at the newest version. I use this at times with a friend in Knoxville, Tennesee, and fancied being up-to-date for a change.

I'm quite sure I'm not the only Puppian who uses TeamViewer. Cimarron's been noticeable by his absence for several months; if he'd been around, I'm quite sure his package would have been updated. Since he's not here, I thought I'd carry on the good work!

So; for anybody who wants it, here's an SFS package for the current version, 12.0.71510. I've tested it so far in Slacko 570 and Tahrpup; it seems perfectly stable. ... TeamViewer

I'd be happy for other folks to give this a try. Let me have your feedback, please.


Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2016, 12:49
by Mike Walsh
Morning, all.

I've discovered, through experimentation, that this package appears to run fine in the 64-bit Pups, too. I've just tried it out in Slacko 64; I'll try it out in Tahr 64 a bit later on today.

Nice one. Yess!!

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2016, 18:56
by spiritwild
Thanks. Took me a few tries to get the right version of 11 to work right in Tahr. I was playing around with ubuntu the other day and that's when I noticed teamviewer had upgraded. Or at least that's when I noticed 12

Any drastic changes from 11 to note? .

Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2016, 19:23
by tlchost tahr 605 32 bit can communicate with all the updated windows machines here and at the museum.

Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2016, 20:13
by Mike Walsh
spiritwild wrote:Thanks. Took me a few tries to get the right version of 11 to work right in Tahr. I was playing around with ubuntu the other day and that's when I noticed teamviewer had upgraded. Or at least that's when I noticed 12

Any drastic changes from 11 to note? .
Apparently, there's a whole bunch of changes in version 12.....if you're on the premium, paid version. And using Windows.....of course..!

No, I'm afraid we have to make do with the free version. Which is not such a hardship, given that it's damn near as capable as the paid one; the majority of changes on the Windows version are of cosmetic, or 'bling' origin. Not really functional changes at all.....merely 'user-friendly' ones.

I've used the free version for years, and been able to help quite a few folks with remote trouble-shooting. I've always liked the fact of being able to chat while doing so. It's always performed flawlessly; it's definitely reliable, that's for sure.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2016, 20:34
by tlchost
Mike Walsh wrote:
Apparently, there's a whole bunch of changes in version 12.....if you're on the premium, paid version. And using Windows.....of course..!
but, once you upgrade any of your systems to 12, you may not be able to communicate with systems using 11. And running the sfs version may not allow you to have unattended operation.

And so, Mrs. Lincoln, How was the play?

Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2016, 20:44
by Mike Walsh
tlchost tahr 605 32 bit can communicate with all the updated windows machines here and at the museum.
Glad to be of service, young man!

According to the TeamViewer blog, the majority of the changes from version 11 are mostly security-related; updated libraries, and so forth. To my mind, more useful than the 'bling' I mentioned above!

The WINE implementation appears to have had a fair bit of attention paid to it, as well. As I said in the first post, when I originally started with Tahr 6.05, a couple of years ago, I was using version 9, from Phil's Tahrpup repo. I attempted to upgrade to version 10 a couple of times, but the TV WINE always seemed to conflict with my own version of WINE, that I use for a few much-used & familiar Windows apps. This version, and indeed cimarron's TV 11, both run well, throwing up no errors that I've come across yet.
tlchost wrote:...but, once you upgrade any of your systems to 12, you may not be able to communicate with systems using 11. And running the sfs version may not allow you to have unattended operation.
As I understand it, you can run a remote session on another machine using an older version.....but not the other way round.

That's an interesting point you've raised about the SFS, and the 'Unattended Operation' feature. I'm wondering now whether packaging it as a .pet would get around that,, of course it wouldn't. Because TeamViewer's big 'selling' point for the free version is that you don't have to install it. As I understand things, you can run the paid version the same way....they do have the option to fully install.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2016, 21:40
by tlchost
Mike Walsh wrote:
tlchost wrote:...but, once you upgrade any of your systems to 12, you may not be able to communicate with systems using 11. And running the sfs version may not allow you to have unattended operation.
As I understand it, you can run a remote session on another machine using an older version.....but not the other way round.
i forget which that ive updated all the systems i maintain, i'm loath to "go back" and test
That's an interesting point you've raised about the SFS, and the 'Unattended Operation' feature. I'm wondering now whether packaging it as a .pet would get around that,, of course it wouldn't. Because TeamViewer's big 'selling' point for the free version is that you don't have to install it. As I understand things, you can run the paid version the same way....they do have the option to fully install.
the windows version if you're going to use it as personal or the personal(free) mode you can set it up for unattended operation.

if you want to make a pet version, i'll be happy to experiment with it being "installed" and try the unattended operation...that would be ideal if you're in a helper role with another puppy user.

Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2016, 22:20
by Mike Walsh
Fair enough. Leave it with me, and I'll put a .pet together, then you can try it out if you want.

I rather suspect that the coding that allows it to perform unattended operations is specific to the Windows version (no big surprise there)....but we can certainly give it a try. Can't hurt..!

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2016, 23:13
by Mike Walsh
Hi, tlchost.

Here you go; a .pet of TeamViewer 12. ...

When you try this out, be warned. I've found that the SFS version doesn't always seem to completely unload all the directories'n'stuff, so you'll need to check that


/usr/share/applications/teamviewer.desktop and

have all gone, before you install. I know a .pet will overwrite identically-named files, etc, but I always like to start with a clean slate. It might interfere with the required 'full' install of the package, since I understand from musher0's recent thread in the 'How-to' section that an SFS is only 'layered' over the top of the file-system, in such a way that Puppy thinks it's 'installed':- ... 270#935270

Let us know what happens, please.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Mon 12 Dec 2016, 04:33
by nilsonmorales
Hi, im wonder how enable the unnatended access in tv12 running in frugal install, because the main window showme 'to config the unnatended access you will need install teamviewer before'
I just download the tar from the main page and run directly in the directory.
tnx in advance.

Posted: Mon 12 Dec 2016, 12:10
by tlchost
Mike Walsh wrote:Hi, tlchost.

Here you go; a .pet of TeamViewer 12.
Let us know what happens, please.
Well, it installed on a fresh version of tahr....and gave the same message about must be installed for unattended to work.

Tried installing the deb version on a clean tahr....but teamviewer complained about permissions, etc....and being as technical as a door knob. I retired from the field of combat.

Perhaps some linux-wise person can check out insalling it from the deb or the tar files and advise.

Posted: Mon 12 Dec 2016, 15:51
by TeX Dog
Lots of ideas like this on current Raspberry Pi Threads, this sounds like a multi platform clean solution, does it have a Pi version?
[FOUND] ... _armhf.deb

its only host, what does that imply?

Posted: Mon 12 Dec 2016, 16:45
by tlchost
TeX Dog wrote: ... _armhf.deb

its only host, what does that imply?
beats me...but the current version 1s 12, so 11 is useless if any of your systems run 12.

if anyone gets it work...they might contact teamviewer and have the install instructions included here ... rPlatforms

Posted: Mon 12 Dec 2016, 17:08
by TeX Dog
I haven't known about this before seeing 'hot topic' like activities over the past few days, so I wandered over to find out whats it was all about. I can tell you if any team-viewer is installed its years old.

Posted: Mon 12 Dec 2016, 17:58
by TeX Dog
Think I know what host only mode is based on reading, You can run/view on Windows laptop on the move your at home Raspberry but will be unable to run/view Windows machine remotely within Raspberry.
That is what I wanted, and it can be local LAN only which is how I want it, FOR NOW. :wink: only 8m sweet.
Now for the other FatDog64 supported???

Posted: Mon 12 Dec 2016, 17:59
by Mike Walsh
tlchost wrote:Tried installing the deb version on a clean tahr....but teamviewer complained about permissions, etc....and being as technical as a door knob. I retired from the field of combat.
You do yourself an injustice, man..! :lol:

I believe this is down to the way that the free version has been coded, personally. I have been able to run an unattended machine with leaving the target machine running, with TV set to start; then using the ID & password from the other end, and initiating the connection that way. But I don't think that's quite what's meant by unattended operation, somehow.....

Mike. :lol:

Posted: Mon 12 Dec 2016, 21:34
by tlchost
Mike Walsh wrote:@tlchost:-
tlchost wrote:Tried installing the deb version on a clean tahr....but teamviewer complained about permissions, etc....and being as technical as a door knob. I retired from the field of combat.
You do yourself an injustice, man..! :lol:
na...when trouble shooting I always suspect myself first, my hardware second and my software third. Only when I have eliminated me and mine as the culprit do I look at external causes.
I believe this is down to the way that the free version has been coded,
With the windows version, which is both free and tell it what mode to use...and in either persoanl or commercial mode it works just fine in unattended mode.
personally. I have been able to run an unattended machine with leaving the target machine running, with TV set to start; then using the ID & password from the other end, and initiating the connection that way. But I don't think that's quite what's meant by unattended operation, somehow.....
You're correct....the unattended mode means that teamviewer starts when the system you can literally crawl into the computer, and remote the remote machine....on your end, teamviewer asks if you want to reconnect to the remote system...and when it does boot're right back in controlling it.

I'm pretty sure if I could have gotten the deb version to work, there would have been a screen that allowed me to set up unattended access.

Of course one could be a real heretic and either read the docs, or post a question in whatever forum might exist for Teamviewer....but that would take all the fun out of it, since it might be then an application that "works out of the box".

At this point I have 6 or so computers set up for unattended remote one of the kids calls, or the son-in-law, or my cousin, etc I can crawl into their system. look around and make an effort to break it even more than they have...and when I've really screwed it up...I can either reboot it remotely, or ask them to...and lo and behold, if I have not managed to format the hard drive, I can crawl in and play computer wizard again.

there's another very nice remote control app that is free for both personal and business use....but it's windows based and I have yet to try it under wine.

I'll give it a stab and let ya know if it works

Posted: Mon 12 Dec 2016, 21:58
by Mike Walsh
tlchost wrote:there's another very nice remote control app that is free for both personal and business use....but it's windows based and I have yet to try it under wine.

I'll give it a stab and let ya know if it works.
Mm, please do!

When I say it's probably a case of the way of the way it's coded, you must remember that what we have is the Windows app, albeit wrapped up in a WINE package to make it work under Linux. The problem may well lie in WINE itself (for the Linux version); I strongly suspect there's something in the implementation that simply is not allowing something, somewhere to do what it should.

Remember, WINE is somewhat 'hit & miss' at the best of times...

Question: am I right in thinking, then, that TeamViewer uses something like an SSH connection, which then triggers the 'Wake on LAN' function that Windows normally comes with? Probably a very poor guess at what actually happens, I admit... :lol:

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Tue 13 Dec 2016, 01:20
by tlchost
Mike Walsh wrote:@tlchost:-
tlchost wrote:there's another very nice remote control app that is free for both personal and business use....but it's windows based and I have yet to try it under wine.

I'll give it a stab and let ya know if it works.
Mm, please do!
It did not work under wine...and WinHQ says the application is garbage rated, but they also rate Teamviewer 12 garbage,

Since I use both of them with no problems whatsoever under windows, I rate the wineHQ rating as garbage.

And now the classical dilema....if I value my time at anything greater than one cent per hour, how long will I flog the horse trying to get an app to work correctly in Puppy?

Hopefully this post will not be deleted as the one in the Puppy Newsletter thread was....the censorship in this forum is very, very tiresome.